D&D Starter Set Reddit Bonus Episode - Lost Mine Of Phandelver Dungeon Master Guide for Beginner DMs

D&D Starter Set Reddit Bonus Episode - Lost Mine Of Phandelver Dungeon Master Guide for Beginner DMs

Verdigris Table - Ryan Doyle

2 года назад

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@boonbrown3648 - 14.03.2022 19:30

Great video. There are so many D&D creators but your delivery is awesome. The topic is great and I like how detailed you were. So many creators are a bit down energy and dry, some put me to sleep (sorry dungeon dudes).

@Aussieontheroad - 15.03.2022 01:47

If you want another for Neverwinter, the D&D 4e book is *fantastic*. I've basically only ever run LMoP in the 4th edition setting, as I think Neverwinter (in that edition) is an absolutely amazing setting.

The only risk is that I've had parties who didn't want to leave haha

@TheSuperskidz - 15.03.2022 14:14

Mine is “How to deal with a TPK?”

@jonathanwhitefield4640 - 16.03.2022 02:09

That guy that suggested to use other resources seems like a good guy... =) Seriously though, nice job in running the comments into a coherent video. See you on the sub (even if we don't talk about it).

@bocconom - 17.03.2022 19:48

I am a long time veteran of D&D both as DM and Player and I love your video especially since I am about to run this adventure for the first time with at least two brand new to the game players. One of your strengths is clear and concise commentary. You don't waste the viewers time without a lot of useless drawn out detail. New subscriber.

@micahsmith7286 - 30.04.2022 19:15

Thanks for taking the time to make these videos keep it up

@rhodenaros - 24.05.2022 19:05

I found that Neverwinter guide just in time as well. It was while I was running Dragon of Icespire Peak and the characters hinted at going there a few times so I had to find something. It turned out that the rogue and a sidekick companion were the only ones to take the journey attempting to get some help from the Lord's Alliance while the rest of the party tracked the Stone Cold Reavers back to Icespire Hold.
Anyway it was a great resource to have and made the city feel real for the visit.

@Tadlette - 19.06.2022 04:19

I'm dming for the first time, and I'm running LMOP, but I'm running it with a group that I've been playing as a player with for a while, and we have a pretty good dynamic. For one thing we recognize that we're telling a story together, so if the DM wants the story to go a certain way they can just tell the players that and we can collaborate to figure out how we can go there or what alternatives we can do.
Like, "Ok, you guys can hang out and never winter for a while, but I don't have a lot of content for there, the story is really expecting you to follow this hook to Phandalin, can we figure out a way that your character would care about that? Or what stories are we looking to have in Neverwinter?"

@taillesswolf - 06.07.2022 07:49

This is Excellent!! I've been waiting to throw my girls into this. And never actually played this, I'm excited for this adventure. Thanks!

@KaelinGoff - 12.07.2022 22:01

Appreciate these

@mcshannon02 - 02.08.2022 23:54

Have you made any videos about combining Icespire? I am having my session zero for my campaign this Saturday.

@mcshannon02 - 02.08.2022 23:58

Also, you did not talk about the forge, it seems a little let down for it to not work really. Do you making any changes or do anything to help explain?

It also seems if it is not working then what are we stopping the big bad from?

@natemonion2062 - 06.08.2022 00:51

Your videos are so well made! I am so surprised you don't have more subscribers because you certainly deserve it. You deliver info clearly and intricately and for someone who is yet to DM or play DnD, you make me more excited the closer I am to meeting with my friends to play. Your guides are a huge help :D<3

@willsweetin2313 - 08.09.2022 07:02

Was about to run lost mines and wanted to incorporate icespire before I start. You really should make that vid

@kelsolokey - 24.09.2022 22:08

I just started lost mines as my first time DMing, all my players are new. I split the party and told them to come up with a background that connects them, e.g. long life friends, a father and son or whatever. then we met to do a sort of intro with just two players so they could get more coaching from me with game mechanics. they got hired to clear out two oozes from a manor basement.
it also helped to get them doing a bit more role play. the next two players i will have on a ship in route to neverwinter and will need to deal with a dangerous stowaway. both parties will then be adventuring before they meet the adventure hook.

@metalmattchew - 26.09.2022 17:06

I'm getting ready to DM for the first time (so what better way to start). Seems like I have 4 players (we've been playing together for over a year) so everyone gets a free feat/ASI at level 1. With a bump to stats and a homebrew bag of jelly beans that range from all the effects of a long rest, to dealing damage to who consumes it.

@hunternobles7446 - 28.09.2022 21:18

I just bought DOIP to run after LMOP (after watching this video) and I’m confused on how that adventure takes you to lvl 12. In the book it says it only goes to lvl 6.

@ryanhickey1424 - 26.10.2022 08:37

Curse of Strahd next?

@OddlyElly - 08.01.2023 11:52

Thankfully one of my players is a legitimate archaeologist and is determined to save a fellow rock nerd 😂 lucked out with that

@NewSequence.yuppkid - 11.01.2023 02:17

"I like reddit"

Everyone respected that

@OlOlOIIO - 28.01.2023 13:42

So did this mega sandbox adventure thing ever happen? For a couple of weeks I’ve been working on mixing in content from LMoP, DoSP, and considered trying to bridge in some of the content of Phandalin found in Acquisitions Incorporated. As well as two other bits of content I found online called Essential Phandalin and Return to Phandalin. One which is supposed to take place during DoIP and one that takes place a couple months after the events of LMoP.

So I can’t elaborate enough ie much I’d love to see videos on this subject.

@stephenklien - 06.02.2023 03:30

Question about downtime: While Gundren is captive, taking downtime (let alone some sidequests) feel like they make little narrative sense ("We need to get Gundren back! But let's first take a week to train up..."). Any thoughts on how to reconcile this dilemma? I'd especially like to use downtime to make leveling up make sense from an in-game perspective.

@brianbays867 - 10.02.2023 19:28

The guide to Neverwinter in here is fantastic, the shop cards and key location cards are very helpful. By the way, the man who made this guide ALSO did some free supplementary stuff for LMOP, including shop cards for all the shops in Phandelver. Very helpful stuff.

@welldan - 26.02.2023 16:21

Yes please! I was looking for your consolidation guide between LMOP and DOIP

@TomorrowsJo - 05.03.2023 14:40

This was a great idea for a video and well executed. Thank you!

@gheshalrejotar6677 - 14.03.2023 05:09

Awesome series, I keep returning to this playlist for advice running my campaign, I can't wait to introduce Venomfang as the 'big bad' and then later introduce Cryovain as his rival.

@KravRage - 16.03.2023 11:41

I personally would love for you to do a video series on combining LMOP with DOIP.

@SmokeADig - 19.03.2023 18:52

I thought most of the NPCs in town were boring, so I gave them a bit of backstory, nothing crazy. My players really latched onto Mrs. Thornton (zhentarim member running the miners exchange) and wanted to run her out of town and eventually take down the entire organization. It’s been really great watching them find ways to passive aggressively thwart political schemes, plot heists to steal magic items and sus out key figures to interrogate/assassinate.

@robertguarino355 - 31.03.2023 17:29

Great video

@BenceGutai - 02.04.2023 13:50

Great DM guide, I have already ran LMOP twice, yet i came here for inspiration as I'm gonna run this a third time. Thank you very much! :)

@morpolgar2028 - 11.04.2023 14:10

How easy will be the black arrow if my 5 player are level 2 we are new to the game? thx for the answer

@bellportbattlebunker4682 - 15.04.2023 14:21

Played Advanced D&D in the 80's and into second edition before our group split-up to start their professional careers. During COVID my family started playing 5e rules while on lockdown and I DM'd the village of Homlett and some smaller one-offs from my dusty collection of Greyhawk modules adapting it to 5e. After the world opened back up we stopped playing but the seeds of adventure may be bearing fruit again. I purchased both box sets and would love to see how you connect them as a larger sandbox. I am going to attempt to start our campaign back up with these adventures from the starter kit and the essentials kit. I am going to attempt to shoehorn in the Keep on the Borderlands, village of Hommlett, Cult of the Reptile God, and the Temple of Elemental Evil. Have not decided if I'm going to substitute these with the sites Cragmaw castle, wyverns tor, thundertree, etc. or just plant them to the east extending past the triboar trail east of the woods into the hills.
I like how you covered the starter kit and have subscribed to help me prepare to DM my new group. Thanks for sharing your talent.

@Killajake99 - 29.04.2023 00:06

Put Hew in the shambling mound, with the handle protruding out

@panos6521 - 10.08.2023 00:50

I consider myself a veteran of dnd. started from 2nd edition back then and now its time I take up the role of DM and will start with LMOP! Have watched your videos several times and I feel much more comfortable on running this. Amazing series of videos. Keep it up!

@Trauma284 - 01.09.2023 03:20

I actually really love the idea of nezznar being nezzra and a woman. Gives a Sylvanas windrunner vibe. Night elf / dark elf (drow) gawd in a nerd

@andrewrobertsmith7367 - 03.09.2023 20:18

First off, I thought you played a great role of the agent in the Alvin & the chipmunks movie.

Brand new to this and want to play it with my wife & kids. I got a bit put off by the amount of Information so just kept it to one side. After finding your videos I'm all energised for trying again so a big thanks for these videos.
I'll probably read through the instructions again and then give it another go. 👍

@brianbays867 - 05.10.2023 08:44

The 'make them care for gundren' bit here lead into the most organic session 0 ive ever run. Meeting Gundren before hand instead of just asking the new players to introduce their characters at the start, I had GUNDREN do it in character! He sat down at the table, smiling and laughing shaking hands,
"My nefew here has told me a bit about you lot. You all show a bit of promise, say are you the one he said was strong as an ox? Tell me a bit about yourself."
"So you must be the brains of this here group, eh? Well, where'd you learn to do all that magic stuff? Bet yer good with runes and the like, eh? Might have some extra work for you when we make it to Phandalin."
"Nice bow you got there, hunter by trade before this or were you a military man?"
"Ahh that glint in your eye I bet you could bullseye a kobold 200 leagues off. Those are hawks eyes in you boy, glad to have you." Etc.

Had him not just buy rounds for them all but get to know them, show an interest in them each in turn, even had a drinking contest with the dwarf. When he went missing they were READY to hunt him down, all new players. Fantastic advice, thank you!

@paladinpariah325 - 07.10.2023 16:46

Thank you for such a useful video. Will be improving my game a ton.

@juanpablohinojosa7862 - 15.11.2023 02:13

I’m so glad I found this channel! I recently started to get into D&D and DMing and you, my friend, talk so eloquently and easy to understand for new players. It’s amazing! Hehe I’ve binge watched all your LmoP content. Keep up the awesome content 🙏🏼

@sadsong_xx - 11.12.2023 01:39

My PCs were strangely uninterested in the Redbrands and the threat they posed to Phandalin. I introduced a prevalent character (a PC’s ex-husband) and had them take over the Alderleaf Farm spot. We took time to touch on their history and allowed them to reach some peace with each other. His new spouse and adopted son were then kidnapped by the Redbrands overnight and that definitely helped create a more personal vendetta for my PCs against the Redbrands and Glasstaff

@Sylancewillfall - 07.01.2024 17:27

I ran my first session as a DM the other day, with your tips and i must say they helped me no end. I did a tavern brawl as an opening quest which helped my new to dnd players learn the ropes and leveled them up showing how their characters develop as well as letting gundren see a capable team to hire. Thank you for all the work and i would love to see you run the 1st chapter of other modules!

@jinxtheunluckypony - 07.05.2024 05:29

I think the thing that was just weird to me is just how inconsequential the Redbrands are. When you first read about Phandalin they seem super important and cool but once you beat their dungeon they stop existing outside of the party choosing to keep their cloaks. In my game the Party found out the Redbrands were about to sell a family into slavery and immediately took a long rest before fighting their way through the dungeon and eliminating the threat. The Redbrands ended up being just a weird blip on the radar that would have been forgotten completely if the Wizard didn’t take up the glass staff for himself.

@apjapki - 14.05.2024 23:01

The problem with taking Sildar back to Neverwinter is that the adventure is basically over. He would return with 100 knights and the PCs would not matter.
