Why does AVID make cuts more difficult | AVID vs. Premiere

Why does AVID make cuts more difficult | AVID vs. Premiere

Chump Lafayette

3 года назад

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parabola - 29.05.2023 22:35

You definitely don't know how to use Avid.

Sam - 14.04.2023 04:10

Avid is not about making it easy for beginners or casual users, it's about making a really complete (and therefore complicated) software for professionals at the highest levels of audiovisual industry (so, mainly film productions). Not only that, but a software which is perfectly integrated with other production sections (audio, color...), and, most important of all, a software which is atomically bug-proof: in such large and expensive productions, there aren't really alternatives: your editing software can't have a single bug even in 1 million times of usage, since it translates to losing a lot of time, work, and huge chunks of money. For everything else, Premiere it's cool (even tho Davinci is already basically better than it on every aspect as of now).

D. Edwards, freelance editor/videographer
D. Edwards, freelance editor/videographer - 22.02.2023 04:46

This video is all wrong lol. You didn't have your trim mode activated to drag it when you select a clip. You literally can do the same thing in avid.

Ghost of Socrates
Ghost of Socrates - 05.12.2022 01:27

if you don’t know the difference between the “red and yellow” options on avid you really shouldn’t be giving your uninformed opinion on the program. that difference is actually maybe the second or third thing you’ll learn naturally dude

KrolikPudding - 21.10.2022 19:02

Well that'a a very fair comparison - software that you have 10 years of experience and one you clearly don't know how to use...

life of freelance film maker in India
life of freelance film maker in India - 14.09.2022 12:18

Avid is not for kids. i say again. "AVID is not for kids." and certainly not for kids who don't know anything and are not willing to learn anything.

donnerscotti - 08.07.2022 09:07

if you don´t do the try and error Methode, but watch some YT tuts or even better have a proper AVID 101 you will be surprised how clever Media Composer is. All editors i teach AVID proper don't use Premier anymore. I have to admit its a steep learning curve if you come from Premiere but its worth ist. I edit twice as fast with less to almost no mouse clicks in AVID. i render maybe once a day, have 0 crashes. And Yes im a Editor since over 25 Years on a daily Business, working on AVID and Premiere every day. Keep trying. its worth ist ;)

Alvin Burrell
Alvin Burrell - 26.12.2021 03:36

What rubbish.... your lack of knowledge of how to use an application does not mean the application is bad. If you cant edit without using a mouse then I'd call that pretty amateur. Sheesh!

Frankfurter Skylinefilms
Frankfurter Skylinefilms - 01.06.2021 14:28

Yellow is Splice-In into clips and Red Overrite. And of course you can transfer the clip deeper into the timeline with selcting the clip and use the red arrow on the mouse to transfer the clip in the timeline. PREMIERE HAS TOO MANY CRASHES IN THE WORKFLOWS!!!
