Client Side Rendering vs Server Side - which is Best?

Client Side Rendering vs Server Side - which is Best?

Stefan Mischook

5 лет назад

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@pjf7044 - 23.11.2022 03:14

How does cache work? Is it just an image of data that has been fetched prior

@emonymph6911 - 14.01.2022 13:12

What are the cost differences between CSR SSR SSG!? Is client side rendering cheaper for your AWS to run? What if you use your own PostgreSQL database is it still cheaper? And by how much!?

@invictuz4803 - 14.06.2021 19:51

The video quality is top notch AAA grade. I thought I was watching the newest James Bond film.

@brianlaudrupchannel - 16.04.2021 20:08

Your going to call the server anyway, so is the difference that the server returns the HTML is server side rendering, and front end rendering is when the server will return data (json, xml) and the JS will update the html?

@joeyalfaro2323 - 11.04.2021 20:28

My advice to anyone learning anything get gel and paper write down every word or steps you don't understand and dig. Dig for information at your leisure. I watch video first then watch and pause then take notes. Research learning is eazy if you enjoy speaker.

@1974rachavez - 08.04.2021 18:36

The video looks really good, and the sound is amazing. Lastly, the information conveyed on your video is very helpful, thank you!

@lindascoon4652 - 04.04.2021 15:56

I am confused about something. Where does ajax fit into client side rendering? I've just heard alot of mention of ajax when people are talking about client side rendering.

@charliebarker6767 - 04.02.2021 17:50

Great to hear your thoughts on this.
When we are wondering what browsers our end users are using then we look at google analytics there are many other tools that can help.
In our team we make extensive use of Vue.js and client side rendering. We know our end users have sufficiently modern/powerful computers and browsers and it allows us to create a better user experience mainly because the UI responds more quickly. We are building reasonably complex applications for business experts so UX is important to us.
100% agree about starting with the database for performance optimisation at design time or when you are tuning production. It's normally where the bottlenecks occur

@cynthia7000 - 05.01.2021 19:18

Super video! I applauded for $2.00 👏

@brianlaudrupchannel - 21.11.2020 20:21

Server side all the way!!

@AlazTetik - 16.10.2020 23:07

Great vlog again! You talk about databases not so much. I think you should share your key experince on how to design and choose a db-system in a broader view.

@seiferkinsdale1097 - 07.10.2020 08:41

Thank you Nicolas Cage.

@Md.NajmulHasan-xo9qh - 28.09.2020 13:07

dum dum you concept what actually you want to say. 👕

@JonathanLoganClark - 04.09.2020 23:16

Yes Stefan, the video is coming through as 4K in Chrome. Some other browsers do not pay for the codec licensing and only display the video as 1080p (1K) though.

@rhettherring4846 - 31.07.2020 15:05

As a user I'm not a fan of SPAs in most cases.

@talehfeyzulla6435 - 16.07.2020 13:15

Thank you Stefan for the very very useful videos. I wonder which type of language (client side or server side) would be better to create a web platform for online tutoring?

@YoungGrizzly - 08.07.2020 15:00

I'm not a fan of server side rendering because I prefer that to be the place where data processing happens. Let the user/client system do all the view generation. Not the best for low bandwidth but my focus is on the data storage, retrieval, and manipulation.

@gabrielsoloman5000 - 02.06.2020 22:27

nice discussion, thanks for bringing this in such a wide angle

@ToxicPlays - 17.04.2020 19:50

Client side: gay
Server side: B) hacc time

@harshilparmar9076 - 27.03.2020 13:58

Sir, please make a video on how to choose the technology stack.Thanks

@sevdalink6676 - 08.02.2020 00:13

Is it a big problem to build a web app in the classic way, and later, if it becomes successful to change it to REST or GraphQL architecture? (I am a beginner and do not know should I start my app or learn REST architecture and do it then)

@sharingon47447 - 05.02.2020 02:50

Video is definitely a lot cleaner. Appreciate the content and was wondering abiut server side rendering for my own site.

@zinaright - 23.01.2020 02:03

In my opinion, for apps with sensitive data access, the less info you push to the client the better. Most heavy lifting ought to be on the server side

@sotacan - 08.12.2019 22:49

yea iv confirmed you dont know whats happening in modern web dev and are targeting keywords. lol, god you are misguiding people and it needs to STOP! I mean your experience is valid, from like a decade ago man, php/templating langs do of course do some server-side pre-processing. but yea server RENDERING today is a term used to describe recent trends in having your react/angular js which really represents html through their virtual doms, rendered into html/css on the server. So in Node.js since its already JS I can basically have the server pre-render common/static react,angular,ember js snippets.

This means the client can render html immediately before even getting to the js interpretation unlike a standard react website. Ehm this will load something (FCP) visible faster but of course, will not improve time to interact (TTI) since you will need your JS event handlers. The modern approach is to use JS code splitting and stream the JS in prioritized chunks to the client. Eh, this is called progressive hydration and why this entire topic and the keywords are popular in recent years. My favorite library is Next.js for this personally but others exist.

@venom_lowrider - 16.04.2019 19:58

Thanks for the explanation! Video quality is great - very clear and sharp!

@bryku - 12.03.2019 22:42

Good quality video, but I like these little topics where you start rambling.

@davidbasil2727 - 06.03.2019 19:17

By the way, there is no such thing as a server-side rendering. Whether its a json or html, its always client's browser that does the rendering.

@justincook8473 - 05.03.2019 20:12

Video quality is great!

@hleet - 05.03.2019 03:28

too complicate explanation. Pictures tell thousands words

@busyrand - 04.03.2019 23:31

I'd love a deep dive into the subject like you mentioned. Fantastic video. I noticed the quality difference. Smooth transition to various depths of field.

@jakobnilsson4704 - 04.03.2019 22:56

Already confident with python but id like to complement with php for web. Do you guys think I should try his course or just stick to free yt videos?

@davidbasil2727 - 04.03.2019 22:29

I had this question in my head for almost 2 years and still can't find a proper answer.

@openedmind3704 - 04.03.2019 22:03

What about JAMstack and so on?

@MrPDTaylor - 04.03.2019 21:52

Thanks so much Stefan!
As usual your videos give so much daily motivation!

@chronotriggerfan - 04.03.2019 20:50

As usual, a very reasoned approach, Stefan - client-side rendering is useful but should be applied in moderation as opposed to the "default" architecture.

One thing many people ignore is how difficult it is to get started in building a full-fledged app. So many suggest starting with JS not for the sake of the programmer, but the job market. There's already so much to learn as a beginner, from the framework, language, database, etc. If you throw synchronization of client and server state, async/await, a whole new front-end framework, linters, ES6 vs. vanilla JS, etc. it's much harder to get off the ground.

Whereas if you're using a simple server-side templating engine like Python's Jinja2, you can build a working (even complex) application much faster and refactor it for some heavy JS framework later on if you so choose. At least, that was my experience when first getting into web app development.

@James-li8cm - 04.03.2019 18:45

bout time someone points out the potential for over use of javascript in the web browser.

@MohammadMohammad-kb3bj - 04.03.2019 18:21

i am not expert but as i figured out javascript has poor debugging methods and its hard to get the bug source ,in addition its behavior differs from browser to browser , so we can avoid client rendering as possible , some application to client rendering is for buttons that are being clicked too much and its boring to load the whole page . i am not expert but that is my opinion

@Saschaborg - 04.03.2019 18:14

If you'd ask me for feedback about the video quality... I'd say: what strikes me most is that reaaally strange color balance ;-) Looks kind of morbid, to be honest. Sorry for frankly speaking what I was already thinking several times :'/

EDIT: Colors in the HTML5 video (just before) seem to look better, I would say!!

@razvacos7469 - 04.03.2019 17:34

Next.js or Gatsby.js or pre- rendering plugin?

@christianjamesguevarra6257 - 04.03.2019 17:27

I want to know your thoughts on this medium article entitled "Dont be a junior developer". Seems like a good topic for a video esp for junior devs. Tnx

@furrukhjamal00 - 04.03.2019 16:19

Anyone reading this could someone point me in the right direction, for practice I'm trying to implement minmax algorithm for a tic tac toe game in php using arrays and have no success for a few days

@bojangles4071 - 04.03.2019 16:16

And not to mention the amount of effort, knowledge, and skills required to build a SPA is so enormous that sometimes I felt that I'm circling around just to implement a simple functionality. The only reason why I build spa is for polishing my resume.

@Ownedyou - 04.03.2019 16:10

I like my clients like I like my women: THICC. :D

@oleksiyraiu7190 - 04.03.2019 16:09

Recently there has been agitation about building "decoupled" sites. Companies made huge huge buck by selling their clients into moving their blogs and business-card sites into the "decoupled" - making them browser apps. Now that the hysteria is calming down, some customers found themselves with expensive but primitive sites, albeit being marvelously complex in their browser-side javascript.

@pushqrdx - 04.03.2019 16:00

i find this slightly contradictory with what you said about using cordova or phonegap, as you said "phones are so powerful these days, use cordova it doesn't matter". I mean for mobile you completely ignored the fact that there're still 'too' mobile phones that aren't powerful enough to handle a webview running all the javascript that's used for a cordova app. Why would it be okay for mobile and not for desktops (which are already way past powerful enough to power a client side spa app 'if we only assume that all people run recent enough hardware')

@kartikmakwana6328 - 04.03.2019 15:48

What is rendering in terms of website ?

@newprogrammer1811 - 04.03.2019 15:36

what is better staticType or DybamicType

@LukeAvedon - 04.03.2019 15:09

Are you going to play the drums for us?

@EntreMaster - 04.03.2019 15:03

I remember my professor built a course with JavaScript and the quizzes were delivered client side. I used Chrome to inspect element and looked through the layers of his code. Within a couple minutes, I had the answers to all the questions. But, I didn't use this to my advantage since the quizzes were not graded... only a guide to help our learning. One of the reasons why I hesitate on using JS client-side b/c of security... I'm a server-side guy!

BTW, I didn't see the video/camera quality upgrade that you mentioned. But your content is always great!
