How You Got Addicted to Food (Michael Moss Interview)

How You Got Addicted to Food (Michael Moss Interview)

David Pakman Show

3 года назад

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@jeffrichied4521 - 30.04.2021 18:16

Watch “In Defense of Food”. Simple formula for eating healthy....Eat real (not processed) food, not too much, mostly plants.

@alcam14 - 01.04.2021 21:23

I was hoping he would talk about gliadin.

@burymebelowawillowtree9243 - 21.03.2021 16:22

Fasting helps me when I find myself in the grips of food add.

@btc54723 - 18.03.2021 23:31

One thing that the guest needs to be careful talking about is artificial sweeteners. One of the most widely studied ingredients is aspertame and it is found to be safe even in relatively large quantities over and over again. I think there may even be a meta analysis on it if I remember correctly. Of course this doesn't mean all artificial sweeteners are safe, but I think most of the popular ones are found to be safe by many scientific studies

@charlesyulo - 11.03.2021 00:18

from the Philippines here.. Love the video

@Notfunnysam - 10.03.2021 04:41

Wow this was interesting.

@roughhabit9085 - 10.03.2021 04:29

Great post ! So much better than the political ones

@Rolantendo - 09.03.2021 09:09

All of a sudden I can't be a guy that likes hamburger. Now I'm just a hairless ape walking around and losing my attention battle with a product that is designed to kill me the more I eat it.

@emm8357 - 08.03.2021 23:25

Thank you thank you THANK YOU for the timing of this. I’ve been trying to lose weight since November - I was always really slim (UK size 4/6) and could eat what I wanted but antidepressants, lockdown and just depression in general made me pile on weight for the first time in my 30 years. I’ve currently hit a plateau and it’s so so demoralising. Listening to this, i can understand the mechanics of this a little now - I’m on a calorie restricted diet (1,200 calories a day, plus at least an hour of exercise) and my body must have hit the part that was discussed here where you’re losing weight and it thinks “woah, what are you doing? You’re not eating enough! I’ll hold on to this fat for self-preservation and make you feel like you’re hungry for high fat foods to survive”.

This made me feel a little better, I’ve been so down about this. It took me years to find my perfect pair of jeans and I’m determined to fit into them again!

@KP-us5pq - 08.03.2021 19:19

Much needed conversation! 40% of the American population is obese. This is a health crisis that is only getting worse. So sad and frustrating. It’s like we need to deal with this like we dealt with cigarettes. Stop the way they market, higher tax, and require education sent to the people from these food industries.

@velvetbees - 08.03.2021 18:12

Ice cream is horribly addictive.

@daviddeanthehumanjuggernau6182 - 08.03.2021 04:01

Love the vid but eating is the least thing I do

@rosannsupino5517 - 07.03.2021 04:44

The food industry needs to work with us instead of against us. It always comes down to money.

@turnmeondeadman4221 - 07.03.2021 01:38

Fast food culture took over. We have to change our way of thinking about food again

@Andre-ks7oc - 07.03.2021 01:19

It looks like an add..... is this reallly serieus

@Andre-ks7oc - 07.03.2021 01:16

A bit more critical questions pls

@makingknowsense8979 - 06.03.2021 18:47

The brain parhway for food and drugs are the same. I mapped opiate receptors in the brain guess what kind of laboratory. Feeding behavior. Endorphins are involved big time in feeding. They are all through the brain and the gut.

@firesign4297 - 06.03.2021 12:23

@Dave 👍👍 And Mr. Moss👏👏👏

P.S....EXCELLENT!!! 👍👍Information ✌️

@firesign4297 - 06.03.2021 12:20

The Addictive!!! 👹 Ingredients..👹...


@firesign4297 - 06.03.2021 12:18


Why do you think ALL
AMERICAN'S! 🙏....Have Thee...EXACT!!! SAME!..... DISEASE'S!!!🤬🤬🤬

@faithnelson6069 - 06.03.2021 09:04

Diet for a New America is old school, but still an eye opener.

@overkill1473 - 05.03.2021 15:36

Here is how you fatten up swine. You feed them non-caloric sweeteners, and that sends them into a raging feeding frenzy. Because when the brain gets the signal sugar is coming, and in reality it is not, the desire for actual sugar goes through the roof. So that's what your diet soda drinks serve as.

@laurendilaurentis6467 - 05.03.2021 11:04

I usually just eat one big meal a day and I've been the same weight since I was 14

@Xavyer627 - 05.03.2021 06:46

I’ve lost 75 pounds by eating once a day and picking up running as a hobby lol

@JM1993951 - 05.03.2021 02:22

I hate sweet food but I’ll eat an entire pizza or tray of enchiladas on occasion. I’m 5’7” 150lbs. Not big, but I could lose 10 or so pounds. I lost 30 pounds in 2015 and have been at the same weight since no matter how much I eat or exercise. Though I admittedly have exercised much in a few years.

@mpkp2011 - 04.03.2021 19:21

very fascinating and very important

@millzprime - 04.03.2021 16:30

My 2 rules to maintain healthy weight.
1. Its ok to be hungry sometimes.
2. You dont always have to stuff your face or finish your plate.

@zionjt - 04.03.2021 12:53

this sort of stuff is actually really important and needs to be more wide spread.

@oakstrong1 - 04.03.2021 07:43

I have read a few times in articles that just having a sweet taste in your mouth will increase your blood insulin level as much as if you ate sugar: that would mean that sweeteners are just as likely to cause diabetes type 2. Your body is working just as hard and producing as much insulin as if you had real sugar - but when all the insulin doesn't have a job to do, when it cannot deal with artificial sweeteners, then what effect will it have on your body? Perhaps it is a question of trying to train your taste buds to be more sensitive to sweet things, i.e. like less sugary things, and use a natural sweetener such as sugar or honey when you do want something sweet.

I don't like fast foods but I am addicted to food, especially sugar: I can 1.2 kg eat honey or palm sugar in one sitting! I have a problem with my gut, which my friend pointed out could be candida, as it was the only thing that my doctor didn't order tests for... So, I am trying to cut down all forms of high sugar and starchy foods. I was doing quite well for a couple of weeks, even congratulating myself for taking a chocolate bar off my basket at the last minute before paying. I can say no to a second helping of ice-cream (caramel flavour being the most difficult to resist) but when my son gave me one piece of fudge, my cravings for sweet things were so bad I was distraught and I couldn't think of anything else! I managed to calm the cravings by putting a thick layer of yeast extract on a rice cake - but then my friend brought 6 cups of trifle instead of plain yoghurt as I had asked... I was back where I started: I couldn't sleep until I had them all at 3 am! But it isn't just sugar, I also cannot put down to a certain brand of vegetarian meat replacement and also some cheese. Talking about food addiction and your friends and family being your worst enemies!

@kianiaiko - 04.03.2021 05:05

Thanks, David! I just bought this book on Amazon! I am in the midst of a weight loss journey and I feel that his book will help me.

@tammyowens7776 - 04.03.2021 03:57

I have a couple family members that are addicted to mountain dew, and Pepsi [of course they lost most of their teeth, and are diabetic]. sadly most of us are addicted to sugar. it was the whole plan. its very hard to eliminate sugar in our diet. and we all know that if someone would be allowed, we could have a prescription pill that shuts off that craving. but then the food industry and health care industry would loose millions. cant have that now can we.

@merikijiya13 - 04.03.2021 01:52

Oh this is gonna be harder than I thought. And it’s gonna suck.

@DinosaurKale - 04.03.2021 01:44

Very, very happy to see David’s show cover the politics of nutrition for once.

@Craxin01 - 04.03.2021 00:15

You know when I stopped reading labels on food products? When they started putting nutritional information on bottles of water. Zero calories? You don't say! No fat? Well, that suggests that there is water with fat in it, and it probably tastes better than the bottled crap that's mostly municipal water with extra filtration. Add on top of that misleading labels like Organic or Free Range, and you think you're getting quality food, but you find out that it's just the same as the rest and you're paying more.

@matthewck1370 - 03.03.2021 22:55

What the establishment dems do not understand is winning an election is just the start. An opportunity, not an end.
Offering the best policies, putting more capable people in charge, is not enough. They have to also engage with the people on an emotional level.
The people want a fighter, that is why Trump was so successful, why Bernie garnered such a following.

@jasonprevo2161 - 03.03.2021 22:42

Ive lost 100 lbs in 6 months by cutting out processed food and added sugar...

@RichRich1955 - 03.03.2021 22:39

My teeth are lousy so I clean them then don't want to eat to contaminate them so less food is eaten during the day.

@RichRich1955 - 03.03.2021 22:36

Sugar makes blood sugar fluctuate causing more hunger, more often so more food intake over time resulting in weight gain. End of story.

@sandrafraser7015 - 03.03.2021 22:24

So many people listen to the wrong advice on how to diet, often suggesting you replace sugar with artificial sweeteners, which in practice are not suitable for eating!!

@fifthhoven5052 - 03.03.2021 22:21

This is a whole field of cultlike thinking, full of trends, hypes and hysteria, often with maybe a little grain of truth, a whole lot of exaggeration and misdirections, and overall no real relevance and common-sense... Accordingly, just about every irrational wackjob with a pseudoscience bend is super into it.

@reetv9041 - 03.03.2021 22:18


@fifthhoven5052 - 03.03.2021 22:17

YT censoring comments and votes to help propaganda, and save precious egos...

@fifthhoven5052 - 03.03.2021 22:14


@nicksanchez9014 - 03.03.2021 21:56

Great interview. I've been vegan for about 5 or so years now and I'm super happy with it. I do my best to eat as naturally as I can and I love it.

@juliaswimbikerun2272 - 03.03.2021 21:44

The commercial foods are polluted with GMOs, Roundup, antibiotics, hormones, synthetic sweeteners, etc and lack vitamins and minerals...humans over eat because the processed food lacks necessary nutrients. Then add inactivity.

@jakep9643 - 03.03.2021 21:24

Breakfast is BS, flour and sugar are poisons, carbs get stored as fat. I went from 330 pounds to 179 in one year. Losing weight comes down to what and when you eat, exercise is for muscles not losing weight
