How to Enable Fullscreen mode in any videos in webview Android Studio Tutorial

How to Enable Fullscreen mode in any videos in webview Android Studio Tutorial

Monster Techno

5 лет назад

41,550 Просмотров

Ссылки и html тэги не поддерживаются


Pavankumar Hegde
Pavankumar Hegde - 28.06.2022 09:02

Beuh where's code?

Ahmed Mukhtar
Ahmed Mukhtar - 24.03.2022 12:05

thank you very much .

DK Compilation 🔴
DK Compilation 🔴 - 18.03.2022 13:43

how to disable right click options like loop that we are getting on the app

Lorenzo Gambino
Lorenzo Gambino - 22.01.2022 19:37

i love you man

Aamir Altaf Kathu
Aamir Altaf Kathu - 31.12.2021 20:11

Works as expected

Haider Ali
Haider Ali - 07.10.2021 08:37

How to achieve this in Flutter?

Michael Devault
Michael Devault - 01.10.2021 00:38

Super awesome!, I got it working perfectly, thank you for supporting thinkers

Rayan Khemici
Rayan Khemici - 23.09.2021 16:13

how to do that in kotlin

Renato Brandão M. P. Silva
Renato Brandão M. P. Silva - 24.08.2021 18:34

Any help? I'd copy the code, but I have a input text (textarea) on the same screen of video, it's works well, but before I set fullscreen mode and back again to normal screen, the keyboard is not showing. I tested with a physical keyboard and it's worked, but Android's virtual keyboard don't worked. Maybe some issue with removeView, I don't know, but I tryed to get focus with requestFocus and requestFocusFromTouch on java class and set android:focusable and android:focusableInTouchMode as true on my activity_main.xml


Tendertofu - 19.08.2021 10:17

Will this code show a video in full screen even if the video is inside a frame whose source is in a different domain from the parent (issue of cross-domain security) and the video is not showing any full screen control or icon

Akshay Patel
Akshay Patel - 08.08.2021 23:46

You my friend are an absolute legend :)

Skorplex901 - 06.06.2021 21:05

Do you have the same code but in Kotlin?

ISURU THIWANKA - 06.06.2021 12:08

Thanks dude..
working well...
Hope your Channel would popular..

Vormrodo - 20.05.2021 15:01

Can i get the Code from an Website? Because your App doesn't loads any of your Posts.

DoubtedSnake58 - 13.05.2021 14:24

Hello can you please help me I want to upload files in webview .please

albertissac - 23.04.2021 07:09

Dear Summan, thanks for your video, I have a question if you can bring some light on this issue, I create a website to be used specially for android devices, and I want to include videos on it to be viewed from android devices, I use HTML video frame to add it and it run nice on all devices and also on PC, but I found a issue, when I view the video from any android device it don't allow to advance or go back in the video time, and it only run on normal speed mode without allow to advance forward or go back on video control, even when you try to double tap on screen what it does is go back to the very beginning of the video over and over, please if you have any clue how to fix this issue please let me know, thanks in advance

Redwan Sharafat Kabir
Redwan Sharafat Kabir - 06.04.2021 14:18

Thank you very much

Vinayak Singh
Vinayak Singh - 09.03.2021 11:35

Is there any way to apply it in flutter

Prudhvi T
Prudhvi T - 25.11.2020 11:07

This worked , thank you !!!

Harshit Srivastava
Harshit Srivastava - 16.09.2020 17:06

Heartiest Thanks to you for the video.Very Helpful!!!!!!!!!!!
