Why I chose to study literature & how I found my passion

Why I chose to study literature & how I found my passion

Dakota Warren

2 года назад

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@captainnolan5062 - 01.12.2023 03:03

Welcome to the world of English Literature degree holders!

@theevelynbyor - 17.11.2023 03:46

I wish people could see creativity as something really necessarty in life, not a "waste of time" they really cannot live without music, cinema, writing, reading, as small as it is is just impossible. My parents are Doctors,and I have never wanted to follow an artstic path so much until I turned 30, depite even going to Acting school and getting a degree. I have been apart from art for so long is hard to start again. But I know I am not going to give up. Thank you for posting this.

@theELAYshow - 04.11.2023 15:25

Are you single? asking for a friend...

@dostoevskyrat - 17.09.2023 21:42

i wish i had seen this before i chose what to study for my alevels. i’ve always been someone who’s interested in literature and philosophy but i was also very smart in STEM subjects and so i felt like i HAD to choose STEM subjects (pressure from family lol) and i felt like i would “waste” my potential on studying english literature. i recently came to the realisation that i shouldn’t study a subject and pursue a career i don’t enjoy just because it’ll earn me good money, which i know is a simple idea that people have constantly said but i never understood it until now. i don’t know how long i’ll live and i’d rather pursue something i genuinely want and brings me happiness than to be unhappy studying a subject. literally one of my biggest regrets ever.

@anwarbabran7438 - 13.09.2023 16:12

Thank you , nowadays I am having anxiety and overthinking after getting into English literature, which I wanted for years , but , I don't know why doubts are just all around ... hope I find my way and most importantly anxiety fades away , since it is too overwhelming and makes life dark

@ANGEL_OF_ART694 - 11.09.2023 21:39

my dad was a poet what he was younger thats why i adore litrature, my love for poetry i write my own poems in primry school i was amazing at stories my love for victorians i'm in year 11 and 15 i want to further y mind i am thankul i found you i also love reading i as well as my dad and brother all wat to write books i am honestly greatful i have found you

@ellaanne235 - 08.09.2023 15:39

"So at the ripe and impressionable age, where teachers and parents and strangers down the street, are asking us what we want to do for the rest of our lives; while we're still trying to figure out whether to get the bus or walk to school or to have toast or cereal for breakfast. They plant these trigger words in the most delicate folds of our mind like Lawyer. Doctor. Something that will "actually make money". And we forget about the things that we love."- this is so beautiful and poetic; and the tragic reality of being a teenager. 💔

@luiscarlos-mn5rk - 14.07.2023 23:10

My primary major is journalism, for the sole purpose of being able to write. But one day i decided to also major in Literature and Comparative Literature in University. Since i love reading, i literally read everyday and everyweek, so i said why not?. It falls under my interests and so far ive been enjoying writing essays about novels, and i can't wait to read the classic novels and to write about them.

@Jade-sv6mz - 03.05.2023 20:35

This may be a weird comment as I started college as an English lit and economics double major. However, I realised soon through videos like yours that I will not be happy studying English. I love literature but I don’t really enjoy it in a class setting where I am getting tested on it. Now I am in physics and math but I enjoy literature whenever I can and I couldn’t be happier. I genuinely think I would’ve lost love for literature in college, so I ended up in the best place. Thank you and I love your channel

@Ozgipsy - 30.04.2023 05:04

Yes, my return to university at middle age is purely for intellectual gain and to indulge my hobbies.

@emmaahmed777 - 15.03.2023 19:32

I watched this for the first time a while ago but came back to revisit it because I just made the decision to switch into the english program at my uni! it feels so freeing to finally let myself pursue my passions rather than what I thought would land me a stable career path

@melissa.9694 - 06.03.2023 02:19

I used to watch your videos when I was at high school, wishing that one day I would be free like you. now I'm at college, studying literature, reading and writing all day and I couldn't be happier. You left your mark on me, Dakota, and for that I'll be forever grateful.

@BaileyPugh-pz7yj - 14.01.2023 02:28

Have you ever been intrigued by and/or considered studying philosophy or psychology. Great video btw

@drizer4real - 25.10.2022 10:16

A civilization does not continue to exist with engineers, mathematicians and plumbers alone, it needs art to give it meaning otherwise we are not more than very intelligent toolmaking simians.

@linaelguir6763 - 10.09.2022 00:33

10 months later, i'm still looking for the music that was used in this video, please put an end to my agony here

@augustsbestie - 29.08.2022 11:06

i applied english literature for my degree and rn im just hoping i got accepted bcs ever since i found out literature degree exist, i dedicated my life for it. so pls pray for me i got accepted 🙏🏻

update: I didn't get accepted :(

@BELLADONNANAJWA - 27.08.2022 20:40

My really young and successful law teacher (also an ex-cop) is a really good prosecutor (criminal law). He had a literature/writing certificate from University of Montreal before entering law school and he said it's the best thing that happened to him!

@khrixtabel - 16.08.2022 05:35

Low-key look like Grace vanderwaal

@carbonc6065 - 15.08.2022 16:24


@etherinpain - 10.08.2022 07:13

your energy is so captivating wow.

@helenapardo7663 - 28.06.2022 18:38

This video reminds me of a philosophical book called 'The Usefulness of the Useless' by Nuccio Ordine. If you can give it a read, it's worth it.

@samaaladwani925 - 26.05.2022 00:07

I would like more of these talks please :)

@cristenh7677 - 20.05.2022 08:11

the reason why i have a toxic view on art degrees is because, as she said, its only accessible to privileged, first-world-country-living students :) in those living in countries that lack opportunities for most creative fields, we actually have to struggle, as much as i would love to pursue my passion for art, its very useless because it doesn't guarantee me an income.

@Meoxypoo - 11.05.2022 19:21

I admire how aware and honest you are of your privilege.

@thesecrethistory123 - 10.05.2022 11:50

this is the first video I've seen by you, and I'm here because my best friend has talked a lot about you and your work, and I am so comfortable here. I love your style, how you talk, your passion about what you're saying, and how you put "I love you" at the end of the video. Really cool :)

@ohcafekery2403 - 15.01.2022 20:04

your channel is my safe space dakota <3

@PoetryETrain - 07.01.2022 13:54

Applause, remain in the realm!

@jeevaniv9692 - 01.01.2022 20:37

It makes me sick or tears me up gor not having a deep passionate hobbie or a subject or love for a interest i am tired of evythinng i do average on everything i am soo dam tired without passion

@luisechevarria186 - 30.12.2021 11:12

Damn, RC Waldun takes notes, cuh.

@HA-ti2hz - 21.12.2021 01:12

Day by day, as one more lesson goes, my love and affection for literature increases many times over, as if I was born again in every work of book, poem or short story, literature is a different place.⭐️✨

@emmabernadettehappy - 18.12.2021 08:02

I'd love be so strongly passionate about literature

@dewa1634 - 09.12.2021 05:57

It's really relatable for me since I'm an Indonesian and currently majoring in French Literature. I'm tired of people asking "what will you be in the future with that degree?", "why pick a language major? why not just take a course instead?" 😔 sometimes i just lie about my studies in order to evade these questions..

@plantangel1703 - 02.12.2021 11:56

This video made me rather happy and content as I'm dreaming of pursuing a degree in literature. It's been my passion ever since I was around two, and I fell in love with reading and language when I used to write my silly little short stories on life and lessons I've learned even if I were only 6 or 7. I remember how it felt when adults used to tell me that I was too young to know what I wanted to do with my life and that I'd "make a great doctor" or "could do very well as a lawyer," being told that "studying literature isn't what we need in life" and that I "won't make any money." I remember crying tears of frustration when I'd go into existential crises, wondering what I was really going to do and what my drive would be. I was lucky enough to have my parents support me, saying that I should go with what I was comfortable with, and if I enjoyed literature and creative writing, then why not take it? They would always have my back when others would tell me that it'd be a waste of money, my parents noting that they would help. When people say that studying literature won't get me anywhere in life, my parents will point that no one knows what lies in the future. It's quite silly to say this, but hearing it from you, Dakota, felt so sweet, and now it feels very stuck to me. Thank you <3

@lakshmis9772 - 02.12.2021 09:53

THANK YOU for doing this video . I'm doing my senior year of high school and every time I tell someone I'm going to be doing my degree on classical studies and literature , they snort saying that it'll do no good . Sometimes it makes me rethink my decision . But just hearing you talk about literature moved me to tears . I'm so grateful <3

@TM-mi3wi - 30.11.2021 04:22

In my head I kept shouting, "yasss 🐝tchhhhh! Preach! Exactly sister!". Oh this was beautiful. Didn't necessarily answer my question but it made me think. And the way she was seated and speaking, her attitude... She radiated had 🐝tch energy. A woman who knows she's in charge. Power! 🔥😂 ❤️

@Dys_phoria - 22.11.2021 22:17

Boy that voice increased my anxiety. Maybe it's the cup of black coffee I just had but that voice, the tone, those slight trembles surely pushing it for some reason. I can barely focus on voice, just the emotions and the urge to see behind those words rendering my thoughts back and forth like a camera trying to focus on a close object.

@maijadrezins6069 - 22.11.2021 13:56

I feel everything you say! I've just finished my third year of my BA, doing ancient history and literature and I absolutely love it. I truly believe if you are lucky enough to do what you love then go for it!

@ineffable_potentiality_01 - 20.11.2021 00:38

so sexy, ineffable really.

@nabilafathimazahra7673 - 19.11.2021 11:13

i chose to study literature because i fell in love with it. the career and degree is just a bonus.

@graceis - 17.11.2021 06:21

if there are 1000000 dakota warren fans, i will be one of them. if there is one dakota warren can it is me. if there are no dakota warren fans i have passed on

@gimme_ur_teeth - 16.11.2021 15:18

Wow! You’re exactly who I want to be when I grow up. And we both live in Melbourne :)

@ultlaw5396 - 13.11.2021 03:28

i love u so much

@zoerafter6759 - 12.11.2021 05:15

This just reenforced my desire to study English my freshmen year of college…thank you. Also, I’m obsessed with you content and definitely wouldn’t mind if you posted more :)

@amberb5916 - 12.11.2021 02:21

I was going to ask what your sign is because I had a feeling it's virgo but I just saw on one of your tiktoks you say you're a virgo and wow I just love finding fellow virgo writers who share similar interests and aesthetics with me, almost as much as I love being right when I guess someone is a virgo lol.

Since the age of 10 I've been in love with words, books, and writing. Like you, I feel like it almost borders on an obsession. I even taught myself at that age how to write stories and use proper punctuation from all the books I read. When I started college I tried to go for nursing, then afterward devoted time to nutrition, because I was convinced a degree in English or creative writing wasn't going to get me anywhere financially. Money was extremely important to me because of my background and I didn't have enough confidence to allow myself to risk it all on my writing (we love self-sabotage). I spent 2 years of forcing myself to study something that I wasn't passionate about before I realized that's not what I should be doing with my life. I had to ask myself, when am I ever going to get the chance to devote my time to what I'm passionate about - literature, books, writing, and reading - if I'm stuck stressing about a degree and career I don't even care about that much? I could spend every day doing what I love if I made it my major! After spending over 4 years contemplating what I want to devote my life to, I knew in my heart I needed to immediately switch and study English. Now, a year later, I'm about to finish an associate of arts in English Literature and afterwards go on to complete a bachelor of arts in English. I've had two poems published in a college arts magazine and have many more plans for my writing in the future. Here's to us for using the opportunities we've been blessed with to follow our passions!

Okay, end of sappy personal anecdote.

@tfashola8428 - 12.11.2021 01:56

love hearing you talk, pleasee make a podcast :)

@user-lb9td1cy1m - 11.11.2021 12:45

girl! pls where are all your artworks and decor from i'm obsessed w it! x

@apolos510mrx4 - 11.11.2021 09:24


@loverofpages - 10.11.2021 17:19

You put into words exactly what I have been trying to portray for years. Words are so desirable and so inspiring and you quite literally ‘worded’ it perfectly <3

@ebonyjean9894 - 10.11.2021 10:55

i need to read the story you wrote when you were nine

@manishakalita7658 - 10.11.2021 10:43

no but what do you mean why I have tears in my eyes?
this reminded me of why I chose to pursue my passion and I'm genuinely grateful for it <3
