The Myth of Osiris Explained in 10 Minutes | Egyptian Mythology Animated

The Myth of Osiris Explained in 10 Minutes | Egyptian Mythology Animated

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@courtneysmith754 - 09.01.2024 02:40

So I am Osiris and none of this is true Isis was Odin at the time and Seth was a bomb at the time and they poison me and bury me alive and they were very much involved in my murder together. And then they had Horace which is actually Donald J Trump Donald Trump is Barack Obama‘s son!!! He’s the devil let me share some work history with you!! OK so I’d like to add to this. I am YAHSHUA I am Osiris, I am Thoth, I am Simeon Toko, I am Mary Magdalene and Paul the first pope that wrote all religious text poisoned me and buried me alive as Mary Magdalene. I was Christ in the flesh, I was the virgin birth. I had no children! Paul is also King James. King James poisoned his infant daughter Sophia and buried her alive. She was Christ in the flesh. Also king Solomon is NOT king David’s son that’s another lie. Because I’m king David and king Solomon poisoned me King David and buried me alive. King Solomon‘s also is the one that conjured up to 72 demons and brought them into this realm!!! Also king Solomon was Uther Pentadragon, Who poisoned king Arthur and buried him alive. King Arthur was Christ in the flesh. So the 200 Knights of round table are the 200 fallen angels. That’s because they worked for King Arthur who was GOD and then Uther Pentadragon made them take a blood oath to deceive the whole world. That was the oath that the 200 fallen angels made was to deceive the whole world who the true Christ was. That’s how they became the fallen angels and then they became the knights Templar. They were secret societies that took a blood oath to the Freemason goat at the time which was Uther Pentadragon, Who is Paul the first pope, king James who illustrated the Bible he’s also Horus. So Isis who was Odin at the time and Seth who was Barack Obama at the time poisoned Osiris and buried him alive. Then they had Horace which is Donald J Trump who is the original Pope Paul, King James, Uther Pentadragon, and Horus. So this is just a few examples of the inconsistencies in the Bible and who actually is the devil. Old testament God would be Donald J Trump, Moloch, Yaldabough (he’s got lots of names they all do, like Kronos who changed his name to Zeus, Albert Pike, Hitler) His son would be Odin, Lucifer, fake Jesus (Caesar Borgia) Muhammad, Baal, Yahweh, Vlad the Impaler, Ivan the terrible, Genghis Khan, Heimlich Himmler, nimrod, Napoleon,Prometheus, I could do this all day he is Jeffrey Epstein a.k.a. Nick DeFazio. we’ve all been reincarnating some of us have been here from the beginning time, like me. I would be the oldest soul in the universe there is no soul older than mine. So those are your gods in the Bible. Then you got Satan who is in fact Loki, Pan (Half man half animal they all are by the way) Alister Crowley he is Barack Obama playing Biden. But don’t forget Mary Feehan Turk She is a Lilith aka Medusa the serpent queen the bloody queen madame Lalaurie the serial killer she runs the Vatican and all the churches, and the illuminati with Nick DiFazio and the gray pope Pepe Orsini the Freemason goat Donald J Trump. Now let me just tell you they have literally followed me a lifetime after lifetime after lifetime after lifetime gruesomely murdering me destroying my body or poisoning me and burying me alive, In every single lifetime and then they take over my identity assassinate my character and change history. This has been a secret societies mission to destroy all credibility to do with anything to do with the true Christ. So that they could deceive the whole world right now in these times!!! So in this lifetime, I am a white female my karmic dad is (Brad Smith gov. clone)a.k.a. Donald J Trump he’s been trying to murder me my entire life 52 years I’ve walked through more death, yet I’m immortal they can’t kill me, unless they destroy my body!!! So in my last lifetime I reincarnated as a Negro in Congo named Simeon Toko. You really should look into him, see what the government did to me then, they chopped me up in pieces but prior to that they Cut my heart out of my chest I stood up without a heart in my chest and I said why are you persecuting me can I have my heart back? They gave it back to me. But then they eventually chopped me up put all my pieces in radiation, so that I couldn’t reincarnate. Prior to that I was Tsar Nicholas II of the Romanov Russian dynasty. Where they murdered my beautiful wife and five children in 1918 after I abdicated the throne in 1917. They poured acid on my body so I didn’t resurrect afterwards. Prior to that I was Abe Lincoln half black half white and they murdered me because I was trying to give a voice to the black man, to vote. but as you see they followed me to murder me and destroy my credibility on purpose in every lifetime) All other history has been erased and rewritten with their narrative I was honest Abe for a reason. I was also half black. John F Kennedy and Robert Kennedy were my sons. I sent them away to go live so they would be safe, because I knew they were trying to murder me as a Abe Lincoln I had a lot on my shoulders no one realizes!! So Albert Pike is Donald J Trump and William Quantrill a.k.a John Wilkes Booth a.k.a William Anderson bloody Bill we’re all three the same person is his son (Jeffrey Epstein a.k.a. Nick Defazio) Also Jesse James a.k.a. Billy the Kidd a.k.a. Henry Ford same person (Bradley Lane). All part of the secret societies. The CIA government secret societies that all took a blood oath to Albert Pike the original pope Paul Uther Pentadragon, king Solomon, Horace who is Barack Obama‘s son is Donald J Trump. The Freemason goat the gray pope Pepe Orsini who’s been in hiding for centuries. Both him and Mary Turk a.k.a. Catherine de Medici run the Vatican and all the churches. I also know I don’t have any proof I just know what I know because I am the all knowing the all seeing that’s where they get that from I started the illuminati with three virgins we took a oath to stay celibate so that we would never be tainted by anything. We were to preside over the Proceedings of the world so that we would have the best interest for the world. Somehow they murdered us all, flipped the world upside down, erased history and re-wrote his story. It is Hitler’s Donald J Trump’s story. So I know that John F Kennedy JR. was replaced. The original Jackie Kennedy and Caroline were murdered. John F. Kennedy Junior was kidnapped and I know who he is and I can give you this information! He is actually on TikTok telling his story. He is not the John F Kennedy that everyone knows about that is an imposter!! Because he was replaced when he was a kid both Caroline and Jackie Kennedy were murdered and replaced by CIA agents. The fake Jackie Kennedy is the one that shot my son John F. Kennedy right in the car and then threw the gun to the secret Service. Everything else was a lie done by our very CIA. So again Donald J Trump runs the CIA runs the FBI runs the military runs the foreign leaders runs all the secret societies who sign their name in blood to the Freemason goat to deceive the whole world. They are Satan‘s army they are the synagogue of Satan the CIA Isis NASA all Nazis because that’s what they are Nazis. So right now as we speak Donald J Trump is cleansing the earth of all indigenous people throughout the world you’re just not hearing about it. What’s going on in Congo, Palestine is just the beginning. Hawaii was a test that was Donald J Trump and his secret direct energy weapons space force. He is the enemy to all of humanity Biden has been dead since 2006 Donald Trump is still commander-in-chief as always has been. Obama works for him they all do, they all take a blood oath to the Freemason goat Donald J Trump the devil. So I am Yashua I fulfilled all my promises and 78A.D. it is finished. So the gods in the Bible are Donald Trump the devil his son Lucifer Nick Difazio an Barack Obama the serpent snake that’s there three the Trinity that the Vatican worship. I however in the father son and Holy Spirit in one eye can be black and one lifetime Mexican in the other purple in another I can be any culture any race any size. Because I am Creator the true GOD. They’ve been trying to kill me in my spirit for 12,000 years but I am the only eternal one. They can my body but they can’t kill my spirit my soul. Know that I live within you you were made in my image. Not theirs. They have however genetically modified my children in the hybrids. They are all working for them.

@michaeltran4275 - 02.01.2024 04:06

It’s amazing to learn more about the real-life Egyptian Gods

The Konami(s’) Yu-Gi-Oh OCG+TCG should understand how to make more Supports’ Cards, the potential retrained forms of the Egyptian Gods and then the potential Divine-Evolution boosted forms of Slifer (Osiris) and Ra

@westside5054 - 16.11.2023 15:30

I like it very much 👍

@ChristopherWhitener - 14.10.2023 19:15

This isnt the only myth. Oriris, set, isis, and thoth came to egypt on a boat and gave the people civilization.

@TheGreg0307 - 08.10.2023 16:56

You forgot about the part where Isis could only find 13 of the 14 pieces - she couldn’t find Osiris’ penis. Thus, she had to construct an obelisk in its place.

@electofgod3276 - 06.10.2023 17:30

For I will pass through the land of Egypt this night, and will smite all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both man and beast; and against all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgment: I am the LORD. meaning, non myth lol

@anjalE30 - 27.09.2023 03:29

Who the Egyptians refer to as "OSIRIS" is actually LAMECH - father of tubal Cain


@Baldursgate2shadow - 22.09.2023 01:11

Now we live with set

@PyramidQuest - 01.08.2023 03:33


@johnwilbur3050 - 14.07.2023 19:50

Egyptian gods don't seem to take chopping off body parts that seriously

@jovMk3 - 13.07.2023 16:21

@Treyco - 08.07.2023 05:26

How the hell they have all these super powers

@theophrastusbombastus1359 - 04.06.2023 21:03

Hippopotami isnt a word. That particular grammar confuses Latin and Greek.

The Greek plural would maybe be "Hippopotamodi" or something like that, but the commonly accepted plural is "Hippopotamuses"

@graphiccreature356 - 23.05.2023 13:50

So what happened to the tree, and I thought it was 16 pieces?

@bippityboppityboo5963 - 26.04.2023 04:35

This reminded me of the lion king

@algram8541 - 26.04.2023 03:59

Not a myth

@charlesking1103 - 13.04.2023 00:48

Fear Man's ability to come up with insane and elaborate Fantasies to explain away the world around them without a shred of proof😂

@nachikitasfire1549 - 02.03.2023 22:01

You all just forget Osiris the elder, cuz, Thoth made six more days. Hafthor is the sixth

@GOML1112 - 01.03.2023 11:00

poor thoth was down bad in the friend zone

@BoucherRichardC - 26.02.2023 03:32

Egyptian mythology sounds more like the Gambino Family meets the Medici Family

@BoucherRichardC - 26.02.2023 03:31

Egyptian mythology sounds more like the Gambinos meet the Medici

@elizabethp.kanizin9009 - 16.02.2023 13:23

My Gurkha bodyguard was Seth?! Which book?

@Rachel-oz6gl - 16.02.2023 06:40

Ya so why are all polytheists/pagan traditions myths and the Bible’s not? Love the history and actually practice some of the traditions

@nasiasteel9105 - 05.01.2023 22:48

A white baby be for real

@geraldpoole274 - 14.12.2022 15:19

Osiris was AI

@averytherockgod9822 - 03.12.2022 11:50

Great video but my gah, it’s so hard to take Seth and Horus’ battle seriously when the Filthy Frank fight music is playing over it.😆😭

@3mig4s82 - 13.11.2022 20:17

Hello I am a mummy Set impaled me in a Masonic Ritual that was rather gruesome however as full of maggots as I am I understand Egyptian better than English and I can't follow your dialect but I am a Sexy Two Incestral Version and I wanted to say Hell-oo

@KimmyQueen - 31.10.2022 02:10

So... really though? Instead of like... being kind and whatever he thought it best to kill his brother... like wow... that is dumb.

@epicbruhmoment6985 - 14.09.2022 04:10

I feel there's a good chance that one day a long long time ago in Egypt some dude saw 2 Hippos just absolutely messin each other up and now we're here.

@oO-_-_-_-Oo - 29.08.2022 07:12

it's all trismegistus from here boys

@Makeyourselfbig - 09.08.2022 03:29

So Osiris taught the Egyptians how to brew beer. Finally a God who did something useful.

@leandrofranco3916 - 07.08.2022 06:05

Ok 🆗

@leandrofranco3916 - 07.08.2022 06:05


@mattallen7798 - 10.07.2022 22:02

I believe they're all one and the same story written and told by different languages and cultures. I believe the original was that of Nimrod. When God confounded the languages they left Babel with 70 different names for Nimrod aka Apollo, Baal, Osiris, Mardak, Gilgamesh, Zeus, and more. They're all a dying and resurrecting Sun God and all have a divine feminine.
Well not exactly resurrecting but reincarnation or something to that effect. Only one has died and resurrected in flesh. That is Yeshua. The son of the most high.

@mattallen7798 - 10.07.2022 21:54

What a Jerry Springer special

@odeleon24 - 05.07.2022 13:54

The music is so good for the story!

@ajuramizishiro6256 - 02.07.2022 23:17

Made it so I couldnt bring Jesus back to life

@exploder78 - 27.06.2022 17:58

U need DMT to really understand the meanning of the story.

@RevCompo - 06.06.2022 15:36

This is a lie

@shahenhossain7697 - 27.05.2022 14:43

Holy Quran mentioned about the Egyptian bal god osairas
During time period of Akhenaten the family of Prophet Israel moved to Egypt from Kannan they were worshipers of the lord of the heavens, after passing those periods day by day family of Jihuda means Jews started adopting Egyptian culture and even they start worshiping the Egyptian bal god osairas as the son of God
The Jews call Uzair a son of Allah, and the Christians call the Christ a son of Allah. That is a saying from their mouth; (in this) they but imitate what the unbelievers of old used to say. May Allah destroy them: how they are deluded away from the Truth!(Quran 9:30)

@eduardogllgs - 28.04.2022 07:47

I appreciate your syncretism

@osifmaga4574 - 22.04.2022 15:25

Sweet-home-ALABAMA !

@user-fr3jk3co5s - 21.04.2022 00:21

Dear parents please.Don’t watch it cartoon you children! no other gods! Except Egov turn back to the true living god Egov and the son of god Jesus Christ talk your children about Jesus Christ peace be upon you.

@thedogthatsawyounaked5843 - 09.04.2022 04:02

Haha Nüt got neutered

@celestefisher6766 - 07.04.2022 13:47

know op

@heathhannah454 - 17.03.2022 21:31

By animated they mean literally just pictures.

@x2btcsupport658 - 12.02.2022 09:39

The caucasians did cannibalism not the neteru
