HUGE 1.09 UPDATE CHANGES - BIG Bleed Nerf & INSANE Weapon Buffs - PvP Changes - Elden Ring Guide!

HUGE 1.09 UPDATE CHANGES - BIG Bleed Nerf & INSANE Weapon Buffs - PvP Changes - Elden Ring Guide!


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@user-eg2jr8dt1j - 18.10.2023 20:00

Making the game unnecessarily more difficult is absolute garbage.

@SkoomaGodDovahkiin666 - 13.10.2023 07:22

Ah so what if Everything in Elden Ring has been nerfed. We have armored Core 6 now se elden ring can kindly go to the trash bin.

@coreybircher8413 - 25.07.2023 13:09

I need the removal of madness and lag fixes

@DIHVLD - 02.04.2023 01:50

Yeah because Morgotts spam sword really needed a speed increase...

@mariop8852 - 31.03.2023 08:34

tuned in for inescapable frenzy, left sad

@mattfayne9691 - 29.03.2023 01:30

The update we REALLY need, I'm still waiting on. That's an ''assist mode'', where damage taken and received can be adjusted to your personal preference. All the way to take no damage at all if you prefer. Plus one hit kills. Until THIS update comes...ER will not be as exciting as it could be. Game is just too damn hard, which takes most of the fun out of it and turns it into a splitting head ache of endless rage, frustration and controller throwing.

@DarkSchuller - 27.03.2023 21:43

chasethebro is gonna have a fieldtrip when the backstab is consistent...

@austinsmith5529 - 27.03.2023 19:42

Well it's fucking official I'm done with this seriously? So just gonna buff shit that doesn't need buffed like gs but nerf shit that doesn't like jump attack buffs for the talisman and armor but gs still are busted with that didn't need the attributes increase either for scaling and then nerf lobe and white mask? Are you fucking stupid from software because this whole patch is pretty much just asinine with most of it whips didn't need recovery time not did gs sorry not sorry. Other elements got used plenty enough and definitely didn't need a buff compared to bleed which I only had such high build up because of my build but those just were already ridiculous but now buffed nope. No Nerf's to katana still awesome and only nerf I see that was good for weapon types was the spears bullshit other than that everything else is ass magic still needs nerfed heavily but nope gs yeah no nerf technically with the added attribute scaling which they didn't need already hit like a God damn fucking truck in the first place and now recovery time is stupid for them as well that's unfair as hell especially when most people run that or magic or spears or katanas. Literally fucking uninstalled you have ruined pvp with this shit and not only that aren't fixing the not being able to invade solo players issue since whenever you do invade I guarantee it's always gonna be a gank most likely then with people spamming busted shit that wasn't nerfed still as well as having one or both of your summoned friends being way to strong because they are just max or so high compared to your level it's bullshit and unfair.

@citizen5880 - 27.03.2023 17:40

So they won’t buff lightning or give half the weapons Faith scaling but they won’t nerf magic expect for 2 spells Bc ppl suck if elden ring is your first souls game your not good whatsoever especially if you use magic Hopefully more lightning and holy weapons in DLC 🤦🏾‍♂️🙏🏾

@TheYashakami - 27.03.2023 14:56

Firmly disagree with the thumbnail. Bleed is op garbage.

@UnknownGamer-yr6sr - 27.03.2023 07:42

Bastards Star R2 should be able to extend in range, it's a Legendary so it should have some type of special effect to it, do anyone else feel like they should do something with Bastards Star? Bc at this point Astel Wing should of been a Legendary... Just sayin.

@chancepeterson6346 - 27.03.2023 00:25

Jellyshish shield is currently bugged. When the buff is in effect, certain spells deal no damage. The frenzy spells are a good example

@frenchiee9662 - 26.03.2023 10:21

They need to address the bullgoat poise boys sooner or later. Gets really boring fighting people that just wanna trade all day and not be staggered

@grimreaper63151 - 26.03.2023 08:20

Isn’t bleed only nerfed in pvp? Or did they nerf it in both pve and pvp?

@necrogenesis1981 - 26.03.2023 05:27

I use guard counters.

@animusdemifiend2307 - 25.03.2023 20:05

Funny how the only ones crying the average bleed/poke/magic spammers lmao.


Before anyone cries, unless you were some sort of monk that required a safety weapon, flails were 1/2 effective as knives, and that says a lot.
Hopefully we see less rivers of cringe now. Ppl be like "you lack skill" when RoB and bleed in general literally = to spamming sorcery by giving you a virtual +50% more dmg lmao.

@horridfuture3835 - 25.03.2023 19:29

All these weapons buffs👍

@BiIlDipperIy - 25.03.2023 18:35

The intro is so relatable lol. I've been juggling between playing ds3 my first time, and doing all the stuff I missed on elden ring NG+. Turn on my Xbox yesterday to see elden ring downloading an update and man was I hyped lol.

Love fromsoft for this reason. All these changes just make the game more fun.

@leek5682 - 25.03.2023 08:19

Flame grant me strength and golden vow are bugged, not increasing sorcery and incantation damage (at least when I tested flame sling)

@Laoruperteen18 - 25.03.2023 06:17

i loved pretty much every change....except that they buffed CS running attacks, and dragon the actual hell were they thinking?

they make all these nerfs and balances, only to buff some of the most commonly used, most braindead, easiest, scummiest shite in the entire game.

@PHATAASS - 25.03.2023 06:04

I've been using your life steal fist build from months ago ever since yall made it,
These buffs makes me very happy

@hotsoup192 - 25.03.2023 00:20

God I hate this guys gamer voice

@KobiiSan - 24.03.2023 22:36

The intro is LEGENDARY

@bringmemyflail1321 - 24.03.2023 21:57

This dude is trying way to hard with this fake ass over the top accent. It sounds like speaking hurts him.

@yougotserved8143 - 24.03.2023 21:31

This patch had some huge disappointments & some great changes but I think after this I'm gonna leave elden ring ✌

@RecluseBootsy - 24.03.2023 20:16

Ever since i leveled past 200 i literally NEVER get invaded. 😂 so almost none of this affects me unless i choose to jump in the coliseum.

@sayu6183 - 24.03.2023 19:18

can you talk normal ? its not good vid if im gonna mute

@somnambulist6636 - 24.03.2023 18:45

when they gonna fix the roll delay though

@yungtux8770 - 24.03.2023 17:59

I worked really hard to get a good jump attack build. Two colossal swords and full bull goat armor. Both swords have dmg biff weapon arts. All that work, and they nerf it. There’s so much broken/op meta bs for pvp on this game, but NOOOO. I can’t have my jump build that I dumped over 200 stat points into.

@sunbrother735 - 24.03.2023 16:16

Gaurd Counters? Who uses shields in this game?

@AHawks - 24.03.2023 15:33

Have they fixed the ants stinger rapier ? When turning the weapon into a cold weapon it takes away the scarlet rot???

@paristhompson6629 - 24.03.2023 14:23


@sentientbacteria5633 - 24.03.2023 10:02

I know they say that they’ve “buffed” Inescapable frenzy, but honestly- I think that they might’ve accidentally made it worse. Not due to any specific change but due to a bug, it might be a bug I’m not entirely sure.

But as a boyo he’s been using inescapable frenzy since 1.06 I can certainly say that it feels- very inconsistent now. In 1.08 it was a Little jank, where you would grab someone and either do “67” grab damage without getting the whole grab animation or get the whole grab animation and just not do any damage. Granted this wasn’t- very frequent. It happened a lot yes but it wasn’t too bad.

But now in 1.09 it seems to have gotten worse, I don’t think I’ve gotten a singular full inescapable frenzy grab , only the “67” grabby hands damage and then they dodge out of the grab hit box because for some reason it has two hit boxes. One where you do 67 damage and another where you get the full “STARE INTO MY EYES AND SUFFER” animation + 1000+ damage. But unlike last patch where I wasn’t getting the grab because people were getting hit by the first hit box and not the second, now in 1.09- it looks like that if the 67 damage grabby hands doesn’t brake someone’s poise- then you just don’t get the grab… which is annoying because I’ve lost many duels where a tarnish misses an attack because I’ve out spaced their weapon, I lunge in with inescapable frenzy AND I HIT THEM WITH 67 DAMAGE… only to be smacked out of it by a follow up attack a second later because the 67 damage didn’t break their poise ._.

There’s one simple way to solve this (It’s probably definitely not that simple), instead of having two hit boxes- just have one. No more 67 grabby hands damage, just have the actual grab as the first and only hit box. Well that’s what I’ve experienced so far as a “Inescapable Frenzy Enjoyer” or maybe I have just gone mad by trying to use this jank incantation 😭

But ye if you guys could do some testing on this, that would be great. I’d do it myself… but I have no friends ;~;

Finally landed it- and… I’ve come to a realisation. The grabby hands 67 damage hit box has a longer hit box than the actual grab grab. I which is annoying as shit because I’ve straight up just only hit somebody with the 67 damage slap and then they just proceed to run into me and punch the shit out of me 😭

@kvjackal7980 - 24.03.2023 09:29

Another big change is that status proc exploits have been patched out (mostly). For example, casting Bloodflame Blade on a weapon, then using that weapon's skill (e.g.: Glintblade Phalanx) will no longer apply BFB to that skill — this applies to both PVP & PVE.

The exception seems to be weapon skills that use the actual weapon to physically hit the enemy (e.g.: Spinning Weapon).

@user-pn1fe6sg2w - 24.03.2023 09:02

Yeah, the flail guard counters are some of the most satisfying in the game, as long as you git gud and don't wiff.

@vaanaurora9209 - 24.03.2023 08:17

...why did they put so much work into giving bows jumping and rolling attacks along with giving a bunch of bows... And give us the shittiest bows ever in a fromsoft game.

Just make the basic longbow the standard, give it identical stat scaling and damage to the basic unaltered longsword, and balance the rest of the bows around the basic longbow or give them scaling comparable to specific straight swords.

Speed up the animations, the arrow speed, and give it slight tracking, and NERF the status effect arrows to half their current effectiveness to prevent bows from being OP.

And for the love of the moon, Please From, gift nonmagic users decent ranged options, you gave every other type of magic OVERWHELMING powerful spells and catalysts, but the melee folk get nothing.

What is even the point of having the bows im the game if they're only around to proc status effects?

Furthermore, why are status effects so prominent in elden ring anyways? In DS1/2/3, and Bloodborne, Status effects were rare surprises to see, and poison was more of a gimmick than a legitimate playstyle.

I wanted to like Elden Ring, I really did, but what it does wrong, it does EXTREMELY wrong.

@RK-jt4yc - 24.03.2023 06:54

is anyone having problem with crashes on elden ring? i never crash on elden ring but after this patch i cant even loaded in now when i click continue and it loads me in it just crashes every time can someone help me?

@jinx_____ - 24.03.2023 06:15

idk about anyone ells but its been crashing for me after the update

@SyedAli-wj5fv - 24.03.2023 05:36

Glad there’s some actual buffs instead of just nerfs.

@mikelawrence1876 - 24.03.2023 05:28

The ray tracing on PS5 is pretty good. Definitely looks great.

@Yuni_7 - 24.03.2023 05:19

I was thinking of switching my bleed build and after this patch I’m gonna have to 😂

@violetlantz7 - 24.03.2023 04:32

It's "WIELDY" not "WIELDLY" -- no second L

@nimafeizikia5209 - 24.03.2023 04:22

dude, i tried for sure 5 or 6 times in last two weeks to watch ur videos and dont feel annoyed about the way u speak !
but there is actually no way !!
its so fake and not cool at all ...

@mattrob82 - 24.03.2023 04:06

Whoever did the thumbnail put the wrong character on it 😂

@___.51 - 24.03.2023 04:04

Every time the game updates I have to reset my cache because anti-cheat thinks I'm a hacker. Also the light roll nerf is lame.

@ssjred2780 - 24.03.2023 03:37

I want the free for all experience on a bigger map or teams with bigger maps. If they felt more like a battle ground

@justicepiatt4593 - 24.03.2023 03:28

I'm tired of people healing in pvp, please take out the heal incantations
