Kelly Gooch

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@coreyplumley5268 - 01.12.2024 01:45

I still remember when you found Kiss of Pink during your blush no buy and you were like “I’m not really cheating, because it’s half bronzer!” 😂😂

@jaxb.8351 - 01.12.2024 03:29

The ant was a paid actor 🐜

@theaondracawley5441 - 01.12.2024 04:46

I'm a oily acne prone skin girl and I don't love stick foundation because it makes my skin feels greasy. In turn makes me break out.

@CaseyDreyfuss - 01.12.2024 08:44


@adele28nova84 - 01.12.2024 09:17

what was the name of your influencer friend you mentioned for the declutter party

@sjsjsjd1603 - 01.12.2024 09:50

thank u for actually talking to us. i hate when people just film themselves decluttering but then they speed it up and put music over it. its so annoying

@deann3621 - 01.12.2024 09:58

Love this video!!! Thank you for your explanations, why you are/are not keeping something and swatching SO many things. These are super helpful. I was looking at the Milani lipstick in secret and had no idea it was so close to CT pillow talk, which I OWN! SUPER HELPFUL.

@sbxdnl - 01.12.2024 11:55

I dislike the concept of clean beauty soooo much. I’d rather put preservatives all over my face than mold. I’ve never tried even one product that became a favorite from clean beauty lines.

@Dakenisse - 01.12.2024 12:29

I can’t tell if my blush from Tower 28 has mold, but it has some kind of small crystallized “dots”? I can’t even describe it 😅 but after watching yours, now I don’t want to use mine 🥲 such a bummer 💔

@user-hi6bd6es5i - 01.12.2024 17:25

Watching this while I declutter my wardrobe, we got this girl 🙂‍↕️

@helenas.6383 - 01.12.2024 19:22

You want to "call out" clean beauty? This is literally the WHOLE POINT of clean beauty that they don't contain harsh and synthetic preservatives. And still, 1 year until the expiration date is absolutely fine. I usually resonate with your remarks and opinions, but that was just stupid.

@CaseyDreyfuss - 01.12.2024 20:35

would love a “before and after” of the drawers or some sort of overview ❤

@StoneSaysHello - 01.12.2024 22:50

Jdyk those single shadows you said were from Kalidoes are actually from Clionah.

@jlkitz1775 - 02.12.2024 02:59

...add it all up. It's a business, but wow, the consumerism and waste 😮

@Kristyn.roberts13 - 02.12.2024 11:09


@jenv6846 - 02.12.2024 16:02

Please throw some of those out and don’t pass them on. If you’ve had it for years - trash. The tower 28 - trash it all that is expired. Definitely share the love with your family and friends, but it’s also okay to just throw out old makeup. 💛💛💛

@Dopey22AMJ - 02.12.2024 21:19

My tower 28 blush went bad after less than a year of having it. I am now so irked about it! You could see these raised little bumps. I don’t know that I will be purchasing any more from them. My collection is too extensive to have it expire so soon

@lauramartz - 03.12.2024 02:00

If they started selling Believe Beauty at Target.... It would be a huge success 🥺

@joannievh2071 - 03.12.2024 04:16

I loved the video!!!
I bought Jewelz thanks to you and went to use it when I saw the issue you had... Same thing!
I've researched it. The needle doesn't seem to work all the time and some people said to pull out the tip of the bottle and rinse it with warm water. I tried it and it worked for me.
Hope it works for you too because it's an amazing shade! ❤️💚🧡
Edit: yes to the lipliners video!!!

@sandrinedescheneaux - 03.12.2024 05:16

I keep my clean makeup like the ilia foundation in my fridge 😂

@Queenofcats36 - 03.12.2024 06:26

I've been trying to pan a couple of foundations I have. I don't need to buy anymore. Tilly is just the cutest! I got rid of a number of palettes I don't use. I'm more about color 😹

@sray1144 - 03.12.2024 14:21

The same shade broke in my Milani gilded palette although I took good care of it. It might be the shade the problem…

@woodsmokeandwisteria1842 - 04.12.2024 06:03

I felt inspired and got rid of two items in my collection today! It may not seem like much but considering I have a smaller colletion two is pretty good!

@Erin.Martinez97 - 05.12.2024 08:35

For the about face foundation, try it with a hydrating primer underneath! I don’t love it by itself but when I use the saie super glowy gel underneath it’s my holy grail!

@AnthonetteCousar - 05.12.2024 22:48

Hey do you have any foundation u not going to use it can you help me please

@danisarmi30 - 06.12.2024 14:44

Colourpop did rerelease many of the jelly much shadows, including big ego! it is available!

@20thcenturyrelic - 07.12.2024 11:29

Thanks for the video, Kelly! My goodness, that was a long one.

@linetteruffino9576 - 09.12.2024 05:50

The conceal + perfect concealer would DEFINITELY work as a mixer/brightener

@linetteruffino9576 - 09.12.2024 06:33

A lot of the blushes can be seasonal organizing

@4booky831 - 10.12.2024 06:30

Been watching since your obsession with juvias place the duce palette, which has long been decluttered. Really interesting to see how much your preferences have changed from full on colorful cut creased to single shadow effortless looks.

@MellaYellow - 10.12.2024 10:58

I've enjoyed this I I just added Bubbly by Flower beauty to my collection. It was very nice meeting you in Vegas. I love the pictures you looked very elegant. 💖

@ChristinaBawden - 13.12.2024 13:52

I had the same thing happen to my Danessa Myricks color shifting tube. If anyone knows how to get the product out it would be appreciated

@sideshowmob - 13.12.2024 16:22

i can't test my foundation on my hand because it's lighter than my face

@shauni1415 - 13.12.2024 23:33

The eyeshadow pallets are such a trip down memory lane, still love them!

@wismeiry31 - 14.12.2024 10:35

Declutters are like working as a CEO. 😂
Declutter =Fired, Broken=Injury, Too old=retirement, Given away=moved companies

@yesanothersarah - 15.12.2024 17:35

Loved seeing swatches together! In particular the 3.2o from kosas concealer is a perfect match for me as a kermit leaning individual, and the ND N4 looks like a much lighter, peachier concealer on me! I tend to neutralize/ bronze myself to make things work and I like to see the differences.

@anastasiawortham8833 - 17.12.2024 09:56

I buy the elf hydrating core balms for my daughter because she is 6 and loves the heart center so it is a balm she will regularly use. Cuteness wins with little kids every time. They are also a sheer age appropriate way for her to play with makeup. In North Dakota, the best lip balm is the one you actually keep reapplying.

@anandeztvseries8498 - 19.12.2024 09:39

Glad that I chose the Moira Loveheat blush over the Tower 21 one. it does last so much longer and I'm on its emptying project rn.

@anandeztvseries8498 - 19.12.2024 10:14

I saw the video of a few other influencers showing their brow freeze are melted or getting mold. It's really a trendy product that comes and goes fast, and gets forgotten so fast as well.

@hon.ey.beeeee - 23.12.2024 11:05

Last time I watched this I ended up dozing off but I LOVE declutter season and this was a delight. Would be hype for a lip liner stash video as well (and perhaps a sped up reorganization asmr in declutters?? 😂)

@loretta_3843 - 26.12.2024 10:32

I always love a declutter, so thank you 😊 I must say, I've found (if you treat it well) make-up always lasts quite a bit longer than the time frame written on the box. I can't see myself getting any Tower 28 products after seeing so many weird looking ones!

@MuffinAmbush - 27.12.2024 23:30

For the DM eyeshadow maybe put the tube in some warm water? Seems like it’s gelled up?

@savstorey6518 - 30.12.2024 01:13

Kosas is the only concealer that’s actually matched me 😂

@tammygarrett9261 - 30.12.2024 11:11

I've been trying tinted moisturizer, I'm old with wrinkles. It ain't easy!

@tammygarrett9261 - 30.12.2024 11:13

Use them before they expire.

@lisasellers2839 - 06.01.2025 16:01

I am very different. If my foundations and concealers are not the right shade for me, there is no making them work or mixing with another...they are gone. I refuse to keep any makeup that I don't absolutely love, regardless of price point... period.

@devlovescolor - 20.01.2025 03:42

The undone beauty unfoundation works really well for me, but I have very oily skin. It does a good job of drying me out, although my natural oils still break through after a few hours, so I don’t look super matte. Highly recommend for people with oily skin. It’s pretty light coverage, but it looks very natural. Also the shades make no sense. I got the shade buttercream medium light, even though I usually wear a light shade.

@nolacraft2824 - 25.01.2025 16:37

I bought the side by side palette because your videos and absolutely no regrets!

@item_905 - 10.02.2025 13:26

ohhh nice and juicy declutter
