he repeat too many time talking the same things, this is very symple trick to teach, this video should be just 1 to 2 minutes only.. not genius.
Ответитьhow do you bring the coin back?
ОтветитьSo, I guess it's a "winter months" trick, while wearing either stretched or XXXXXL article of clothing and doing it on a beach while suntanning is out of the question? :)))
ОтветитьHis tutorials is always so good and in depth well done dude 👍
ОтветитьI bought an adidas hood to do this trick
Now I don't even have a coin in my house🙁
Hahah. So now I know why I could do this trick with my Nike hoodie, duuuuuuurrreee
ОтветитьNice sir lovely coin magic
ОтветитьWhat about the coin return?
ОтветитьWhat coin do u use
Ответитьtha rrassian ginias
ОтветитьSmooth.. 😍
ОтветитьSleeves too tight, trick failed, I got beat up.
ОтветитьThe moment when you drop the coin on the ground..
ОтветитьSuper magic 👍👍
ОтветитьIt looked to me like the coin was in the right hand the whole time, but I didn’t know how you got rid of the coin.
ОтветитьVery good
ОтветитьI am typing this 15 seconds into the video before you even explain how it's done.The only problem with doing slight of hand with sleeves on,is that pretty much everyone suspects it
ОтветитьYour upper arms look glued to your rib cage creating an unnatural and stiff position, not dropping either arm also creates red flags.
ОтветитьI've watched enough magic and showing how it's done I knew it went up one of the sleeves but I thought it went up your right sleeve.
ОтветитьHow to make reappear
ОтветитьI love how you mispronounced adidas
ОтветитьIt's not tutorial
It's dudorial
Am trying it on 1/1/ 2022 after failing last 4 years
ОтветитьIts 30 minutes later and i can no longer move my arms freely from the sheer weight of the coins
ОтветитьYour English accent is really beautiful and it is a heavenly voice
ОтветитьWhere are you? We need you back!
ОтветитьGood stuff. Try a sleeping vanish like this and then vanish another coin with a classic pass kind of thing and then a pinch vanish for the third coin. You can reproduce the first coin from wherever, sneeze out the second coin or something like that, recover the sleeved coin and do an awesome third reappearance. Pretty easy to learn something like this with just a little time and you'll have a killer little slide a hand demonstration. Nice work as always Russian Genius!
ОтветитьWhy do you want to reveal magic?
Ответитьi threw it down my arm but when i went to find it i couldnt get it out and i genuinely thought i somehow vanished it fr
ОтветитьI like 👍
Ответитьyou sound like gru
ОтветитьI really love this on brother...I got it down in 10 minutes,,,its very deceptive...thanks for this one...
ОтветитьMy uncle dad Marcel Franklin Page jr and My aunt mom Charlotte Darlene Page Page in 1970s 1980s days wore Adidas jackets shirts also
ОтветитьThis is pretty good, but how do you bring it back ?
ОтветитьThe sleeve throw is the hardest part
ОтветитьNói hết thời gian
ОтветитьEveryone is like ohh man he showed me how to make the coin disappear....did he ever show how to make it reappear
ОтветитьHe sounds like he doesn’t have a accent in 2x speed
ОтветитьIts work i tried it on my blind aunt !