Apex Legends New Buffs & Nerfs Season 15 Rework Update

Apex Legends New Buffs & Nerfs Season 15 Rework Update

Thordan Smash

1 год назад

84,624 Просмотров

Apex Legends New Buffs & Nerfs Season 15 Reworks with main characters such as Seer, Loba and Revenant mentioned as well with a Meta shift for the new legend Catalyst and her abilities a lot of misinformation is being spread about what exactly those changes will be and what is actually going to be the Season 15 patch notes and when they will release.
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@xX-Anonymous-Xx - 19.11.2022 01:31

They absolutely need to buff the koot pool with more weapons. Just liok at the usual buildings and spots that normally have loot and the loot has been cut in half. There is noticeably less loot in buildings and scattered throughout the map than there has ever been before.

The dev's should also get rid of the white shields and white helmets entirely in order to make room for more and better loot. It is useless having white shields and white helmets on the ground when you already land with those items from the get-go.

@xX-Anonymous-Xx - 19.11.2022 01:28

Remote scanner recovery is a bad idea, because it will make Crypto essentially useless for the most part; and he is already dead last in pick rates. This will just lower that.

@iswiftyfox8997 - 05.11.2022 18:20

I totally agree with the “you need this specific character to counter this specific thing” but I do think crypto should also have a passive like that.

Maybe he is “off the grid” only when crouching. So it’s good for sneaking up on enemies. Or maybe he can be scanned but not his exact location similar to mirage decoy notification

@mattrobilliard7808 - 01.11.2022 18:17

If they want metas to change they should buff Bangalore, path and others that literally have no use past platinum in ranked. Once in diamond the main character usage is seer,Valk, horizon. I find most of the characters are under the meta. They should make it more balanced all across the board. Instead they go hey its a new season and oh yea meta is the same.

@d1rtydiesel733 - 01.11.2022 06:48

They just need to.make it possible to craft your teammates back into the game or get rid of the timers for banner retrieval so banner camping can be less important

@p0psyckle248 - 31.10.2022 00:13

As a March 2019 veteran player, I personally think the game's starting to get very stale.

A new gun would shake things up dramatically... Season 15 is gonna be a really crucial one, I truly hope we get more than just a map and a legend but if that's the case, the map needs to be extremely good or I fear the game will slowly die.

Respawn is lucky that Overwatch 2 is basically Overwatch 1.1 and Halo Infinite sucks because at this point, I think Apex could lose a significant amount of it's players base if a good similar fps was released.

@bpgdihunter - 30.10.2022 21:06

Just take crypto out of the legend pool lol, since he is not going to be changed and very irrelevant to the movement meta anyways

@spartanumismatics8165 - 30.10.2022 17:14

Apex has too much of a problem nerfing characters into the ground instead of raising the other legends up.

@liluris9028 - 29.10.2022 23:33

this isn't fair they're debuffing crypto for no reason like this is why i stopped playing apex 🤦‍♂️

@formyownedification3879 - 29.10.2022 07:26

If they care so much about the loot pool why the fuck is the 6x scope still in the game

@oomp9123 - 28.10.2022 14:55

Caustic buff incoming😤 his gas barrels feel weak ngl they should not be able to be destroyed

@danilo_0335 - 28.10.2022 01:37

I think they are gona mess up seer so bad.

@MarkSmith-xi3vl - 27.10.2022 22:15

Did I miss something for crypto? Crypto is getting a buff that allows anyone to remote beacon recover!!! That's great! Now crypto is almost 100% Crapto...

@Spilled_Coffeeyt - 27.10.2022 10:02

It’s weird how respawn says cross progression will be hard when overwatch 2 just did it, I think Fortnite has it

@JackTheStrippa - 27.10.2022 00:38

So dont make Bang the one legend that can counter scans but make wattson the on legend that cana nerf everything thrown, make. Every game hs it's time and if they keep playing around like this one day people are going to speak about Apeex with fond/hateful memories.

@sharpenmysight5954 - 26.10.2022 14:23

Ok do they are doing what they said they were not going to do? I can’t with this game

@iiMoNeY - 26.10.2022 07:28

So adding things that take away from legends is “healthier” than adding a new gun? Yikes

@vamp1re200 - 26.10.2022 06:46

I wonder why ash hasn’t been mentioned at all, I really feel like ash is just not as good as they make her seem like she is

@awttygaming2510 - 26.10.2022 03:25

balancing devs aare garbage at their jobs

@FREDSTER305 - 26.10.2022 00:27

Medium shield capacitor… Can they put that to Wattson’s Kit instead (In her Ultimate)
😐? Remote Banner Recovery… can they put that in Loba’s kit (Collect banners Via Black Market) 😐?

@Lykais9999 - 25.10.2022 22:47


@Nazlito - 25.10.2022 18:55

I cant belive they skipped my boy Fuse for the heirloom 😔

@kleeklee4572 - 25.10.2022 18:46

The meta isn’t always right… hence season 14s preshrink ring was dumb and ruined the game.

@garethbarnabas3234 - 25.10.2022 15:17

What would make the game more healthy is actually fixing the servers. Possibly even adding African servers, but I get it, EA loves money so why should we even bother 👍

@EvanQueenSummers - 25.10.2022 15:09

well, the whole reason I've been playing Bloodhound is because I can't see shit through Bangalore's smoke, it becomes really frustrating when your teammate is the one who did this, so it would be sad if devs take away this ability to see through her smoke, bloodhound already has to deal with 10+ mirages ((

@P0wd33r - 25.10.2022 12:16

the intro is laggy

@Elementnoskill - 25.10.2022 09:24

Skins in the Video Pic are insane. Hope they come 🤣

@Will_tha_wise - 25.10.2022 09:19

No bang buff with 5 scan characters. But pathfinder needs a buff? XD thank god overwatch 2 came out. Apex is horrible.

@trevonheavens530 - 25.10.2022 08:20

Bring that insta phase back for wraith tho

@bravesirknight8336 - 24.10.2022 21:56

I'm so exited about catalyst and the map

@malachimalachii - 24.10.2022 19:42

Remote Banner Grab!

@kjkrantz9122 - 24.10.2022 19:10

I love how they give no fucks about doing shit with ASH at all. She definitely needs a rework somewhere in her kit

@TheMobster_Lobster - 24.10.2022 18:48

as they say " Adapt and overcome" , older legends should be updated with the new meta.

@fallen_angel249 - 24.10.2022 16:40

We need a vantage nerf asap

@de-ment - 24.10.2022 15:22

This seems like it doesnt get talked much about since anyone loud enough to be heard in this community is level 500+ and has tons of excess legend tokens to spend but I feel like they need to make legends cheaper with how many there are and how many have big spots on the meta.

12K tokens with 600 earned each level means 20 levels per legend excluding weapon recolours you may want to buy.

I'm a day-one player and am at level 310, I'm not an acne ridden basement dweller who gets to play 4 hours a day, well atleast not for such a game that gets old so quick especially now with minimal updates or meaningful changes.
I haven't had the luxury to unlock the new legend with season release since S9 and the only new legends I've unlocked since then til now are seer, valk and maggie.

To think a fresh account only gets access to BH, Gibby, Lifeline, Path, Wraith & Bangalore with having to progress 20 levels for each of the 16 or so locked legends afterwards is strange to me.

Having to pay 10-17~ levels worth of tokens on recolors you may never get the chance to buy ever again is even worse.

I say make both cheaper.
legends -> 6K
recolors -> 3-6k

@ray_cubano6031 - 24.10.2022 14:10

Like and comment

@JayFox128 - 24.10.2022 13:49

The apex devs don’t understand their own game. Pathfinder is not at all powerful. His grapple is good, but his other abilities are terrible. The zip line is only good if you use it when no one’s near, and there’s so many better legends for that. The passive is so useless because by the time you scan a beacon you already have your zip. I see so many pathfinders use a zip line to get to the beacon, just to get some use out of their passive. The devs look at the pick rate of a legend with hardcore mains and say “yeah, he’s in a good spot”. What an amazing excuse for not wanting to make a passive.

@Spencertk7 - 24.10.2022 13:14

Never understood why the proximity based cool down with Pathfinder wasn’t applied to Loba’s bracelet. If you do a much shorter grapple with Pathfinder, the cooldown is much lower than if you had used the most extended version of his grapple ability. If Loba does a short bracelet throw, she should have a lower cooldown as well.

@marvinspower1 - 24.10.2022 11:11

Bro's webcam is a powerpoint converted to mp4

@chrisprice7356 - 24.10.2022 09:29

The rev buff is a huge relief to hear about

@Gaaraxo666 - 24.10.2022 05:33

I do find Valkyries flying ability a little annoying but only when she able to fly away on building other then that she not a problem tbh .

@Blanksoul420 - 24.10.2022 02:45

I think ash needs a buff overall the kits good but the tactical isn't all that good like make it faster, decrease radius of snare so they can't move as much or give it 2 charges

@concernedemployee750 - 24.10.2022 02:14

Funny how often different Respawn employees public comments contradict each other and moves they make with the game. I am convinced they are just telling us what we want to hear, cuz they can’t say “It’s all about money”. That’s partly why my employer, a Fortune 20 corporation, doesn’t allow ANYONE (unless you are literally in PR specifically) to speak publicly on stuff we might be doing, so we have a consistent message all the time

@noycii - 24.10.2022 01:42

Good choice on an ult countering scans

@kuromiworlddestroyer - 24.10.2022 01:13

Respawn: we don’t want a legend that takes away other legend abilities
Also respawn: Revenant

@princewillnmereole7679 - 24.10.2022 00:22

remote banner recovery is gonna keep the game going longer

@Kinezos21 - 23.10.2022 22:26

They have to make bang can see in her smoke without digi and make her ult more effective like explode faster

@Coolstarburst - 23.10.2022 22:18

no one talking about how catalyst ult will indirectly nerf crypto

@bucketlist2016 - 23.10.2022 22:11

New gun please
