Massive Balance Changes to Best Builds: Diablo 3 2.6.1 Season 12 Patch Notes (PTR)

Massive Balance Changes to Best Builds: Diablo 3 2.6.1 Season 12 Patch Notes (PTR)


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Rhykker - 18.08.2017 21:20

UPDATE: If the max stacks you can have on sweeping wind is 10 and not 7, then that means that WoL monk is actually about 4 GR higher than I stated, and Sunwuko LTK about 3 GR higher.

Game Doken
Game Doken - 10.07.2020 18:29

My dude, you are dishing out some quality , straight to the point, no bs guides. I 'm glad I found you, now I won't ever have to go search for someone else. Good job on the vids, and as a bonus, your voice is not annoying either. A+

daniel m
daniel m - 28.01.2018 03:03

Stupid patch and game, make it like path of exile like should be and we play again and spend money .

joão victor calegare
joão victor calegare - 04.11.2017 14:54

Vendo armas itens com dano infinito pra ps4 quem tover interesse so flar nos comentários

Steve Heffern
Steve Heffern - 25.10.2017 19:16

Id like to see a DH Continuous Strafe Build that can push at least A Tier!!! LETS GO BLIZZ!! GET ER DONE!!!!!

Cipiloshenie - 24.10.2017 13:59

can Ulyana monk build be played in a 4 people group in high GRs? or like always the monk in 4 group people will be again a shitty support? the most thing i want is to play a dmg build and help my group, I hate the always style 1 dps + 3 supports...

Dario Manriquez
Dario Manriquez - 23.10.2017 03:58

And DUO-GEN Inna variant?

Evan L.
Evan L. - 22.10.2017 14:56

why is multishot sow low?

jeFF Fury
jeFF Fury - 19.10.2017 22:02

Centries will be dealing 3000% damage per centry now. They buffed these stats even more now, since you're released your video. Oh, and I killed Elite called Rhykker yesterday, no hard feelings. :D

jeFF Fury
jeFF Fury - 19.10.2017 21:59

There are some SERIOUS buffs to Demon Hunter sets and legendaries, so fucking looking forward to that, enough this Wizard domination shite!

PETER JIRGENSONS - 08.10.2017 15:46

Hopefully, my Monk { Innas set } main toon at the moment can possibly get past the level 60 - 70 Greater rift Moors Law precipice of Diablo 3 that's for my characters which are more for fun except Innas set for Monk. My character just can't seem to get past about Lvl 65 Greater rift solo. Maybe in the next couple of seasons, I will be able to do that with some patience. I Hope that Crusader's bowmen Smite damage Golden Scourge etc build/s will become much more powerful at some point in a future season ( Smite builds one of my favorites personally in the past ) as opposed to the Captain America shield build.
Want to try and experiment with Ashereas vestments and either Witch Doctor or Barbarian it's just that Ashereas is a very weak set only for starting out , but I like the all followers aspect of this set so I hope at some point Ashereas will get buffed up to be used with higher level Characters hybrid builds much like Ancients with you till they or you die aspect for ( Immortal Kings set for Barbarians ) . And being able to use the socketing cubes ( ramaladnis-gift ) on Rings and Amulets please please please instead of just weapons only at the moment.
At the moment trying to get a good to somewhat okay Barbarian Immortals Ancients and Might of the Earth hybrid set as my main Toon for damage control Monk is okay but on higher Rifts Solo or Party based is somewhat very squishy can be like trying to hit a steel pole with a lettuce leaf at times / this is very frustrating. Hope that at some point that I can have two rings in Kanai's Cube at the same time / it's so frustrating for hybrid builds always only using Royal ring of Grandeur all the time or some of the time with a lot of juggling bits around / very annoying at times. Thanks from Peter.

Have tried Sweep Attack on Crusader Rolands set it's very good but still not enough without [ Smite being buffed up majorly ( in my opinion personally ) ]

Chris Patterson
Chris Patterson - 29.09.2017 10:27

I've seen a DH clear a GR 150. I don't know how, but it jumped my Wizard from Paragon 40 to 600+ (after turning in the GR).

Chris Patterson
Chris Patterson - 29.09.2017 10:24

Seismic Slam-age!!

RussianDood - 26.09.2017 03:12

Rhykker, Love the video! I would post a new patch update. As they seem to have buffed EVEN MORE lol. Great example is Thorns Invoker, now at 5400% from 1600% you have on this video.

77hog77 - 24.09.2017 19:52

wake me up when they make a fist of heavens build for saders.

Young Jung
Young Jung - 24.09.2017 16:51

Hi Rhyker! I love your Diablo 3 videos! I have one question, after patch 2.6.1, will my current item change with the patch? Or do I need to farm same item to get the updated item? Thank you!

Rheanon Jasmyne
Rheanon Jasmyne - 23.09.2017 23:18

Guess it really doesn't matter to me as I've never done higher grft's and I NEVER play with others. I'm either solo or play with my brother and 2 other friends, but the other two friends have not yet bought the Necromancer pack.

FireMarshall75 - 21.09.2017 15:12

Any guide soon for the Best builds after the latest buffs/patch? Ot a new guide will come just before season 12? :)

Alice White
Alice White - 17.09.2017 02:12

Hey rykker I would like to see the jade harvester updated build first

CobaltBomber - 14.09.2017 12:32

Leapquake, Gargantuan, Cpt. America are the build changes im most looking forward to.

YourFriendlyNeighborhoodDeadpool - 13.09.2017 14:10

I wish Tempest rush monk will be shine again....

Eayzon _
Eayzon _ - 07.09.2017 00:57

no changes on raiment duo gen monk?

HeptaD22 - 03.09.2017 21:57

I'm surprised the buffs to the Vyr set weren't mentioned at all. At the time of this video, the 6 set bonus gave you two Archon stacks *per hit*! I'm guessing that compared to the other builds this was insignificant, but I find that hard to believe since you'd be gaining stacks like crazy and keeping them with the Swami at least until you entered Archon again.

msh1044 - 03.09.2017 16:02

Its a nice boost. But now my build basically goes down the drain.

I created a corpse explosion build using the close quarters rune. ( poison )

I didn't go the regular set route and instead used the 'Legacy of Nightmares' two ring set to boost my damage with 100% for each ancient item.
- Nayr's Black Death: Each different poison skill you use increases the damage of your poison skills by 50–65% for 15 seconds
- 12 ancient item. ( 1200% bonus )
- Moribund Gauntles ( golem shreds corpse every second )
- Graps of Essence ( corpse explosion deal 100% extra damage, 5 stacks )

While not a S tear build i managed to clear GR70 with screen clearing damage and my gear is not optimized yet. ( no primals, and 4 items are even pretty shitty just to be "ancient". )
I collect all the gear myself and i feel i can still push this build quite a bit with the proper gear.

Now with these changes the 6 set bonus is going to provide a 1500% increase to corpse explosion.
This makes my approach a bit useless.

SEXYDamo116 - 03.09.2017 07:35

Might be a dumb question but is it viable to start working on one of these upcoming builds and wait for the patch to hit the live server hopefully by the time the build is online?

Johnny Jordan
Johnny Jordan - 01.09.2017 21:28

Hey Rhykker,

Could you please post a msg to Blizzard and have them bring back the Etched Sigil + Star Pact combination......Since they are making changes to everything this is viable now......!

solo player
solo player - 01.09.2017 02:09

Okay, and the CD on land of the dead and simulacrum ??? really 2 fucking minutes to DPS, I know the DPS from this build is insanely HIGH, but I failed too many GRs bc of CD too much to wait to kill, i liked the motion and gameplay of this build, BUT the cooldown is to high, i think 60-80 sec CD is enough, OR some thing to buff the CDR a bit more to those to skills that Tragoul relies on...

Adam - 31.08.2017 19:35

LON dh getting buffed with the lord greenstone fan buff ?

Theonevidz - 31.08.2017 02:59

So they nerf inarius and buff everything else

Not Fluff
Not Fluff - 29.08.2017 19:45

RIP Zuni :( No love

Jake Barry
Jake Barry - 29.08.2017 04:19

Wait this is actually great, fixes the garbage balancing and allows TONS of more diversity in the game.... bravo blizzard, bravo

DerBengel - 28.08.2017 18:48

I would like to see an arcane or ice mage rising in the next seasons. Tal Rasha and Archon builds get boring. Well at least firebird got buffed

Attilio Di Nunno
Attilio Di Nunno - 27.08.2017 14:21

That's great. Now you can farm T13 with basically any build, so you can have fun with your favorite build while gearing for your pushing build, all with the sweet sound of legendaries raining down the sky ^^

An Tran
An Tran - 27.08.2017 09:54

Hi, Rhyker! I have a serious question. What do you think about legendary passives changes. i've got my primal yang's bow recently after spending weeks. but their passives will be changed and seems like the new passives won't be applied to ALL old primals. that is really frustrating for hard working players.

banmia suadi
banmia suadi - 26.08.2017 13:33

yo can you do some crusader builds:P? like akkhan heavens fury ^^?

SmedleyJK - 26.08.2017 00:15

can't believe I'm saying this but they didn't go far enough. should have brought ALL of the favorite builds since vanilla up to par

HikoSeijuroXIII - 25.08.2017 20:56


David Dowlen
David Dowlen - 25.08.2017 19:48

SO the big question is this. While Blizzard usually updates the greens we have in our possession; when they update Legendary's we have to go farm all of them all over again for the "new" version. Should we be expecting to have to re-farm all our legendary's again?

Aaron Langley
Aaron Langley - 25.08.2017 17:06

This is about 2 years too late but good job blizzard.

Francesco Prestigiacomo
Francesco Prestigiacomo - 25.08.2017 08:56

I was thinking about Skull Grasp because I play a WW Barbarian. I've got it on the Kanai's Cube, when the patch will be up, the item will be updated automatically to 400-500%?

MadMaxJuggernaut - 25.08.2017 06:29

Yo daddy rhykker, the frozen orb gets a huge bonus dmg, 350 -> 950 if I'm not wrong. You thinking what I'm thinking? Orb soso from D2?

speedygreenie - 24.08.2017 17:03

What about using Mirinae for the necromancer. You said that it might get nerfed.

Benben - 24.08.2017 14:43

Sorcerer has been shit on, it will still be useless in high level GR

Plummet - 24.08.2017 01:28

This game becomes more shit with each patch....

Leesa Michaels
Leesa Michaels - 23.08.2017 22:53

I'm a little confused. You mention the DMO Wizard build in conjunction with the Orb of Infinite Death, Unstable Scepter and the Triumvirate. How does someone use the Orb of Infinite Death AND the Triumvirate at the same time?

Leesa Michaels
Leesa Michaels - 23.08.2017 22:45

Thanx for the vids, Radio Voice Guy!!!

I have a suggestion/question: I think Blizz should give us Diablo Players a Tab JUST for our Legendary Gems. We'd keep all our Legend Gems in there and be able to "Assign" them to whatever Toon's Ring/Amulet we wanted to, but the gem would stay there so they could be used by any Toon. It kinda works like that now with the Armory, but this would be a lot easier than Socketing a gem and then Removing it and Socketing it again... and again...

I sure hope they add Torment levels, otherwise the Game is only about pushing Greater Fritters.

Reaper 1337
Reaper 1337 - 23.08.2017 19:21

>all these Barb buffs

thank FUCK, long overdue.

Maciek B.
Maciek B. - 23.08.2017 17:54

Are they going to increase the game difficulty itself as well?? Season journey is already way too easy even for not experienced players like myself.

BIG ONE - 23.08.2017 17:11

right now my crusader is dealing 80-90 million damage and ive pushed a 101gr in just over 10 mins i feel i can do 104 or 105

Victor Klinkers Dal Fabbro
Victor Klinkers Dal Fabbro - 23.08.2017 17:11

Yo Rhykker ! What about the gen monks ?
