The New Golden Age of Space Exploration

The New Golden Age of Space Exploration

World Science Festival

1 год назад

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eternisedDragon7 - 21.11.2023 01:48

It is quite full of ignorant prejudice of Zurbuchen to think that advanced civilizations would have settlements on multiple planets. It means that he's ignorant about the macro-ethical reasons for why that'd be avoided by any civilization.

the spiritualist
the spiritualist - 20.11.2023 23:55

Its so powerful and true that a large quantity of what we were thought is wrong

maricarmen_ - 10.11.2023 05:04

Thank you for this ❤ team outterspace

Bowiefan - 07.11.2023 00:54

Great talk, Brian! I have a question - Hayabusa2 found 20,000 organic molecules which is basically a VERY TINY number. For reference Avogadro number is 6.023*10^23 so 2*10^4 is a very small number. How are we then so sure that it is from a primordial asteroid and not leakage from earth's atmosphere or some earth-origin dust particle. Even an entropic argument seems to be in favor of a leakage into the sample collector (there could be innumerable ways of leaking such a minuscule number of molecules).

How do we definitively know that the sample is 100.00% from that asteroid.

Wojtek - 06.11.2023 02:15

Great to see live WSF meeting.

Viv - 02.11.2023 19:40

Absolutely loved this episode. I'm a regular watcher and this one is the best of the year. Thank you Brian for producing this programmes. As a non-scientist, I find watching your programmes one of the best ways to glimpse into the fields of physics and cosmology!

Robert Bustamante
Robert Bustamante - 29.10.2023 18:44

The cost of rocket production has gone down 1/3 because it is now non-union, low benefit, private sector employment working for stock options rather than benefits. It has little to do with 24 hr shift work. Come on Mr. Zurbuchen. Not to turn the conversation into a labor dispute, but it may be greed or the motivation for wealth that drives down costs at the front end. There has been a cultural shift in that regard since the early space program. How do scientists negotiate that phenomenon?

Virtual Worlds by Loff
Virtual Worlds by Loff - 29.10.2023 15:45

Dumb assumption, that Alien life works like ours and needs the same habitable zone, Alien life may not even need chemistry to work, just magnetics or energy, DUMB ASSUMPTION, NARROW MINDS

Ancient Builds
Ancient Builds - 26.10.2023 18:46

I think he should have said "Astronauts should be less like overpaid footballers."

cairo - 19.09.2023 02:41

These are so good talks!!!!!! Love them. Great moderation as always by Brian Greene.

Anonymous - 09.09.2023 17:26

Space exploration? More like UNIVERSE DOMINATION and that's a FACT!

Nicholas Nerios
Nicholas Nerios - 31.08.2023 06:55

In this era of robotic and ai systems filling less desirable jobs, we need to explore just for job creation.

Another benefit, Steven Hawking says some disaster will make humans on earth extinct, other estimates less then 1 million, or as soon as 500 million years.

With the technology we learn from habitating Mars, will be needed here in earth with in this 1000 year to 500 million years and before earth becomes hazardous to life.

Being prepared to create sustainable life should be the first concern, and we learn that by taking Mars.

Jed Propeck
Jed Propeck - 29.08.2023 06:38

If it wasn’t for science… we would not have the things we have today.

shawnte Pitts
shawnte Pitts - 26.08.2023 09:44


Robertas Rajuncas
Robertas Rajuncas - 14.08.2023 13:53

LOL ALL FACTIONS GO= Cowboy Bebop | Trailer oficial | Netflix NORTH POLE SANTA SLADE Cowboy Bebop Anime Astral gate

motoflatdrag - 13.08.2023 11:31

That life will be found on other planets, or moons in our galaxy is a given. The bigger question will be the origin of it. The Chicxulub asteroid killed off the dinosaurs when it hit the Yucatán Peninsula 66 million years ago. 25 trillion tons of material (50,000 cubic miles) were ejected from the crater, some of it left the earth's orbit. Some organisms can survive in space. Over 250 different species of bacteria and fungi can survive, and thrive in outer space The ejected material would have spread through our galaxy like a cloud, and it could have ended up on all the celestial bodies where it could have reproduced. So......yes life forms will be found in our galaxy, but the odds are that it was probably transported from earth 66million years ago.

Winkkin King
Winkkin King - 13.08.2023 03:49

What about hydrogen from the sun mixing with oxygen in our atmosphere to create our water, star water.

Darioush Aryan
Darioush Aryan - 11.08.2023 11:07

great... bravoo

Ho Se Huang
Ho Se Huang - 05.08.2023 18:19

🥲 this made me so HAPPY! 🤓🥳NERDS RULE 🤘🏼😎

Jim Horak
Jim Horak - 03.08.2023 09:55

"Duck & Cover" people are STUPID.!😂😮😢

Doug Hoffman
Doug Hoffman - 02.08.2023 11:05

imo the first question would be something like have you seen the princess bride?

Glenn Younger with EnLIGHTertainment
Glenn Younger with EnLIGHTertainment - 25.07.2023 21:57

This is like watching an alternate reality to the tv show FOR ALL MANKIND. Aside from that random observation, this conversation is an interesting juxtaposition against the UAP Whistleblower UAP Congressional Hearings. Thanks for sharing.

ArmchairGravy - 24.07.2023 16:13

70 years from Wright brothers to Apollo landings. That still blows my mind.

Akshay Kumar
Akshay Kumar - 23.07.2023 17:23

You should invite elon musk

Pratim Putatunda
Pratim Putatunda - 22.07.2023 23:15

What a dumb debate.

Segeln Natur
Segeln Natur - 20.07.2023 17:22

Don't focus on distant fantasies. Planet earth and masses of suffering human beings are in desperate need of attention and improvements. Outerspace for the satellites necessary for international communications and weather observations is one thing. Beyond that it's a total scam, a waste, a selfish, criminal action by a clever, shrewd bunch of devils who are exploiting the masses to fund their hobby. 😉

abcd efg
abcd efg - 19.07.2023 13:36

The golden age of space exploration has yet to begin. India, China, the ESA are making big steps. More startups are joining the race, more countries like Turkey, UAE, Saudi Arabia are enhancing their space tech.
Shit is going to be good

Andrew - 18.07.2023 11:33

You murdered your best president what a bunch of loosers.

MichaelC Copeland Sr
MichaelC Copeland Sr - 18.07.2023 09:16

I need help with my new years resolution.  I've figured out how to change the stars.
My idea for changing the stars includes Orion and Pleiades (Subaru).  I figure it's time to put something up there that's relevant to us, don't you think?  Take Orion's belt and Betelgeuse becomes the head with a baseball hat.  Below the belt are two legs bending at the knee.  The feet aligning perfectly under the bent knees.  The 3 stars of Orion's belt align perfectly as the 3 fat belt loops on a baseball uniform.  The spear pointing at "Subaru" is the bat being swung and "Pleiades" is the baseball flying away after being hit.  Put it all together and you get, "THE ALL-STAR."  In my case, I see a left-handed batter and I imagine a "7" on the jersey. Which makes him, "Mickey." (As it should be ;-) But you can put any number you want, making, "THE ALL-STAR," any player you want. It'd  be wrong of me to not, at least, try.  This is me, trying. Pass it on, please and thank you. Don't worry, where I come from, crazy is a compliment.  ;-P

ramesh naidu
ramesh naidu - 17.07.2023 23:35

U guys will get all the answers once u explore your soul with...that is the ultimate science

Eamonn O'Reilly
Eamonn O'Reilly - 16.07.2023 15:57

I would hope in 100 years we will be interstellar. There need to be some modification to general relativity to make this happen.

BECKY WAYTOOMUCH - 14.07.2023 07:27

Love World Science Fest! Welcome back IRL!❤

Gorgeé d'eau
Gorgeé d'eau - 13.07.2023 23:47

i thought the introduction was a add for a new paradox game

Brian Darcy
Brian Darcy - 13.07.2023 23:22

(FALSE ALARM...not enough gravity to matter!! SOB!!)To calculate the approximate gravitational force, we need to know the mass of the object generating the gravitational force and the distance between the object and the affected body.

In this case, let's assume the mass of the object generating the gravitational force is 1.25 million kilograms, as estimated in the previous response. We'll also assume a distance of 100 meters between the object and the affected body.

Using Newton's law of universal gravitation:

F = (G * m1 * m2) / r²

where F is the gravitational force, G is the gravitational constant (approximately 6.67430 × 10^(-11) N(m²/kg²)), m1 and m2 are the masses of the two objects, and r is the distance between them.

Plugging in the values:

F = (6.67430 × 10^(-11) N(m²/kg²)) * ((1.25 × 10^6 kg) * (5.972 × 10^24 kg)) / (100 m)^2

Calculating this:

F ≈ 9.3 × 10^7 Newtons

Therefore, the approximate gravitational force between the object with a mass of 1.25 million kilograms and the affected body at a distance of 100 meters would be approximately 93 million Newtons.

Kartik Patel
Kartik Patel - 13.07.2023 06:22

😮😮😮😮well ingormeti0n good show 😅😅

jdt2003 - 12.07.2023 22:04

In worldly conflict we like to war game country vs country. When it comes to space all of earth bands together - it is wonderful.

Monika Fibonacci
Monika Fibonacci - 12.07.2023 17:14

Brian, you're a physicist, your comments about the covid vax sound like cheap commercial for Pfizer - vastly inaccurate!

JOLLUX - 12.07.2023 03:02

only 41k views? humanity is doomed

andrew kelynack
andrew kelynack - 11.07.2023 23:00

What a BORING discourse! Nothing new, no revelations.......NASA guy is quite amusing......Prof Greene must've thought the same as myself and many others. Dull, dull, dull.....

Hard Mcshaft
Hard Mcshaft - 11.07.2023 09:06

It takes billions of years to create intelligent life.. the bible and kuran managed to make people dumber in only a few thousand years

Hard Mcshaft
Hard Mcshaft - 11.07.2023 08:58

I just hope people get smart and look to science to make the world a better place.. religion has damn failed us thats for sure

Steve from Saskatoon
Steve from Saskatoon - 11.07.2023 05:45

At 25.53 ..... this is the pinnacle of thw WSF 😂😂😂😂, i love it 😊

Jared Boone
Jared Boone - 09.07.2023 22:02

I'm sorry Mr. Green but if the speaker guest presence cannot be there with you in person then don't come!

Vikingsandra - 09.07.2023 21:12

I can't tell you how happy I am these videos are back! I think I watched all the previous ones. These discussions are the best! 👏

dave bosch
dave bosch - 09.07.2023 20:52

all science and space program of human are fake 1 billion % and many many proof
