How to Play SWTOR With a Friend

How to Play SWTOR With a Friend


4 года назад

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The Golden Knight
The Golden Knight - 28.03.2023 11:35

Step 0 should be "How to Get a Friend Willing to Play SWTOR".

VCMD propulsion
VCMD propulsion - 04.02.2023 08:52

how do i invite a friend on my ship to play together

MadMan MFWIC - 14.11.2022 15:47

Can you us mics ?

Robert Kirkpatrick
Robert Kirkpatrick - 29.08.2022 21:41

Can you do flashpoints with a single partner plus companions?

OceanicPicon815 - 16.08.2022 02:19

is this still relevant in 2022? Most MMOs don't have a solid coop mechanic. Friends just follow you around and do the same missions in parallel with you.

Chad Strickland
Chad Strickland - 28.07.2022 18:00

The thing that drives me nuts about playing with another person is when they have non-instanced story quests. When this happens you just get to sit there and watch the little 3 dots chat box over their heads. This means that you end up with a lot of holes in the other persons story as well as a lot of just wasted time sitting there waiting for their conversation to get done. Would be nice if it gave group members an option in preferences to spectate. Unless of course there is one and I just don't know about it.

Gynz - 18.06.2022 14:53

Have any of the difficulties of playing with friends been mitigated in updates after this video? With the introduction of combat styles and whatnot, or is it all the same? kotfe / kotet sounds like a hassle.

Austin Shields
Austin Shields - 11.06.2022 21:51

Very informative and to the point, thank you!

Greekspartan Gaming
Greekspartan Gaming - 13.05.2022 09:43

How do I add friends on swtor?

KJ Caramel
KJ Caramel - 02.02.2022 19:05

It’s a shame fallen empire is still a struggle to play with friends. My friend and I are comfortable with me just being a backseat assassin so he can experience it for the first time. We don’t want to play it co op, but it’s still just as difficult as someone willing to be the secondary character

Shmoba Dett
Shmoba Dett - 24.01.2022 18:57

Your channel has really helped me dive into this game and find my love for it thank u so much!!

Wolfric The Augur
Wolfric The Augur - 16.01.2022 02:07

How do you appear in your friends cutscenes?

Fox tail
Fox tail - 12.01.2022 07:41

How can I come along for there class quests though? I'm still kinda confused in that part.

Pantheon - 24.12.2021 21:00

Damn, I should probably socialize more with random players helping me on heroic missions.

Cameron Greene
Cameron Greene - 14.12.2021 00:29

So, can a Jedi Consular and a Sith Assassin do class quests together?

Venrah Tryne
Venrah Tryne - 19.11.2021 11:29

Can you make a video on how to make a friend?

Kamen Rider
Kamen Rider - 21.10.2021 22:08

Amazing content thank you for all the hard work put into this video 🙏 btw it really helps a noobie like me

lelbot1000 - 23.09.2021 14:32

Still dont get why 2 of the exact same char thats made at the exact same time cant do class stories together. Would be way more fun!

OctoDude - 05.09.2021 22:54

Step 1: go outside

Skibib jr
Skibib jr - 24.08.2021 02:30

What if I make a jedi knight, and my friend already has one that has completed the story can they play the jedi knight story with me?
