66 - Authentication And Authorization in ASP.Net MVC

66 - Authentication And Authorization in ASP.Net MVC

Code Semantic

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@derarabushalhoub906 - 26.11.2020 12:30

Please I have one small Question , Should we do anything or modify the Startup.Auth.cs File which Inside App_Start Folder , as it have "LoginPath = new PathString("/Account/Login") " and Now After I add [Authorize] on some Actions ,My Application always direct me to this page and not move forward ,So I create My Controller called Access then make Login Action inside but also the login Authentication and Authorization not happen , even if I delete "LoginPath = new PathString("/Account/Login") I receive IIS Error 401.1 - Logon failed. Really I am Stuck , I dont know who to proceed ? Any Useful hint or advise here ?
