Linux for the Absolute Beginner!

Linux for the Absolute Beginner!

Low Dough Tech

4 года назад

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Life changing partnership with God
Life changing partnership with God - 23.09.2023 04:40

- On this fine day, let us seize the opportunity to extend kindness and share love with others

jihad shari
jihad shari - 15.09.2023 17:45

This reminds be of a wisdom : ak-47 will keep you alive, because it never breaks

User - 15.09.2023 02:09

isnt both windows and linux possible through a vm? so it almost dont matter which one you use..

Lyle Bialk
Lyle Bialk - 01.08.2023 14:05

Zorin is great, Mint is Great, MX is Great. I personally use MX on one of my laptops, but I have installed all of them at some point. There are hundreds of other flavors also, many are very new user friendly.

When first starting however, pick one and then just start using it. As long as all/most of your hardware is working out of the box, stick with that distribution until you get reasonably comfortable. You will get less confused, and gain more knowledge from your time spent. Save the "Distro Hopping" (jumping from one distribution to another, trying something new every few days) until much later, once you have a basic understanding of how to use Linux for daily tasks.

John Bee
John Bee - 25.07.2023 15:20

It’s like bob ross for Linux

/-/\-\Ol’Drippy - 25.07.2023 06:19

Awesome. Thank you!

matthew yashin
matthew yashin - 22.07.2023 19:16

great video. what about installing my programs that i use in windows 11 on my back up drive ?

David Ruzzo
David Ruzzo - 03.07.2023 19:56

I basically cut my teeth on Windows! Back in the late 80s throughout the 90s there was nothing like Microsoft. It was very crude back in the early days but I kept hacking away and learning and soon I was very proficient at working the OS. Fast forward to the 21st brother learned Linux from its inception and always talked to me about why Linux was superior over Microsoft. He always tried to get me to try out Linux mint. After having some bad experiences with the restrictions and limitations of Windows I decided to buy an older laptop and put Linux Mint 18 on it. I was pretty frustrated for the first few months with all the changes I had to learn switching from Windows. I have now been running Linux Mint on all my systems, for a multitude of reasons, simplicity is number one. I like all the ways you can customize the look and I just like the feel of not being restricted with email accounts and the like. I have been running Linux Mint since version 18. I went from 18 to 19 to 20 to 21 and now 22, 22.1 and soon 22.2! I recently ordered an ASUS Chromebox that I learned to reprogram to accept a Linux OS. I installed Linux Mint 22.1 and that little work horse has been on for several months with absolutely no crashes. One other great thing about loading Linux is that the installer gives you the option of installing a OEM install if you decide to sell a system with Linux ready for a new user. I tried Zorin 16 for a while. Just did not like it as well as Mint so I went back to my ASUS MintBox and I'm as happy as a pig in a deep mudd swallow, that's for you country boys and girls! I'll never go back to Microsoft Windows. When you don't have walls and fences, you don't need Windows and Gates! With FREEDOM comes ELEGANCE!

asuhisky - 23.06.2023 07:02

Thank you, Low Dough. I used UNetbootin instead of Rufus and it allowed me to create dual boot on my Windows machine.
Rather than that all worked as you describe. Great job!

Ben Balach
Ben Balach - 13.06.2023 23:56

openSUSE is the one and only truth! 🦎

Andrew Kay
Andrew Kay - 03.06.2023 15:40

Thanks for a truly useful & instructive tutorial. I am an aging tech - first pc was a Tandy TRS80! Followed by an endless stream of Windows systems fom win93, 98, 2000, xp etc through to win10. Zorin give me the chance to avoid win11. I followed your instructions & nothing went wrong!! Everything went just as you described. May the sun always shine on you!!

eo greensticks
eo greensticks - 20.05.2023 07:36

I love it when you talk dirty, but what does ISO stand for (In context please).

AgentFour - 18.05.2023 21:31

So is this distro very similar to windows? Will Steam and at least some of its games run on it?

Dick Ritchie
Dick Ritchie - 04.05.2023 17:14

If I install Linux, will it overwrite windows?

Chuckandjane Good guys
Chuckandjane Good guys - 02.05.2023 02:16

Does this just save all all the programs in my PC ? and or does it pick them up with out Reformatting?

muhammed maher
muhammed maher - 07.04.2023 20:52

I can't imagine how my life improved after I ditched Windows, I used to live miserably, it was slow it was bad and... well I'm actually lying, I still run Windows as a secondary OS on my PC (dual boot), I think ditching Windows completely in many cases is not really a wise move, still many good softwares and most of the games run on Windows and can't run on Linux properly or without a tradeoff, and that's exactly why I'm still keeping Windows.
oh I almost forgot! I use Arch BTW!!

a a
a a - 18.03.2023 07:30

is linux the perfect solution for everyone?

i dunno...

this dipsh!t hasnt repeated that linux is NOT the perfect solution for everyone enough times

a a
a a - 18.03.2023 07:29

how many times is this jackass gonna repeat the same thing over and over and over again?

Now IM Not sayInG lInuX Is The PerFect SolUtion for eVERyonE

Unleash The Beast
Unleash The Beast - 03.03.2023 09:13

What could be the cause that when operating on Windows I have sound but after instaling Linux ( Mint , Ubuntu , Manjaro Kde & Deepin ) the PC dont recorgnise sound cards

Esha Gayle
Esha Gayle - 25.02.2023 00:27

Thank you so much. Step by step. Great video.

Ronald Cox
Ronald Cox - 23.02.2023 06:31

thank you !!!!

m - 23.02.2023 06:07

No servers were available when setting up.Gave up.

Comment - 20.02.2023 06:22

Pop_OS seems good but I dont have an actual USB so I am just gonna look around a bit more before settling

Akbaragill00 - 22.01.2023 20:35

Am i the only one that came here because of steam deck ? 😆

Curt Hagenbuch
Curt Hagenbuch - 16.01.2023 00:38

I like it!

ned cramdon
ned cramdon - 13.01.2023 20:41

I got to be the thickest brick on the block. Didn't understand much of that. "Absolute Beginner" video? Can't I just click a button somewhere? Thanks anyway.

konasteph - 10.01.2023 13:55

IF Linux cost 300$ for a copy people would stand in line to buy it and Windows would be dead in a minute. I am saying this after having been on Linux for 15 years or thereabouts. The first Distro I used was Xandros and why did I consider it? It was NOT FREE! I don't remember how much I paid for it but it cost about as much as Windows XP. And think about it! XP to me is still the best Windows there ever was. Today, whenever I get on a Windows machine I am instantly put off by the condescending, down talking attitude that Windows has toward the user. Remember the doggy, that was running and fetching a file somewhere in Windows? Yuck! I do with my OS what everyone does: pictures, music, videos, collecting, archiving, reading, posting, editing and a whole bunch of other stuff and you know what happens when I install something special: the Linux application package I download is from a safe repository with no add ons, no virus, and these apps usually run on all platforms anyway and are in the public domain now. That's where computing is going. OUT with the proprietary stuff! If you think you are getting something first class by plunking down cash, you are so deluded.

Sean Sollars
Sean Sollars - 06.01.2023 07:59

Windows 11 puts a EFI folder before my Linux messing it up and you can't get rid of it.

sgik - 02.01.2023 14:54

Can no longer use Rufus because windows blocks it. Is Unetbootin a good alternative?

Tim Gardiner
Tim Gardiner - 30.12.2022 18:14

I used the USB to put Linux and Zorin onto my surface. When it logs on to the desktop every thing is crazy small. I've tried optimizing the display but can't get a perfect one......there's a couple dozen options. Any pointers?

Jason Larson
Jason Larson - 25.12.2022 16:55

I see a lot of easy to do linux distros but NONE going into the headaches of trying to get windows programs to work on linux

Alpha66 - 11.12.2022 00:40

I have 2 old 32 bit machines with Windows 7. I installed Zorin as a dual boot on my laptop and it was ok. I didn't get too serious with it but now things are different because many OS and browsers are no longer supporting my old computers Only 64 bit. I'm on fixed income and can't afford a new Windows 10 machine that will only be getting support for a few years as Microsoft is forcing Windows 11 on everyone. My Linux choice for my x86 machines will be Linux LMDE 5. The Debian version as they will continue supporting older computers like mine.

Sam El-Deep
Sam El-Deep - 07.12.2022 10:55

What about microsoft office, which linux version that work with to work with my old microsoft office documents?

Dustter - 05.12.2022 05:37

KDE user here, not my favorite DE for nothing. Loving it more than ever before. Screw M$ and their shady crap with 11.

Dinozaur pickupline
Dinozaur pickupline - 08.11.2022 18:10

I'm still debating 32-64 bit browser experience since google cancelled 32bit & I have only 4gb sodimm on my primary netbook,I cant open tabs,& thats the only use

Camelجمل MOI
Camelجمل MOI - 25.10.2022 04:00

Thank you from Morocco..

John Hixson
John Hixson - 20.10.2022 15:51

I have a Chromebook but included is a Linux option? I'm afraid to try it. I don't want to type commands all the time. At least not yet. It's a learning curve. What do you suggest?

SkepticalAtheist - 13.10.2022 11:09

If they recommend Ubuntu, move along, Ubuntu is falling apart at the seams, Canonical has tried to make it like M$ so much it's killed it. And any distro that claims to be Ubuntu base is nothing more than Ubuntu with a customized desktop, nothing changed under the hood. And the only reason people keep recommending it, they know nothing else. There are much better distros, like MX Linux, EndeavourOS, Manjaro, Fedora, or Peppermint OS

Anto Coman
Anto Coman - 05.10.2022 14:08

we hope that when this will expire you will post another <3

Grandpa Cereal
Grandpa Cereal - 24.09.2022 17:42

If only most games could be ran on Linux then I would make the full switch.

iZenjY - 20.09.2022 13:24

I don’t even have any old types of soft soft

Kareem Mongy
Kareem Mongy - 19.09.2022 10:20

TNice tutorials is not what i see when I open soft soft at all.

Wolfking of SI
Wolfking of SI - 15.09.2022 01:35

Anyone know if can you transfer open office files made on windows onto linux and still use them? or will they not be compatible?

RAP PAROLE - 10.09.2022 17:43

Landskrona Län i guess you wanna do modern rap. well in modern rap a simple Nice tutorial-hat soft should work, if you want you could make a

Wilian Ferreira
Wilian Ferreira - 08.09.2022 22:06

Thank you so much for all these tutorials bro. So much valuable knowledge

Ali T
Ali T - 07.09.2022 20:33

Brilliant thankyou

Amerikan Stafford
Amerikan Stafford - 03.09.2022 04:39

Linux is fine.

Namensloser Kanal
Namensloser Kanal - 02.09.2022 15:18

doing good after all the jobless and market crash talks

Bow Wowers
Bow Wowers - 01.09.2022 11:15

Erasing your HD sounds like a big no no
