The Best Export Settings for Lightroom (Instagram, Facebook, Web, Print)

The Best Export Settings for Lightroom (Instagram, Facebook, Web, Print)

Austin James Jackson

2 года назад

123,862 Просмотров

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@Burritosarebetterthantacos - 10.10.2023 05:23

Why adobe Rob 1998?

@adventuresofjandk - 18.10.2023 01:23

Is this still up to date or have you done a newer video?

@rebe9310 - 23.10.2023 23:12

This was like the best video I could have ever found! Lol you included everything in one video! And I appreciate that so much!! Thank you so much! It was very helpful!

@w.smialy934 - 07.11.2023 20:08

Why would you go for 1080 long edge and post portrait image 4:5? If someone is posting portrait 4:5 ratio it should be exported long edge 1350 for best quality.

@dhami_916 - 16.11.2023 07:23

Hey bro I tried exporting my photos on Lightroom however it didn’t show all these setting it showed just showed a few options I was wondering if you can help me fix the problem I texted you on Instagram thank you for your time

@justinmcq78 - 03.12.2023 18:20

Thanks for the explanation, makes it easier knowing the “why” and not just hearing the “how” inmho.

@beckymurphy3603 - 17.12.2023 19:26

Thank you for the video….you could slow down your instruction just a bit…you talk very fast.

@photowithvay - 20.12.2023 07:27

This video is really helpful

@SantishaDeonarinePhotography - 26.12.2023 15:38

Thank you 🙏🏽

@erikmattson8629 - 09.01.2024 16:43

Super helpful, thanks!

@mushkik6819 - 12.01.2024 14:08

thank you!

@magicalred7802 - 18.01.2024 02:33


@MannyG32968 - 02.02.2024 05:40

Excellent video!

@krenkurts5054 - 20.02.2024 16:57

Newbie question: I need to make printed cheat sheets for these settings. How can I do that? Can I take a screen shot after I do the presets? Our Lady Shooters group is having difficulty with export sizes. I also don't understand the horizontal vs vertical orientation settings.

@DanielBryn - 28.02.2024 12:41

Hey Austin - great video, I think you explain really well! And for someone that hasnt got this very basic thing done yet, it was very helpful, thanks! Another question; How do you catalogue and store your exported images? Do you have a folder from each shoot with IG photos, print files, facebook and web (lets say you wanted all the photos from a shoot exported for all these types of uses)? My own system, or lack thereof, isnt the best, so im looking for the best way to go about it. You seemed like the right person to ask!

@p823596 - 03.03.2024 14:17

Hello Austin, thank you for your informative video. Which settings would you recommend for exporting to a photo book?

@naturallybob - 07.03.2024 23:27

2024 update? My photos doesn't seem really nice when I upload them to Facebook and IG using these export settings. 😢

@e.g.1218 - 12.03.2024 09:30

Do you sharpen your images in Lightroom in addition to output sharpening them at export for web?

@mikefreelandphoto - 13.03.2024 01:36

Instagram still gives my photos really bad banding in the sky when using your Instagram export preset. I cannot figure out how to fix this. I’ve tried everything at this point.

@jacobthomson9369 - 31.03.2024 02:12

Excellent.Thank you.

@djkaeri - 31.03.2024 13:06

Why does resolution 72 matter? It doesn't effect the filesize of the image and therefore Instagram has no need to to compress it any more than if its example 300.

@patmercier3578 - 03.04.2024 18:32

Thanks for making this video and taking the time to explain everything!

@carito1 - 04.04.2024 19:13

Good tutorial.. Can I save the same pic for fb, Ig and Printing ? Thanks

@nathalievanlingen - 08.04.2024 22:38

Thank you so much! your video is great!
Can you please help me with these question:
Is 72 resolution not too small for the social media use?
And what Image sizing do you suggest for exporting to a client after an event (not knowing what they will use it for, may be social media, may be website, may be printing). What do you suggest just as a classic export setting that can be used for either option? Thank you in advance for answering

@StarCityJammer - 14.04.2024 06:28

The title says "Lightroom" but you talk aboit Lightroom CC. They are two different things

@daviddolapo96 - 18.04.2024 10:13

Great video, but how about I want to export for both Facebook and instagram at the same time?.

@anns2902 - 29.04.2024 15:48

Thank you for covering all the different types and the WHY. You actually educate and I appreciate that!

@707unioncampesina - 08.05.2024 06:44

Im here the podcast new follower from nor-cal 🤝🙏🏽

@paul98841 - 24.05.2024 03:06

Where is the settings for jpeg print?

@andrewhillphotosvideos2909 - 15.06.2024 01:15

just what I needed thank you...

@MarquisSmith-z5o - 19.06.2024 02:01

Why do the landscape ig photos export so pixelated ?

@SheinFoto - 15.07.2024 06:45

Hi a newbie question 😅
In image sizing for insta, do I still choose the Long Edge for the resize fit if my image is a portrait? Then, 1350 for pixels?

Hope you notice. Thank you in advance!

@emilianoespinoza9803 - 17.07.2024 02:24

Why do you choose to put your PPI at 72 for web-based/social media platforms?

@spokesdog9958 - 27.07.2024 04:43

Excellent information, thank you

@awake7484 - 03.08.2024 02:45

I can't use PNG for instagram ?

@Diegovgalicia - 04.08.2024 23:02

Thank u legend

@brandonraines2524 - 14.08.2024 11:12

is long edge 4000 pixels too much for instagram?

@howardhack655 - 19.08.2024 21:38

Great job I loaded all 4 presets

@smfknj6010 - 21.08.2024 22:58

Why does LR not export PNG? is there a good reason lol

@leasiaposey2036 - 07.10.2024 21:56

How do you find out what is the ideal sizes for different stuff? Great video
thanks for helping!

@berkanphoto - 10.10.2024 03:29

when I keep it full size, I can see my watermark very well. when I put 1350-1080 pixels, my watermark loses lots of quality. I am really confused

@Freddd95 - 30.10.2024 16:45

About your export settings for web: why do you set the long edge, and not use megapixels instead? By setting the long edge, the resolution and file size will vary greatly depending on the aspect ratio. It may work fine for typical horisontal photos, but as a preset I need something that works for all (or most) aspect ratios. Resizing with megapixels (to 4 for example) makes a lot more sense to me. Am I missing something here?

@paulfrancis2476 - 10.11.2024 16:52

Thank you…….super helpful 🎉

@ahmedmousa1943 - 10.11.2024 19:26

For website’s photos, could i convert it to webp also after i export it like thats ?

@charruaporelmundo - 08.12.2024 11:56

Web would be the best to upload to google photos?

@pbates11 - 19.12.2024 18:13

Do you have another video about how to adjust for Facebook's annoying habit of DARKENING photos?

@fabiohug5509 - 20.01.2025 02:19

Thank you very much. You make my life easier, straight and simple way to the point.

@Phenixproddz43 - 26.01.2025 17:21

Thank you bro❤

@ViewpointCollaborativePh-ff8ud - 14.02.2025 03:20

Most helpful guide like this I've found in two hours of searching. Thank you!!

@thankyouforinfo - 27.02.2025 12:54

dope asssss video love it
