The PROBLEM With Nespresso Coffee Pods

The PROBLEM With Nespresso Coffee Pods

Future Proof

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@Rockthedice - 02.02.2024 23:24

I received a Nespresso as a gift, due to me having some friends who are the doorman types people I can tell you it makes a very serviceable cup of coffee however I dont use it that often because the cost per cup is to high. I normally break it out for holidays.

@jamesmckay4573 - 29.01.2024 21:11

why is it not the consumers job to recycle the products that they use?

@Lambda_Ovine - 27.01.2024 07:52

yeah, people should just use the good old fashion paper filter drip coffee maker. The reason why people have gone away from it is because they leave the hot plate on after it brew, which cooks the coffee and changes it's flavor profile, but just turn it off and you'll have your coffee fine

@arolon9173 - 26.01.2024 20:23

Yeah, so much for having the consumer take personal responsibility for their purchases. At least the company provides the opportunity to recycle. It also makes me laugh how hard the buffoon goes against capitalisms while encouraging you to sign up for their sponsors that, say it with me, pays them to make these videos so them can make a profit. Virtue signaling in its highest form.

@EinfachFredhaftGaming - 26.01.2024 18:36

I don't understand the concept. It's not even a time safe compared to just pouring a spoon of coffee grounds into a regular mashine

@zaco-km3su - 26.01.2024 16:06

The moment everyone started getting Nespresso machines the rich stopped buying them.

@Tall_Order - 25.01.2024 22:11

I'm one of those old fashioned people who buys their coffee whole bean and grinds it and uses a traditional coffee maker. I've watched as the world got lazier and lazier, inventing new ways to wait less and do less. Meanwhile I'm sipping my coffee like a based chad.

@ANTREU96 - 23.01.2024 20:24

You know whats better than recycling pods? Not having pods and just using a super cheap moka machine

@DanmorII - 23.01.2024 17:43

The "Masterworks"-add feels kinda of for this channel.

@oldguydave7355 - 21.01.2024 23:11

Attitude, sarcasm, 100%. I love this channel.

@Supershot156742 - 21.01.2024 04:00

I got myself a Moka Pot, one of the original ones from Italy. No filter, no sediment, and an espresso like taste. It's not even that difficult to use, you just need a little bit of time (3min for okay cup, 7 for really good).

@Kirakirakira96 - 19.01.2024 11:38

I just bought a traditional espresso machine at the beginning of the year! Mostly because I wanted to save money, I drink a latte every single day. Now I’m realizing how wasteful the entire process of ordering coffee at a coffee shop is 😵‍💫 all the cups and lids I’ve disposed of over the years

@r.b.8061 - 19.01.2024 03:08

Never such a stupid thing !

@user-bv7ib4vs2i - 14.01.2024 05:15

I could care less about the sustainability-enviro crap/scam. Nespresso Vertuo is a piece of junk. After a replacement machine--which broke within a year, to replace my original which broke within a year---and their now required video troubleshooting to help repair or replace a defective machine---I'm done with their machines and wasting my money.

@Giddzy - 12.01.2024 15:49

America doesn't have enough pixies in their AC outlets to have proper coffee machines.... hence why mud tasting drip coffee is the majority of coffee in America.

@keblee2443 - 10.01.2024 19:28

Why dont you guys actually do a video about landfills? Its constantly set as this example of the worst way to handle trash… what makes you so sure about that? Have you ever actually DONE any research into it or do you just assume dump=bad and left it at that? Because spoiler alert… its a whole system that is far more thought out than you would have ever realized. And no… please dont just do your research from the most fear mongering sources out there. Do some balanced research… dont just search out for the answer youre looking for….

@attraversiamo1988 - 10.01.2024 03:07

This guy clearly is anti capitalism lol. But… he sure has a lot of nice things that he owns, just watching his vids.

Yeah Nestle is a big brand. Yeah, big brands take a heavy hit. But… someone has to be the bad guy right? It just so happens that this ‘bad guy’ is also producing things that we take for granted and that we do use on a daily basis.

Tell me I’m wrong.

So, just cool it on the whole ‘SOMETHING IS WRONG WITH NESPRESSO’ ☠️☠️

@laurenwallace4919 - 10.01.2024 00:58

yup nestles is gross and I fell for the recycle crap,

@jeowf - 09.01.2024 02:11

I hate it when you put yourself down :( when you're like "this dumb idiot"

@croatian_menace - 07.01.2024 20:53

Your attempts of funny are soo cringey...

@bmcginnis6543 - 06.01.2024 21:17

You're a clown if you think the world is still recycling. They burn half that crap now and bury it in the landfills. I watch my trash company pick it up in the trash truck all the time. Nobody wants to buy recycled plastic anymore. It's cheaper to buy new.

@llomellamomario - 06.01.2024 17:07

As much as it is true, what it is undeniable is the fact that it is way easier to use them, and the cost, while higher overall, it is not an upfront cost, which actually matter to a lot of people. I cannot go out and spend 300+ euros on a expresso machine plus whatever accessories needed. And the amount of time I spend preparing my moka pot is not low by any means, considering it has to heat up and everything (especially if that means extra 10-15 mins on my bed every day, an actual lot). Dripping coffee machines tastes horrible. So, what options does leave people with?

Unfortunately, only Nespresso. If you go with a Nespresso plan, you get the pods and the machine for as little as 20 euros a month for a single person, 1 morning cup. Which, 20 bucks, while not cheap, is not absolutely ludicrous that can be complimented with generic ones. If you buy third party coffee maker, you have them as little as 40 euros. An extremely low barrier of entry that respects your prep time. Bad for the environment? Hell yes, but they are stupid convenient, and I don't get neither the free time to spend on using the low cost options, nor paid nearly enough to have a proper setup with low prep time. Nespresso fits extremely well in that middle spot, low entry barrier, as well as low prep time for an average/decent cup, which, coincidentally is the place a lot of potential customers sits.

@Liam1694u - 05.01.2024 23:10

I don't use either, but FYI, Nespresso capsules actually predate the Keurig machine by well over a decade. Keurig's patent running out had nothing to do with Nespresso coming to the market. They dominated the European and Asian markets long before Keurig even existed. There was just no major push to come into the US, because our taste and preferences for coffee is different than a lot of the rest of the world.

@rgruenhaus - 04.01.2024 18:16

Why not make a pod I can compost?

@jozefsnopek352 - 04.01.2024 16:02

They give you the bags for free, (in Switzerland) they pick it up at your address from your mailbox, all you need to do is to bring the bag to your mailbox. If you still don't recycle it, you are an id*ot. For the molding issue - just don't empty the capsule tray right after you made coffee and it will be mostly dry when you get to it later.

@jefferyjones8399 - 04.01.2024 09:40

I use the reusable coffee filter for my Keurig.

@bhartley1024 - 03.01.2024 11:55

A product that never needed to exist

@xpatsteve - 03.01.2024 01:22

Lazy consumers who can't be bothered to recycle, reduce, or reuse, no matter how easy the manufacturer tries to make it, are the problem! Simple as that.

@Lessenjr - 01.01.2024 23:30

Bought my wife a nespresso vertuo machine for christmas to "upgrade" from our Keurig. The coffee selection isnt very good as i really dislike Starbucks and its either that or nespresso branded coffee right now. However, we purchased some aluminum lids to reuse the lower pods with our own grind selection. Since we are both fans of the coffee at a local Cleveland cafe (Hecks), were starting to make our oen Hecks Vertuo pods and the cup it makes is lightyears better than what the Keurig can make with the same grounds. Also, its not at all difficult to get the proportion proper as the presenter here insinuates. Its not rocket science man.

@papercut1987 - 01.01.2024 07:00

save up and get an automatic espresso machine. Bean to Cup

@zakeller - 01.01.2024 04:30

I guess I was in the extreme minority when I owned and used a Nespresso machine regularly for three years. I know for a fact that every single pod that went through that machine went back to be recycled and composted. It really was easy. Anymore, I have a dedicated semiautomatic set up with a decent burr grinder: way cheaper per cup and better quality once you get over the sticker shock of the start up cost.

@johnathandoe7079 - 31.12.2023 11:47

Every time is a weird time to be alive

@willemvanbiljon6389 - 30.12.2023 21:06

Nespresso's biggest problem is that it taste's like sh!t

@mappu7612 - 30.12.2023 20:42

this was good..

@zaph1rax - 30.12.2023 19:46

I recycle 100% of my Nespresso pods. It's not that hard. It's just another bag next to my other waste.

@CraigieBee - 30.12.2023 08:50

Get an espresso machine people! Re-useable pods are sh*t. Buy the real thing, also per cup its way cheaper. Just buy your roasted beans from a roaster, between 7 and 21 days (Not the freeze dried sh*t from the supermarket).. Better than pod coffee. Oh and get a good grinder.

@CraigieBee - 30.12.2023 08:45

I've Subscribed...So, am I responsible to recycle anything I get from it?

@nickbrown3981 - 30.12.2023 02:26

If you are a consumer who buys something recyclable and you have easy access to Recycle it and you don’t that just means your lazy and a terrible person IMO. Now we just need batteries to be easily recyclable like this!

@Inesophet - 30.12.2023 01:25

I am honestly quite satisfied with my Pod machine. I dont drink much coffee, perhaps 2 cups a day. But my mr coffee style of machine was getting expensive and wasteful as i often used too much coffee and often had leftovers i had to throw out. WIth the podmachine i spent considerably less on coffee.

@elidumas363 - 29.12.2023 21:09

I'm still using my good old french press to make my daily coffee. I grind my beans and drink it black: no milk, no sugar, only dark goodness. I also keep a list of the coffee I like the most. At the top of the list: Zambia, Uganda, Sumatra and Ethiopia.

@eccomi21 - 29.12.2023 14:26

Putting James Hoffman clip in this video in the context of people rushing to buy is such a misplacement. Because in the video the clip is from he shows why they are not even good. Everything is cereal

@eccomi21 - 29.12.2023 14:24

I own an espresso machine and for 20x the time make 50x better coffee. Fuck pods. Fuck capsules. At work I use coffeeB and that works wonderfully

@JayTee2985 - 29.12.2023 09:01

Switched to Nepresso 5 years ago and never drank coffee from Kurig again 😂😂😂

@pegz.3959 - 29.12.2023 01:27

Get your own d**n espresso machine and make your own. It takes a bit of effort/time to get your grind right for your machine but buck up and do it and quit dumping kuerig/nespresso pods in the trash to help overfill landfill holes that are taking over the planet!!!! I'm not even a crazy earth/environmental conservation type but I know when I need to do my part.......just do it.

@aboalardat - 28.12.2023 16:08

Nespresso tastes great , period! Each one of us should do his/her part in recycling! Enough with this drama
