How to Set Up Oracle Database with Docker (Official Container Image)

How to Set Up Oracle Database with Docker (Official Container Image)

Database Star

2 года назад

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Database Star
Database Star - 30.01.2023 01:35

Update: it seems like the Standard repository has been removed from this registry for some reason. You may be able to use either the express or enterprise versions. I haven't tested either of them but I will create a video on this in the future.

Siddharth Mehta
Siddharth Mehta - 07.10.2023 03:39

😐Listener refused the connection with the following error : ORA-12505, TNS: listener does not currently know SID given in connect descriptor.

Sameer Kurhade
Sameer Kurhade - 24.09.2023 21:24

Hello Sir,
I tried to connect sql developer to docker but i cant connect i have use macbook pro m2 , i have to try allso virtulbox but i cant to connect sql developer plz help me sir

L - 22.09.2023 01:29

Hi , how can i add a volume so that the data is not lost after restarting the container?

🐙 squid
🐙 squid - 12.09.2023 14:53

Fucking oracle just need your data ! The toxic mafia of I.T industry.

Pratik Gaurav
Pratik Gaurav - 25.07.2023 23:47

Informative 😍 , but Oracle have updated the web-site.

Pranshu Chakraborty
Pranshu Chakraborty - 18.07.2023 12:53

Still, Apple chip isn't supported by Oracle, what a joke!

judi TOMBO
judi TOMBO - 02.07.2023 13:38

it show me ""Status : Failure -Test failed: Listener refused the connection with the following error:
ORA-12505, TNS:listener does not currently know of SID given in connect descriptor
(CONNECTION_ID=qfKEBaibRGWTyeAj8HxXKA==) when i try to connect it with sqldeveloper

Alexandra Bîndiu
Alexandra Bîndiu - 07.06.2023 18:46

Status : Failure -Test failed: Listener refused the connection with the following error:
ORA-12505, TNS:listener does not currently know of SID given in connect descriptor

Reguiping - 15.05.2023 04:19

ORA-12505: TNS:listener does not currently know of SID given in connect descriptor

George Jetson
George Jetson - 26.04.2023 21:59

Oracle sure makes it difficult to do something simple.

Joe - 24.04.2023 20:57

M1 compatibility has been added now!

Cuttano Leonardo
Cuttano Leonardo - 22.03.2023 10:57

It's a very useful video, that I followed step by step. However I tried to connect the Database and this is the result:
Status : Failure -Test failed: Listener refused the connection with the following error:
ORA-12505, TNS:listener does not currently know of SID given in connect descriptor

Although I have read and followed the other comments about it and the related solutions, I can't fix it

Please help me: It's very important

Prithvi Srikanth
Prithvi Srikanth - 17.02.2023 08:01

I stumbled across this video when I searched for Oracle installation on docker. I almost gave up when I found this one. Appreciate that you go into each and every comment and responding to it. Oracle documentation sucks and there are not many resources on internet which says that Oracle removed their image from official docker hub and got their own.

Great work !

Jonattan Salcedo
Jonattan Salcedo - 27.01.2023 20:57

When I go to Oracle Container Registry there is no longer a configuration file. I'm referring to the code you copy and then pasted on a new file and included in your command --env-file ./Documents/ora_db_env.dat. Could you share the contents of that file or what would be the right process now that is not available?

Vincent Adams
Vincent Adams - 08.01.2023 01:00

Thanks for the video man. I despise oracle, they make everything so complicated....

tonycavanagh1929 - 10.12.2022 21:34

Standard has been removed. what should we use instead

Gorakh Upadhyay
Gorakh Upadhyay - 08.12.2022 17:22

thanks but please share the env file.

Hans Baumberger
Hans Baumberger - 29.11.2022 16:51

I want to use the image in a docker-compose.yml file. What would be the ORACLE_USER, and ORACLE_DB_HOST ??

Ricardo - 29.11.2022 01:52

Your explanation is very good
