Simon Sinek on Millennials in the Workplace

Simon Sinek on Millennials in the Workplace

David Crossman

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@mankishijosephinepollenjoj7453 - 29.01.2024 14:12


@ChooKimi - 27.01.2024 23:39

He's not describing millenials. He is describing Centennials. He talked pure shit. Nothing to do with us.

@ChristiansUnite-vt6bo - 26.01.2024 23:06

Simon tries to hide his condescending arrogance by using the phrase “not my words,just saying “. You just said it and you meant it. Take responsibility Sinek. Not all children grew up being told that they are special and can have whatever they want. Simon being in a more privileged position then these millennials he speaks down on who gets whatever he want snd sits up on stage like he is entitled and really special is not living what he preaches. There is nothing wrong with telling your children they are special and can get as much as you can afford to give them as long as they understand what it takes to have those things. Sinek sounds like he doesn’t actually want millennials to prosper and thinks it’s the corporations responsibility to fix them. He doesn’t understand human beings. He should have a child and see if he can avoid telling them their not special and cannot get many things they want when many of these un privileged families have to take off to work. Every child should believe they are special and be. As blm to get many things they want as long as their willing to equally contribute to get them. The problem with the business world run by the banks right now is that people are being exploited and their is no means to an end in the work force. It’s very dehumanizing.

@ChristiansUnite-vt6bo - 26.01.2024 22:50

Simon Sinek doesn’t practice what he preaches nor has the qualifications or background to talk on this subject yet speaks in an calm assertive commanding tone to dictate that he is right. He does a poor assessment of millennials. He generalizes them to all be spoiled. He also thinks it’s corporations responsibility to fix them when the issue runs deeper. Corporate America is run by the banks and it’s the banks that construct our environment and dictate who gets what how much and how this will impact your time relationships with family, friends and society at large. The issue of having meaning and impact in life starts in the home and when parents are slaves yo the banks , feds they cannot put the quality of time into their families which affects society at large.

@innakaptela7552 - 15.01.2024 17:35

This is infuriating

@MayoVox - 12.01.2024 12:53

At the begining Simon says "milllenials are born after 1994", If I undersand well, we're talking about Z Generation :
Generation Y (Millennials): born between 1981 and 1996
Generation Z: born between 1997 and 2012.

@user-nj1dq6be4g - 05.01.2024 00:15

This guy is absolutely right. The millennial generation were given a bad hand by their parents, but they also have a choice to come out of it. They are tough to work with. They have great skills but the cell phone and social media addiction is a major problem.

@doreenmbaya - 04.01.2024 08:49

@taralynn2919 - 01.01.2024 20:11

Amen I love him! ⚖️

@easterfortoday712 - 26.12.2023 07:24

Are you giving them yet another .%#}{ out …stop it!
they are smart..,how is your dad now question ????
and such believe in their ability.

@pawankumarbatra5331 - 30.11.2023 16:43

My own personal observation of these millennial kids my own kids I myself and almost each and every one all around the world we all are doing so many things always always all the time we all are multitasking inside outside all the times etc etc so much so we all are stuck in the rut of no escape at all isn't this is the root cause of all the problems we all are living a extremely disorderly lifestyles with no times for ourselves

@Madame_Different - 28.11.2023 22:31

Fun fact: the generation that Simon is describing is Gen Z and not Millenials 😂

@maximilian3394 - 27.11.2023 02:24

as a millennial myself honestly heres what i want and what i support

1. new green deal
2. S,S,M legalized and decriminalized
3. clean elections
4. work things out with iran
5. WBs pardoned
6. WBs free
7. live wage
8. nationalize big pharma
9. nationalize the oil, railroad and airport industries
10. universal four day work week
11. redistribute wealth
12. UC
13. end drug war
14. SLD gone
15. UCC
16. UPK
17. PPL law
18. PML law
19. no union busting
20. SS for all
21. UH/MFA
22. a UBI
23. universal rehab
24. no money politics
25. no money healthcare
26. no money war
27. SG
28. climate change faced
29. all drug prices lowered
30. non violent drug offenders free
31. all drugs legalized and decriminalized
32. d the police
33. d the military
34. rules and laws on guns
35. higher taxes on millionaires
36. higher taxes on billionaires
37. all war criminals locked up
38. drone program not allowed
39. all patent protections lifted
40. all forms of slavery nonexistent
41. PSL law
42. WH solved using top 1% wealth
43. homelessness solved using top 1% wealth
44. DP law
45. SG president
46. torture nonexistent
47. CM non existent
48. DR nonexistent
49. school free lunches
50. 2 trillion or more infrastructure
51. aborts legalized and decriminalized
52. C life matters
53. O life matters
54. L life matters
55. O life matters
56. R life matters
57. E life matters
58. D life matters
59. L life matters
60. G life matters
61. B life matters
62. T life matters
63. Q life mattets

these are essential to being free

what i find hilarious is when people try to tell me im either "insane" or they would "pass" on all this stuff, that to me actually screams "insanity" your gonna "pass" on all this stuff that exists for the benefit of regular normal every day people? seriously. i can not and will never understand people who say their against any of this stuff, people talk about "freedom" all the time yet they endlessly vote against their own interests and endlessly continue to vote for people who will do NOTHING but make normal regular every dat peoples lives WORSE by NOT EVER giving the people ANY OF THESE THINGS because somehow someway "we cant afford it" or "how you gonna pay for it" yet when pentagon fucks or the entire capitalist system fucks up the clowns running the system the same clowns telling us "we can't affird this" or "how you gonna be for it" are given ENDLESS TAX CUTS!

@malikmaxwell343 - 16.11.2023 01:54

Who is he

@kurakura746 - 15.11.2023 06:39

Free food, and free A grades do not work in Asia, so don't worry 😊

@user-zr2ur9zp4w - 11.11.2023 16:24

I have a business in deep rural KwaZulu Natal. One of the employees has the problem described here to the T. Simon could be talking about her. I'm not at my wits end. I'm not sure where I am. I'm somewhere between intrigued, frustrated, livid and asking the chief to call an Imbizo to talk about why young people are not employable. Our government is giving them money for having babies. Our African values are being turned upside down. My goodness!!!

I'm being very impatient with her but she misinterprets what I do and say.

In our country, they are very eager to take over the government. I shudder to think how things will pan out when they do.

@alasdairworsley4890 - 31.10.2023 00:40

Pdd - parenting deficit disorder

@Emmas87 - 27.10.2023 09:45

I watched this for my study (business admin) and I love it! Thank you for sharing. My only gripe is it's not long enough :)

@Earl_E_Burd - 02.10.2023 00:50

Hot air from a privileged guy who has never lived the reality he's trying to be the expert on.

@vicpnut1 - 01.10.2023 23:54

Never thought of All the millennial jokes as rooted in that much truth…assumed it was based on how my old generation x ass is…like with the phone , I for the most part don’t touch it during the day while otherwise occupied , but when I get home I’m all over my IPad for hrs looking things up I’m interested in or need to know for a project etc… or “ultimate golf “ which has become e serious addiction I’m just now starting to Back away from

@talenstout8324 - 30.09.2023 02:44

It’s not a problem to like something.

@tabularasa7350 - 28.09.2023 23:15

I'm a gen Xer and I also realized I was addicted to the Cellphone, had to put a stop to the sickening habit of having the damn thing at the table.

@shehhh2735 - 18.09.2023 12:52

Haha😂 très bel avis🎉🎉, cette génération me désespère 😡, il faut les éduquer 😛😛, encore une fois, vs êtes ravissant ✨✨💅🥰, et quel voix🤐🤐, mais bon, cela m'attriste 😢😢😢😢😢😢, bonne soirée à vous😊

Bisous, Isabelle 😊😘😘

@selfexpressedbabe - 07.09.2023 20:19

I love Simon’s thoughts on social media, we really should be restricting access to it (even if an account says “managed by mom”)

As I millennial, I resonated with most of this minus having parents that told me I could have, do, or be anything and having parents that complain to get you into honors or get you an A. I think that’s specific to wealthy and privileged communities or maybe to people with American parents? (My parents were immigrants) I’d love to know your thoughts (to anyone reading this comment)

I also wish there was some mention of how the job market today expects you to hold responsibilities of 10 different jobs that 10 different people used to do. Those people also had good benefits and their salaries at the time made homeownership more accessible…

@noelafflick9945 - 04.09.2023 10:43

It's relative

@francescahamilton6856 - 29.08.2023 17:27

Spot on, Well spoken. I was a Drama Teacher 😮in the 1980s. They were in my classes. Unlike the others, I was strict, set boundaries and served ultimatums. They all complied, because they wanted to be famous.

@NomadlifewithRae-ou5sc - 15.08.2023 22:47

I was born in 1985 and happy to say that I was raised by gen x single mom that ran a tight ship and never cut us any slack for anything. She never fought with teachers when they told her I talked too much in class, she'd come home and ask " why are you talking so much in school!? Do it again your getting your a** whipped .lol Hell I was always wrong and never enough and constantly told I could do better as a kid. Always told that we had to work hard and nothing was free. I had no choice but to be tough and glad she was like that, older now I realize that she did love us but wanted us to be accountable and productive members of society.

@lemonmuffin4990 - 04.08.2023 01:22

This is all great. What is the solution?

@amol060782 - 07.07.2023 10:28

Very insightful ideas !

@Shortysding - 20.06.2023 07:46

So convincingly ignorant. I hate this guy.

@niteryder2507 - 14.06.2023 10:02

LOVE this so much..

@kanakamokunui1039 - 01.06.2023 07:17


@syafiqbasriassegaff9841 - 13.05.2023 14:42

Excellent lessons we all need to watch and take notes. 📝 Thank you for sharing...

@usarmyofimmigrants - 11.05.2023 18:25

Youth if you don’t want to work hard then please stay at home and get a sitting job! 😂😂😂

If your job is a sales associate that you are supposed to be in the aisle doing inventory but you are so lazy! Then worry about your future retirement!

Customers have a lot of options to buy!

@coraliescott-mackie6246 - 02.05.2023 16:03

Very bloody true!!

@natecorsn9097 - 28.04.2023 03:58

Why does he remind me of markiplier?

@shantibants3949 - 27.04.2023 09:40

A generation of people that doesn't want to work for abusive boomers and gen X!!!!
Is it the slave labour, $100,000 for a degree before you'll look at our resume, won't let us retire until we're 80, your profit margin gets higher every year while you cheap out for Asian labour and the lowest quality products etc., leadership that Don't trust anyone, don't like anyone and will fire you without a care about your livelihood.
Boomers and Gen Xers are living longer keeping wealth and assets without passing them on.
Millennials are busy dealing with boomers and gen Xers mental illness that they refused to sort out because their narcissistic tendencies and post war trauma passed from one generation to the next.

@natalies2733 - 20.04.2023 04:54

I first watched this video the month it came out, when I was 18 and in my first semester of college, very much at the bottom of the mountain. I've returned to it at least once a year since then, always thinking I had it all figured out. I was future oriented and worked hard all throughout college to be able to move to NYC soon after graduation. But when I got here, I wanted to get the professional job of my dreams right away. I sent out resumes and made flimsy connections with people and it just didn't work. Instead I've spent the last two years in a working class job where I help people every day. I'm building relationships at the cross sections of my deep passions. I work my ass off every single week.

This week I got an opportunity that has put that old professional dream job into reach for the first time. A place for me in the world I didn't even know might exist, all because of that working class job I didn't know I would fall so deeply in love with. And it felt like a completely natural small step, just one out of the thousand that have come before it. I'm 25 now and I feel like I really understand this video for the first time.

@melissa502 - 14.04.2023 08:46

All good points - but it is not the job of the boss or employer to be mommy or therapist to its employees - teaching job skills for the specific work they are hired for is one thing, but to say they have to make sure they can function in the world and feel good about themselves is quite another.

@kieghacat1453 - 08.04.2023 11:25

There's a fifth missing piece. Utter Godlessness.

@michelleteigue8815 - 06.04.2023 20:59

I think he is misunderstanding that all people in today's society are having these issues. In addition, he is describing personality traits that exist among all individuals in the work place. These are not tailored to one specific group of people.

@thetimidwolf - 29.03.2023 03:33

so arrogant omg. we're fkn depressed because most of us were abused, molested, exploited, groomed, bullied etc. by and for the benefit of the previous generations. not because of this stupid 'bad hand' we were supposedly dealt. or because we were 'praised too much' and given so-called participation trophies. or told we could do anything. we're struggling to just survive in the world that is being destroyed by boomers while they're on their way out.

@thetimidwolf - 29.03.2023 02:54

i wish i could dislike this video more times

@marcelodoo6422 - 27.03.2023 22:20

Good image of what is happening, I disagree with the conclusion. It is not the companies to blame. A company os at the end of the spectrum of a productive, happy person. A company and is leaders can help but have little effect after years of school and home hammering these kids with the wrong directions.

@kshirodraja - 26.03.2023 01:26

Grouping people by generation and comparing them against other is a lame thing to. It's no different than castesim and racism.
Each generation will have something bad to say about other, so let's not have a practice to name the generation when addressing.
Agree about addiction of phone and social media, but its tru across all generations who hv access to them, after all its human nature, don't point a paticular generation for that.

@datanon3059 - 25.03.2023 20:44

Gotta love how he just skirts around the whole "Can't afford to have a family, have to work 5 times as hard for half the pay" thing. Bro for every millenial who's quitting in 8 months because they aren't a superstar there are 5 who have been working for years with low pay and no raises and 10 who can't even hold a job for more than a year or two without getting laid off because burnout is a self-propagating cycle and employers can smell their distrust. No, no, it's the cellphones, yep. Totally not the fact that the entire world has screwed us from day one and continues to do so because the people in charge REFUSE to allow us to have any kind of quality of life.
All these issues existed in late 2016, and they're worse now. Nobody who matters is talking about them because once they do, the gravy train is over.

@chadb8168 - 18.03.2023 19:45

I see this, with Z..

@marie-ameliechereau5578 - 12.03.2023 19:38

Absolutely love it! Thank you for this gem.. And so accurate.
