How Made In Abyss S2 Created Hell

How Made In Abyss S2 Created Hell


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HameltheKamel - 24.09.2023 09:12

I know I'm late the party, but thanks for the review! After binge-watching all of season 2, I was pretty disappointed at first. But I think I was just mentally and emotionally exhausted (because it's Made in Abyss). Now that I've had time to digest, I think it was fine. Your thoughts and other reviews are really helping me understand this season better, which makes me less frustrated in it. Were there problems? Sure, but there are probably many things from this season that are important to know for future ones. Like you said, the "Golden City" and its rules are very similar to the Abyss and the "curse." I'm sure we'll be seeing these ideas again.

NeutroN ShivA
NeutroN ShivA - 21.09.2023 23:33

Why'd you move the figurines halfway thru the video?

Alias Fakename
Alias Fakename - 16.09.2023 19:17

Not many people have read the original monkey's paw short story or watched the 1948 film but when someone says "Monkey's paw" we know they mean "wish with dark consequences." Cultural osmosis at its finest.

AEONmeteorite - 08.09.2023 08:26

Here's to the fact that the religion I believe in sees Hell not a place of torture, but a place where one lacks free agency and progression is ultimately halted. Just like this village, their agency is extremely stripped and progression is severely halted.

Jillian Crawford
Jillian Crawford - 30.08.2023 20:31

I think Faputa was born to live out the childhood that her mother never had moreso than revenge. The aspect of revenge imo was an instinct sewn into her to keep her from losing sight of freeing Irumyuui.
If it was solely revenge, Faputa would've died upon accomplishing it via fulfilling herpurpose, but instead she was able to become an even stronger being to get the most out of life itself. A bonus detail is in how Faputa has always looked about her mother's age until the glow-up. To me, that just signifies her being able to move on. There's also the detail that Irumyuui was outcast for her infertility but Faputa designed so that her self-worth couldn't be based on reproduction because she has a cloaca instead of human reproductive organs. Irumyuui is the best parent in the series so far because of all of this; she is willing to give her daughter everything she could need to get the most out if life beyond what she herself was given. There are many parents who envy their own children for potentially having it better than they did and thus sabotage it, but not her.

Josh Walton
Josh Walton - 29.08.2023 05:53

Malice requires thought. The "problem" with the cradles is that humans are largely incapable of what the show refers to as "purity of desire", where you truly want one thing more than anything else.
As much as Irryumi didn't want everyone to die of hunger/thirst, she wanted to be able to be a mother just as badly, and the cradle fulfilled her desires

Cats and Stuff
Cats and Stuff - 22.08.2023 06:38

Season two was such a mind fuck, but your breakdown analysis of the whole thing helped make sense of it. Thank you

behemuth - 20.08.2023 00:11

Going with Nanachi's decution is a shallow take. Nanachi were never clear on what his aims were, her deduction was a sound on, but I believe a wrong one. We do get some hints as to what he hedged his bets on, they mainly revolve around Reg archieving something Faputa It never involved Riko, at least not primarily.
The way I read/saw it, his aims were to archieve a very specific result... the exact result we got. He wanted Faputa to achieve her purpose, but also for her to set out on her journey and not be held back. Reg served this purpose, not only by instigating Faputa's invasion of Iru, but to help her complete her eradication of the hollows there, free her mother and set out on a journey with Reg, Riko and Nanachi. Finally, he needed Vueko to die, but at the same time have her bring closure for Faputa before passing. He was elated when Belaf let Faputa have insight into her mothers life, as it allowed Vueko to do just that, bring closure. Here is the kicker though, once he saw that Vueko could bring closure follwing Belaf's sacrifice, he had to ensure that she would only do that and nothing else, if he did not, Faputa could be inclined to stay with Vueko, or Vueko could tag along with them... both were options that were not the future he envisioned.
He then dropped down with Vueko to ensure that she would be hit by the curse while ascending, so she would still die but also be able to confer her final words to give Faputa closure.

Nanachi's final mushings to herself about how far he could see, is a hint that the future he envisioned and set in motion is still in play. Faputa has a role to play in the 7th layer, which considering that the abyss is deeply tied with souls, and the possibility of reincarnation or relocation of souls, we might see Wazukuan return in some form or another due to the actions of Faputa and or Reg.

Bowen Judd
Bowen Judd - 14.08.2023 06:24

This and the comments really helped me understand what was happening. How cradles of desire seem to try to grant all wishes yet may get confused and attempt to execute them all, or that a person lies to themself creating contradiction, which leaves the person trying to manifest into contradictory things before the cradle gives up. I never really understood how Waku worked this season while also feeling apathetic to what was happening. Only going back am I learning what was happening. How there was unfathomable pain here yet I never tried to understand it.

Alif Prasetyo
Alif Prasetyo - 04.08.2023 18:09

Yes, Yuru Camp in Berserk Eclipse. Best Analogy.

Resonance of Illumination - Ambition of Void
Resonance of Illumination - Ambition of Void - 16.07.2023 08:24

I do always chuckle when people call this series "hell" or "horrible". Y'all don't know the first thing about horrible or hell. Visceral? Sure. Surreal to an extent? Yeah. But most of you see some blood or deformation and immediately go "omg this is so edgy hurr durr". Yeah, Made in Abyss isn't exactly child friendly but it perfectly conveys humans, their aspirations and their woes and Tsukushi is a good artist, no matter what his hobbies and preferences may be. Nuance doesn't seem to be most people's strongest suit as something is either angelic or demonic according to most and that is just not how humans work- fictional or real.

Unn - 11.07.2023 14:13

The season was okayish but Faputa is like the biggest Mary Su character from it's looks to it's behaviour.

Xmapa - 08.07.2023 01:27

I HATE Ma! That thing creeps me out.

Fr3ddeh - 29.06.2023 09:43

This show urgently needs a season 3

Zanken - 28.06.2023 04:03

Can someone explain to me why Belaf wouldn’t have accepted the Faputa parts? Is it because of his guilt because of what he did to Irumyuui?(eating her children)

ariel kandli
ariel kandli - 15.06.2023 22:57

For me, if something like a show, a game, book etc is able to move me, its already great at its job. MIA, the show thats continuelly at the back of my mind, wether with the music or the story, or simply the giant wonderous horrifying hole in the ground, all of it is making the viewer (or me at the very least) connect to the world, the characters, the danger.

Something that i've seen a lot with MIA critics is the constant nudity or inappropriate stuff, but in my opinion even that serves a greater purpose. That uncomfortable feeling, moving in your chair,getting mad at the shopkeeper, all the while the brutal and gory nature of the show is increasingly getting more intense, it all serves to amplify the unfair darkness of the abyss.

But through it all, through the hardship, the death, the loss, riko's light not only stands strong, but becomes the beacon to her friends and all those who have given up, nanachi, faputa, the village dwellers.

And i want to believe, that not only will she find her treasure, but she will stand tall, and challenge the abyss for its worth and maybe even live to tell the tale. After all, they already made the impossible countless times by reaching where she's at.

Ashley000 - 29.05.2023 00:57

So I recently had a theory in mind: if the abyss is sentient, then the feelings that make the raiders go down the abyss is its way to lure food in, OR when the raiders go down the abyss, they’re actually going upwards and the longing to the abyss is just an instinct that leads the raiders to escape what once consumed them without even realizing it since someone pointed out the abyss has structures that look like eyes and it slowly curves creating something resembling a mouth at the bottom layers

マット - 05.05.2023 17:53

This anime has made me want to vomit so many times and has made me cry before it’s insane how horrible it can make you feel while still making you happy other times and also making you glad once it’s over but too curious to stop watching halfway through. Also bondrewd was not caring and loving because he does not feel emotions he just is able to fake it to make someone love him

Finisher of war
Finisher of war - 28.03.2023 00:02

Damn this video was way more thoughtful than I thought possible. I had read the manga before season 2 and didnt like this golden city arc and then didnt like it either in the anime but you giving me all of this new found perspective on wazukyans back handed tactics and scheming has given me new appreciation.

Shou Muto
Shou Muto - 26.03.2023 13:56

This was quite an eye opener since am not really too perceptive and knowledgeable about this but thanks to you I really got a new perception of the new season 😊. But I know one thing for certain that "made in abyss" will probably be my no. 1 anime forever 😆 it has it all that makes me Soo intrigued and unsettled at the same time.

Japan! (Hamisu)登録者を400人にしよう
Japan! (Hamisu)登録者を400人にしよう - 18.03.2023 12:43


Grandma - 17.03.2023 00:49

I wish to call your attention to the fact that maa sacrificed their physical body for that cake

The New
The New - 15.03.2023 06:42

I believe Bondrewd's final line to Nanachi best encapsulates the essence of the story: "May your journey overflow with curses and blessings."

Randomnerd12 - 14.03.2023 00:09

Season2 made me actually suprised a very dark sense of humor like sometimes I scare my self with my own humor the amount of screwed up scenes In the second season are unreal

KidNamedDenji - 03.03.2023 19:57

Thank you for this great video. Whoever else I have seen commenting on this series, will meme the heck out of it for being a messed up world and barely try to explore its themes. Really great analyis.

KisseNa - 23.02.2023 18:10

Another one who doesn't really have an idea what capitalist/ capitalism is.
If someone or a group or a system technically decides a value for something that is not capitalism,

Tibbs - 17.02.2023 10:32

Reg doesn't remember his name when emerging from the pit, Riko names him Reg after her dog. (season 1)
In season 2 a flashback to earlier in the timeline, He tells Faputa his name, Reg.... But that's before he climbs up from the pit to the surface. Does the manga explain this coincidence of having with having the name Reg, then meeting Riko and she names him Reg?

Duel - 09.02.2023 03:31

great breakdown

Duel - 09.02.2023 03:31

damn this writing is crazy

BloodrealmX - 07.02.2023 08:16

Your take on Wazukyan is pretty shallow. He got what he wanted and wasn't foiled a single time. You said it yourself: "[Faputa] is the crystallization of all of the villagers' wishes to roam freely in the Abyss". Faputa is the village and everyone who was part of it; she's the inheritor of the Ganja and is continuing their mission.

Your take on the Cradles of Desire is also strange. You're attributing basic malice to something that is simply inhuman. The Cradles need to interpret people's wishes in some way, regardless of how vague or complex or difficult those wishes are and how many separate wishes there are. They're objects, so they can't understand what would be preferable, just what will make those wishes happen and ONLY making those happen with no consideration for the consequences of fulfilling them.

Droo el Rey
Droo el Rey - 01.02.2023 07:46

Gracias for calling her Fapyuta instead of Fapoota.. sounds wayy better to me as a Hispanic

Matt's Anime
Matt's Anime - 31.01.2023 04:38


svv - 21.01.2023 05:34

brilliant analysis of the show senpai

Adrian Garcia
Adrian Garcia - 15.01.2023 02:31

the only thing i’m confused about and need clarification for, is WHY did Wazukyan lie and say Reg needed a piece of Faputa to get Nanachis freedom ? great video btw, very insightful 👍

Dag - 13.01.2023 07:08

I want to watch made in abyss s2 be I don’t know where to watch it

Gunplaultimatebackup - 09.01.2023 15:59

Too bad we haven't had a new mega chapter since early 2022.

Bento Whelan
Bento Whelan - 06.01.2023 23:34

The monkeys paw takes wishes literally, the cradel of desire takes wishes figuratively. It's the exact opposite of what you said.

Eric Cartman
Eric Cartman - 02.01.2023 04:10

I didn't think I could love this show more than I already did but this video managed to do it! Thank you so much!! Subscribed.

Ari - 30.12.2022 20:02

I literally just finished S2 yesterday and so much of what you said about Wazukyan made sense, and the tiny details that I missed or misinterpreted on my first watch recontextualized his entire character, thank you so much.

LAWRENCE PACO - 18.12.2022 13:10

Arigathanks Gozaimuch for this ❣️❣️❣️ I love this content of yours.

Michael Wright
Michael Wright - 15.12.2022 17:58

I usually do not like this format because it feels too much like an essay. However I do like this vid.

Alexandre Sobreira Martins
Alexandre Sobreira Martins - 12.12.2022 20:11

Where did you guys get the idea that Value Villagie is a capitalist society? Assigning value to things was never exclusive to capitalism and capitalism is based on the law of supply and demand. Currency exchange is as old as human societies, BTW.

Nameless - 11.12.2022 12:22

Everytime i see that egg, i immediately want to smash it into pieces

Remnants - 15.11.2022 00:15

"the mysteriousness allows it to make itself alluring and evoke curiosity... what makes it even more enticing is that the outer layers are wondrous and manageable enough to make it tempting to go further down. however, the further you go down, the more hostile and unforgiving the environment and creatures become there that make it much harder to survive... and this brings us to the sixth layer, where the magical facade is dropped, because the abyss no longer has to do any more work to lure you down there. you're trapped. you already came down of your own volition."

oo... this made me want to watch the show

DJ Cosmic Shark
DJ Cosmic Shark - 14.11.2022 01:28

Nice interesting take. But my God that ending was really cheesey 😂

Random YT Guy
Random YT Guy - 13.11.2022 09:29

I love made in abyss, it's amazing, the only bad part of it is the creator... He's a fucking p3d0, but besides that, the plot is very cool.

Bearlogg - 12.11.2022 21:03

The one thing about fantasy that abyss and berserk really gets right is that for every magical thing theres an equally horrifying thing.
