Serpexnessie do you watch English songs?
ОтветитьFact: Dr Zomboss Rick Rolled us in Neon Mixtape Tour
ОтветитьEgypt Let’s Visit
ОтветитьCaribbean Terminal 21
ОтветитьDallas Chan Brothers
ОтветитьJurassic World Kidsongs
ОтветитьEgypt FIFA World Cup 2018
Ответитьhey Serpexnessie can you tell me you don't have symmetry
I mean the first goes smoothly but then you plant 2 more plants and plant food some but then the symmetry goes down
Can you please tell me
Serpexnessie what will you do now?
A. Try PvZ2 Project Eclise
B. Make a video on PvZ Survival
C. Make a video on PvZ Survival Hard
D. Make videos on the whole Puzzle (I. Zombie and Last Stand)
E. Make PvZ Adventure 2
F. Play other games or other PvZ games
Lmao the stunlock on the Jurassic Marsh boss
ОтветитьSerpexnessie choose one option for next Plants vs Zombies video:
A.PvZ 1 Survival
B.PvZ 1 Limbo Page
C.PvZ 2 Hidden Levels
D.PvZ 1 I,Zombie
is something wrong with ur worlds and mine u get trophes when defeated dr zombisni get keys to worlds??????
Ответитьdespite your strategy not being the best i still love watching the videos
ОтветитьVideo çok uzun vaktim boşuna gitti
ОтветитьFun fact: you can slow down zomboss in wild west and lost city
ОтветитьI hate zomboss faces that appear in podiums, i want red zomboss faces to be deleted ana banned forever,ever,ever!!
ОтветитьOh my god
ОтветитьHeyy plant hot potato dum
Ответитьyou should play plants vz zombies 2 reflourished, it has 2 bonus worlds that i think viewers would enjoy
ОтветитьI play this game
the neon mix tape tour boss was the hardest boss for me to beat!
Fact: Dr Zomboss Woolly Mammoth Robot
ОтветитьTame Dr. Zomboss
ОтветитьI’ve been struggling on ancient Egypt’s boss fight
ОтветитьNeon mixtape was crazy
ОтветитьIt’s not far future after old west anymore 😢
ОтветитьJesus christ that Big Wave Beach one was brutal. No wonder so many people hate that world
ОтветитьWondered me how a fucking moron could withstand this EASY of a bossfight
ОтветитьZomboss Has Low Iq Because Ea Ruined His Bot Now You Can Attack Him Freely 🙄
ОтветитьFaltan en el futuro😢
ОтветитьI,m kill Dr Zomboss