How to Build OPENCV with CUDA support on Jetson Nano or Xavier

How to Build OPENCV with CUDA support on Jetson Nano or Xavier

Rocket Systems

1 год назад

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Mert Emre Önen
Mert Emre Önen - 06.03.2023 22:49

Hi , i did all steps in this video and jetson nano log file ;
real 2m50,803s
sys 0m29,084s
OpenCV make package successful
However i checked in jtop CUDA is No what can i do for this sir ?

Adam Wu
Adam Wu - 13.01.2023 06:24

Sir, thank you for your valuable information. Is there any pre-built binary opencv-cuda lib suit for jetson nano? As the target board is confirmed and consistent, why does it need every jetson user to conduct the nasty thing? Thank you.

Disha Bhatti
Disha Bhatti - 20.12.2022 13:02

compileopencvcuda file is absent in my sytem
