How to use Tretinoin for beginners: Dermatologist guide

How to use Tretinoin for beginners: Dermatologist guide

Dr. Abby

2 месяца назад

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@Thakur-go1uc - 26.06.2024 19:47

Hey new to skincare never used any products except facewash.
Having combination skin.
Having little uneventone skin colour although it's clear skin no issues except tanning on face especially on forehead.
Sometimes it looks dull.

What should I do?

Should I go for RETINOL serum or Tretinoin cream?
Or any other acid serum?

Thank you.

@LavenderCross75 - 27.06.2024 03:21

Does this help melasma? I looked really close today on my cheekbones and it looks like I'm in the beginning stages. 🥴

@miwaaparo - 03.07.2024 09:46

Thanks! My experience is that I’ve used 0.025 Tretinoin for over a year. I can tolerate 3 nights per week. But even then have an overall redness, so I started doing short contact 3x per week to see if I can built to more nights. I’m basically always scheming to get more Tret on my face! Its worth it because (after months of the Tretinoin uglies) I now have a nice healthy glow and my acne is managed.

Thanks again, love all your videos!

@lifeaccordingtonan - 06.07.2024 17:32

It sounds like you only treat one skin tone as a dermatologist? I ask because you keep talking about “redness,” and darker skin tones don't experience redness when irritated. It's a range of redness for lighter skin tones to purplish for darker skin tones.

@hanahangel245 - 15.07.2024 09:11

How long should I wait to add moisturizer after applying tretinoin?? Please help I’m always afraid that when I apply my moisturizer it just wipes it off. Also how do I avoid sun exposure, I live in Phoniex Az and it’s really hard to try to avoid it. I wear sunscreen and apply it in the morning, but that’s it how often should I be reappy? Also if I wear makeup will that protect my skin? Or should I just totally lay off the make up and stick to sunscreen? Pleas help I would really appreciate it:)

@nativedoll3557 - 15.08.2024 08:20

Where can we buy your trentinoin

@susanchester5828 - 16.08.2024 03:43

Thank you this was very helpful!

@JubileeG - 03.09.2024 00:03

What strength?
