The Sims 5 was OFFICIALLY announced!

The Sims 5 was OFFICIALLY announced!

James Turner

1 год назад

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James Turner
James Turner - 18.10.2022 22:06

Let me know all your thoughts! We will be doing another video soon having a closer look at everything, discussing our thoughts and ideas.

Kawáii Soul
Kawáii Soul - 08.06.2023 00:59

this prevents wicked whims to being imported to Sim 5 =D RIP WW Wonderful whims is da best thou

Aki ΦωΦ 一春之樱「二奶貓」
Aki ΦωΦ 一春之樱「二奶貓」 - 07.06.2023 16:27

As long as The Sims Project Rene going back to open world & bring back custom panel, that would be great!🥰

Catherine Mendenhall
Catherine Mendenhall - 26.05.2023 16:38

Are we going to need a yottabyte of memory to actually be able to just play? And, will we be forced to have an internet connection just to play a computer game? There are several aspects Origin/EA needs to resolve just to make the games (the ones active now) playable.

Virtual Worlds by Loff
Virtual Worlds by Loff - 08.05.2023 12:27


Feline FurKin
Feline FurKin - 06.05.2023 23:14

I wish I could get behind their cutesy excitement, but catching up with mods and custom content over a decade in, finally giving us back colour and pattern choices from Sims 3, and remaking a kitchen very similar to one from Sims 2, yet again, oof. I was excited by Sims 1-3, then they rehashed the lazy recreations from 3 onwards. The baby is cute but still, it took 20 years.

Megan Adamiak
Megan Adamiak - 05.05.2023 07:16

As someone who is purchased every kit pack expansion anything for the Sims four full priced as they were released I will never purchase sims 5. I spent 10 years investing in this game spending hundreds of dollars this shit ain’t got nowhere for me lol.

Weatherz - 18.04.2023 20:48

Out of all the sims games, 4 is by far the most restrictive in terms of play. The only advantage is probably the graphics, but with the mods for say Sims 3, it is still just barely passing the mark.

Like James mentioned, the MOBILE VERSION has frickin cars... Yes, MOBILE... I hate having Sims on a mobile as you dont even get that full experience.. but for it to be more advanced and "free" is insane and a huge lapse in judgment by the team that stands behind Sims 4 in its development.

I just hope that Sims 5 brings back that freedom you had in Sims 3. Teen, Child, Baby and new born should all be CORE things, not "expansions", rounded walls is hopefully also included in this. I hope it has a bunch of good careers in the core, I wouldnt mind having different vehicles in an expansion pack, that in itself could bring so many different things to the game, career, hobby- and skill wise.

Hopefully they will also expand on play based things, such as the family tree, making that a more solid and important feature of the game, which in turn would affect different genetics and birth attributes, like pigementation changes for skin, eyes, hair. At least seeing a colour wheel make me a bit more hopeful about the character creation. The lack of eye and hair colours in Sims 4 is staggering.

Sorry for the rant lol. Just tired of all the missed shots on Sims 4, I will cross my fingers and hope that Sims 5 just smashes it.

Pinkie Pie. Album.11.17.23
Pinkie Pie. Album.11.17.23 - 19.03.2023 16:54

I’m so excited for Sims 5

King goose
King goose - 14.02.2023 20:37

We had this in sims 3 I wanted it back the colour wheel and cars and hair highlights

NEINA‏♡ - 18.01.2023 00:10

that look really cool i'm sure it will turn great, and the baby😣 I can’t wait

Gregory Schwarz
Gregory Schwarz - 16.01.2023 06:25

Would be cool if you could visit other peoples houses

Gabriel Luiz
Gabriel Luiz - 11.01.2023 04:34

can't wait to have the babys on this game <3 i always loved then since sims 2.

Michele Miszkura
Michele Miszkura - 05.01.2023 23:30

Am I the only one who feels paralives is sims 5.

AxelsChakram KH2
AxelsChakram KH2 - 24.12.2022 07:08

Mobile is also extensively more agregiously monetized than the pc version is

Mercermaniac - 13.12.2022 14:16

CC AND MODS ON CONSOLE 😭😭😭 can’t wait if it happens

Jennifer Abeille-Bourdon
Jennifer Abeille-Bourdon - 10.12.2022 06:14

‘uh-oh multiplayer.’ Lol as someone who played the Sims Live, I second that. Anyone else remember how the whole virtual Sims Reality had users take advantage of some of the points of the game, basically creating Mafias, gangs and making the whole thing an unplayable waste of money?

Nathan Franklin
Nathan Franklin - 04.12.2022 08:01

Wrong! Load the game with geometric objects that you can texture and shade yourself and use to make custom furniture fuck your preset lists! That's the whole fuckin point!

Adnan Bukhari
Adnan Bukhari - 02.12.2022 14:00

Make it Third Person View. That's it

Limitless 1
Limitless 1 - 28.11.2022 00:27

You have all that in Sims 3.
Sims 5 needs new stuff, needs to inovate. They just remade Sims 3 with better graphics...
Pffff... boring!

Cendres à Phoenix
Cendres à Phoenix - 22.11.2022 18:15

It's going to be shit

PPG SMOOSHI - 16.11.2022 18:36

Multi player open world drivable cars

Angela McLellan
Angela McLellan - 13.11.2022 22:34

While I'm happy with the customization and stuff, I feel like this should have already been the case years ago. Oh well. I'll still be happy to see the color wheel and pattern customization back in the game.

Anti Christie
Anti Christie - 13.11.2022 21:26

I think The Sims is slowly going to evolve into the same model as League, WOW, Overwatch now, etc. where the game is continually updated w/ paid and unpaid updates (bigger expansions always paid) but no more “new” releases of the game. And honestly, it kind of makes sense. They have a huge audience already and will inevitably lost good will if they release a Sims 5 lacking all of the features they’ve spent years adding into Sims 4 - when they release w/o toddlers or seasons or pets and fans are pissed, it just causes issues instead of them being able to develop the game that already exists and remake old features instead. Idk, that model makes sense to me as long as they actually improve features that didn’t pan out like the fans hoped.

UKChub - 13.11.2022 11:03

What since when we got sims 4 multiplayer?

V P - 13.11.2022 00:08

Dang, this doesn't look as fun. I know it's super early, it just already seems like it is lacking sims pizzazz. Which I think they are going away from a lot of the chaos and such. I'll keep myself updated of course, but first I have a feeling I will keep sticking with Sims 2 and little Sims 4. I'm curious to see how this goes, but I just have a feeling it is going away from original Sims roots. Which isn't necessarily bad, but it seemingly will be going more towards real life vs a fun simulator that is was. I know people will buy it and have a blast. I know there are a few like myself as well. I hope they would be able to mess the two together, but we shall see!

notsoluna - 12.11.2022 00:32

I've been playing this game for at least 20 yrs since the debut or whatever, children come and children go, schools come and go, fame, pets, music bands, haircuts or strolling through streets, and even being able to use a freakin car is an issue or an "expansion" in a "life simulator"

and they still try to hype the audience with... babies? or the customization spectrum that they abandoned for 8 yrs? I can't tell who are they fishing anymore. for a franchise that have this much player base and wealth the fact that they never dipped their toes in a real metaverse experience by now... even the fact that GTA franchise have come closer than they did, is just... sad.

Lulu Lopo plays games
Lulu Lopo plays games - 11.11.2022 18:27

Hopefully it won't include a lot of things that have ruined this game.

Louisa - 11.11.2022 13:20

Why are they not just making a mix between sims 3 and sims 4 when they know its all we want

House Station Live . com
House Station Live . com - 11.11.2022 12:00

they don t want provide release date to not prevent people, from purchasing their stupid new baby crying extention.

Chris P.
Chris P. - 10.11.2022 18:25

Honestly, i feel like im not in the target audience for the sims games anymore.

Dismaying Mist
Dismaying Mist - 09.11.2022 22:35

I am confused Was that sims 4 for mobile or sims 5 , hi recently just discovered your channel

Sn1perAJ - 08.11.2022 16:11


Alpha_Velvet - 08.11.2022 14:30

I’m Still playing sims 3 😂

baelngiaca - 08.11.2022 11:10

awesome the snake hole hoodie B)

GamerGirl_1990 - 07.11.2022 21:52

does anyone remember sims 3 with babies and open world and you could customize all the patterns and make furniture match like the woods would match and so would the fabric, and freaking cars?

Cheyenne Mcallister
Cheyenne Mcallister - 07.11.2022 20:26

Project Rene kinda looks like paralives

LiaMarieM900 - 07.11.2022 20:26

I'm definitely super excited for Sims 5/Rene! It looks rough, but I know it'll get better!

Nicole - 07.11.2022 18:02

IMO, nothing beats Sims 3 and Sims 2.

MADLyricStudio - 07.11.2022 15:39

Why you clickbait us telling us sims 5 was announced.

ZetaFr3ak - 07.11.2022 09:01

I remember being able to change patterns and stuff in earlier sims.. they actually lost features throughout the years. I want online game play!!

Enderdxll - 07.11.2022 04:43


Phoenix Miller
Phoenix Miller - 07.11.2022 00:47

My bestie just moved and I'm excited for the project Rene

Ash Lee
Ash Lee - 06.11.2022 23:58

I like the idea of the sims having a multiplayer mode. My sister and I both play so it would be like awesome if we could interact through the game.

Ashley Bellerose
Ashley Bellerose - 06.11.2022 15:13

Im finding sims 4 hard to get used to. Iplay sims 3 a lot still

Sophia Antonopoulou
Sophia Antonopoulou - 06.11.2022 10:54

Not purchasing it. Sims 4 and expansions were expensive enough. I'll play that for a very long time most likely. Just don't want to sink more money into the franchise that doesn't seem to listen or react to what the actual player base is asking for really.

Phrosst - 05.11.2022 23:50

Curseforge uses overwolf. Curseforge is addons for, World of Warcraft, Minecraft and other MMORPGs. Its a great platform!

Laura Rodrigues
Laura Rodrigues - 05.11.2022 23:33

Sorry but the only thing I saw was Paralives lol

JRPanda - 05.11.2022 15:22

I love how they act like colorwheel and patterns is revolutionary. Sims 3 had it already...

Alexa B
Alexa B - 05.11.2022 01:18

Might stick to Paralives. I would rather support a small honest brand than a money hungry corporation :( Sims 4 will do for now
