Beastmen Need 1 DLC To Be COMPLETE - Immortal Empires - Total War Warhammer 3 - State Of The Faction

Beastmen Need 1 DLC To Be COMPLETE - Immortal Empires - Total War Warhammer 3 - State Of The Faction

The Great Book of Grudges

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@TheGreatBookofGrudges - 30.11.2022 20:01

Sorry for the late post I've been streaming a lot lately and I must admit I'm a little burntout so decided to take it slow today :)

@brandor763 - 08.12.2023 01:46

Need god touched minotaurs too

@loveluclins - 08.06.2023 20:07

I kinda feel like they need to give malagor another pass. For crying out loud he buffs harpies. His great 'power' is to PECK the enemies to death slowly. Sure, he can solo many armies, but doing so through a million casts of flock of doom is very, very boring. Giving bray shamans the ability to summon cygors is just about the most powerful thing you can do that's still malagor themed, but that's not even unique to malagor, that's just a beastmen item you can buy.

@michaelgallagher9950 - 18.01.2023 23:07

These are great videos. It would be really handy if you put all of these in a separate playlist so it is easier to watch them one after another as they tend to get buried by the DLC speculation videos

@skruggibberish6348 - 06.01.2023 22:02

It would be funny to get the god specific gors in TW when GW has kept them out of the tabletop for so many years.

@TrueRazarus - 24.12.2022 21:29

"Garbage horde system"
... Why are people like this? Why do you NEED to build boring buildings? It's unfun, tedius and always the same. Vassal rework ftw! The new horde system are even cooler all round but the old horde systems (TWW1 even) were still more interesting than base game consistently, hordes are 1000000000x more fun than playing boring city builder in a game where defensive buildings do NOTHING and AI ONLY GOES FOR SURE ATTACKS. Hordes were great and are better, obviously beastmen are amazingly amazing duh; currently chaos and beastmen are easily the most interesting factions followed by skaven; the rest can't even use their gimmicks due to AI hacks so its just all the same; hell chinese, russian, imperial and druchii crossbowmen are all the same unit! ;p

Also when i say chaos i mean warriors; daemon factions are all idiotically weak and it's harder to survive with them to turn 40 on normal than to win Grom campaign on very hard in 15 turns; not to mention they should be a horde since they have NO WAY of defending territoty; their full defense is a settlement with no walls and a 8 unit garrison and thats IF you waste slot on towers, while their economy is probably the worst in the game, Norska has a WAY better economy and a good bit better fortifications then them and thats saying something.

@Blecco - 14.12.2022 14:35

There's some great mods to add this units to the roster and they feel great. I'm currently working on some sort of balancing between the different mods and toying with the idea to learn how to kitbash to add at least Moonclaw, but it's more of a personal project. I'd love to see them introduced by CA.

@dubuyajay9964 - 08.12.2022 15:31

Try telling Tarrif this...

@happydeathfish2166 - 05.12.2022 22:29

Taurox (faction) is nerfed horribly in warhammer 3. They should really revert it.

@riccardo393e7 - 04.12.2022 23:54

A mechanic for Moonclaw, Like a meteor strike would be super cool

@thegametroll6264 - 02.12.2022 14:57

They need their own form of corruption. A festering wilderness of sorts. Also I'd love to see legendary lords like molech slug tongue, ungor four horn, ghoros war hoof and moon claw make the scene.

@MrTbone845 - 01.12.2022 21:06

Wasn’t Ograx one of Archaons men that he sacrificed to get the Slayer of Kings from the giant dragon ogre? I believe that’s why he’s a starting hero character in Archaons faction. I could be wrong I just think I heard that in a lore video.

@raynightshade8317 - 01.12.2022 20:46

Armored Centagors, Preyton, Warhoof, God Gors Centagor Lord and Hero. And maybe Marked Centagors and Minotaurs for each god. That is what i would want to see

@Chtigga - 01.12.2022 18:42

If the best they get in only one FLC during WH3's lifetime, I would not even be shocked.

@Tyreonn - 01.12.2022 12:23

Preyton - They can never be complete without it.

@Demaybe1661 - 01.12.2022 11:53

Nah dwarfs need to get fixed no dlc since wh1

@ryanfoster2869 - 01.12.2022 10:45

What's that Stegadon sized Beastmen creature that's only mentioned in the lore? The Ramhorn or something?

@BSingh18 - 01.12.2022 07:31

The beastmen faction AI needs improvements. They seem to sit on their first settlement way past turn 100 whilst raiding abit

@mariowattimena4013 - 01.12.2022 07:26

I wish they would releases more lords like ghorros, ungrol, moonclaw and slugtongue as an FLC lord. I also want to see preyton as another monster for the beastmen alongside jabberslythe and ghorgon.

@Johnnekaiser - 01.12.2022 07:22

Fourhorn could be a LL. A Skarsnik To the beastmen where he focuses on his Ungor followers. Have Gors and MInotaurs more Expensive in terms of dread but have Ungors being Dirt Cheap. So you more focus on Ungors, Ungor Raiders and Monsters

@Deerygccawwetthjbgde - 01.12.2022 06:02

The rework we had was just spot on.

@Mlai00 - 01.12.2022 03:43

I doubt it would happen, because WH3 is the last hurrah, and so many other factions need so much, you cannot devote limited resources and game life to a faction which is 98% complete and which no one is griping about.
Think about it... first the WH3 races need fleshing out, then the Chaos Dwarves need fleshing out, then Vampire Counts, then... You see how there is just no room.

@DarthEnderX - 01.12.2022 03:40

Beastmen need a CoC-style pack:
Taurox gets Mark of Khorne
Minotaurs of Khorne

Moonclaw with Mark of Tzeentch
Tzaangor Disc Riders

Slugtongue with Mark of Nurgle
Ungors of Nurgle

Ghorros with Mark of Slaanesh
Centigors of Slaanesh

@patrickleonard4187 - 01.12.2022 03:17

Please someone tell me what the hell "Charlemagnes" are being used to refer to here. I've heard it before and just like here, there isn't enough context for me to nail down exactly what anyone's talking about. Is it money. Players. I have no clue.

@farhadnikzad1514 - 01.12.2022 03:10

This is an irrelevant comment to this video.

I wish the undercities of the Skaven or Dwarfs were on a separate map as big as the current map but located underneath it.
A certain mechanic had to be used to navigate between these subterranean settlements and the current map.

I wish there was also another layer of map that was over the current map.
This map would include flying or floating settlements.
Then again, a certain mechanic had to be used to navigate between this map and the current map.

An implementation of Under-map and Over-map would greatly increase the number of settlements and vastly diversify the game's environment and battle maps.

@pugjesus1623 - 01.12.2022 02:22

i mean if they would do a last dlc i would really enjoy that they had a beastman LL for each monogod. instead of having only one lord we could get 4 with new units.

@jacobcastro8026 - 01.12.2022 02:01

Beastmen are so bad.

@sebas199corral5 - 01.12.2022 01:51

I would love to see some things from age of Sigmar in TW W3 sería increible

@jordanbrandon81 - 01.12.2022 01:40

I'd redo this a bit
I'd say a 2 and 2 pack

2 LL being Ghorros and Ungrol (then we get a Centigor and Ungor LL so we have each Beastmen subspecies represented as a LL)

2 LH being Slugtongue and Moonclaw (Maybe tied to corruption and the moon mechanic respectively for unlocking. Give some unique lores maybe. Maybe Moonclaw has a mix of 2 Tzeentch, 2 Slaanesh and 2 Shadows spells. Slugontue have 3 Death and 3 Nurgle spells)

Beastlord I think is just too trivial
Maybe have him as a unique tech tree Lord like Greenskins have but I'd easily dump him

As for units we could have a bit of fun here
What we need are the God Gors so 4 units easy and each one going to their respective God faction too. Easy.

But I'd suggest some new units;
Generic Lord; Centigor Raid Master
Generic Hero; Ungor Raid Leader
-Greater Chaos Spawn
-Mutants (for Ungrol basically I'd imagine pure melee units like Slaves he can have unlimited or gets them super easy randomly of as they flock to his banner)
Pestigors (weird their name is the one that differs from the convention)

That would give the Beastmen a well rounded bonus few units and some mild tweaks for the Lords and we're done (maybe Taurox able to get Khornataurs and Morghur able to get events for devoted Spawn)

(Edit: Forgot to add the Preyton and Greater Chaos Spawn. Whoops. Fixed now)

@regoso8580 - 01.12.2022 01:12

i think Ungrol 4 horn would be great as a LL. He can go around and steal ppls power and be like a chaos version of Oxyotl. he can also buff ungors more better and maybe have mutants etc. maybe be liek a assassin on the battlefield.

@mrhelzbygrad7485 - 01.12.2022 00:29

If they did this with the monogods it would be really good to see more specialised chaos spawn. Maybe single entity with lots of special tricks. I think they could be all 3 flavours Daemon warriors and beastmen

@Indolthir - 30.11.2022 23:50

What about actual new mechanics, as in all of TWII lord packs? Why praise CA copy-paste mechanics for Champions of Chaos? Why would this be better or equal to ACTUALLY NEW MECHANICS? I can understand the appeal of restricted roster and sub-factions, but not the appeal to literally the same mechanics. Is it some sort of begrudging aknowledgment? Like "oh, yes, I'd love to have even more new mechanics, but let be honest, CA are going to want to copy-paste as much as possible, so may it be at least on par with the quality of Champions of Chaos copy-pasting" (which is correct copy-pasting, I admit it)?

@CommanderBohn - 30.11.2022 23:41

All they need are monogod stuff, some of the more interesting LLs and finally the other potential models that could be added to them (Preytons, Basilisks, Giant Spawns...Incarnate Elementals of Beast should be available to everyone who have the specific lore as with other Incarnate Elementals). Though a Centigor lord and hero would've been nice too. Especially if it involves Ghorros Warhoof.

Edit: Would argue here about Ungrol Four-Horn. In lore he does command his own army of outcasts and monsters. I could see him as someone who would buff up greatly Ungors and make entire armies of cheap cannon fodder in an instant before anyone can react properly to it all.

Edit2: You also forgot about one more interesting character. Kha'Rak Stoneheart is a Doombull that was supposed to be possessed by a Bray-Shaman because the latter wanted his massive body for himself. Kha'Rak proved to be however far too strong and killed the Bray-Shaman's body. As a result he now has his soul still inside of him and both argue constantly. On the other hand he's a Doombull that can use magic without going Tzeentchian.

@joeis18 - 30.11.2022 23:12

Gimme the pestilent lord (Nurgle faction) the centaur lord, and the one who needs to stop screaming at the moon. Taurox should use Khorne corruption.

@Seelenverheizer - 30.11.2022 23:06

I think going forward thy might do some kind of 1 small dlc then 1 big one. The big ones are more easly marketed and people cant be as choosy about what they buy. If you want something from a bigger dlc there is a good chance that sooner or later you will buy the entire pack. With the Chaos dwarf dlc around the corner there might be some room to flavor it was a map expansion and by positioning a beastman lord there one could add the pestigor versions to them as well as minor enchancements.
Also that stuff can be given to the chaos factions due to those sucking pretty bad in IM. Nkai gets gangbanged by elves, Kairos literally fights an endless coalition of lizardmen for 70 turns, Kugath is a literal shitstain and good old Skarbrand has the worst starting location in the game, which is ok for him personally but his lords are awefull and he is poor.
Just sadge that even after the chaos warrior dlc they still struggle. And yeah on top they have diplo and cant confederate shit. And they have barely any special locations and to make it even more boring they cant even properly use resources.... sure it would hurt them so bad to give them a minor bonus for getting a resource building to lvl 3..

@Punggles - 30.11.2022 22:44

As someone who never tried them I was shocked with how much fun my Taurox campaign was, I love the roster

@memesofwarhemmer7076 - 30.11.2022 22:36

Ironic a joke race to a chad race

@TsunamiWombat - 30.11.2022 22:36

If anything, Taurox needs NERFS, he is decapitating every dark elf faction and turning naggarond into an irradiated hell hole every game I play. The problem is the layout of the mountains and how hard it is to get down at him.

I could legitimately see one final Beastmen DLC adding in 3 more legendary lords to cover the remaining dark gods. Gorros, Boastful and Proud and also... well, you know - as Slaanesh aligned, Slugtongue the Plague Caster as Nurgle aligned, and Ungrol Four-Horn the ambitious two headed scheming ungor who lives in a labyrinth and collects mutants as tzeentch aligned. Add the god touched bestigors and their variants (who can pull double duty in other chaos factions) and the Peryton as a flying anti-large similar to the terroghiest (those other two monsters you mentioned are never evers). Their campaign goal could be the destruction of the Waystones and capturing & controlling the power of Moonclaw the Neverborn.

@kapitankapital6580 - 30.11.2022 22:27

I think marked bestigors are an inevitability, it only waits to be seen whether they'll be Beastmen or Monogod DLC

@TheAtlasReview - 30.11.2022 21:58

Now all it needs is Moonclaw, Ungrol Four-Horn and Gorthor. It would be great to see Preytons, Beast-Kin and whatever "Ramhorns" are.
Maybe Slugtongue, Kha'Rak, Gharros and the Harbinger.

@ollym8355 - 30.11.2022 21:57

Ghorros and Moonclaw please 😎, plus some extra units

@overlordoftoxicity7710 - 30.11.2022 21:37

My vision: new lords Ghorros warhoof and Ungrol 4 horns. Moonclaw as legendary hero.

@miguellemir242 - 30.11.2022 21:32

Dont forget the god touched Minotaurs!

@antoniogiangregorio9870 - 30.11.2022 21:21

Humans race are perfect right now....naah im joking they sucks....and i love playing as empire....i wish we were able to play as boris toddy boy....

@alastoro6663 - 30.11.2022 21:17

so wait a moment, when you raise a herdstone there is the razing animation, but when you actually raze a settlement there is no animation it just goes under and the ruins come back up

@angemalaurie6074 - 30.11.2022 20:54

New stuff and reskin would be cool, ungor and centigors lack variety

@TheRetifox - 30.11.2022 20:51

One year later: Beastman need one more DLC to be perfect-perfect

@angemalaurie6074 - 30.11.2022 20:49

As a beastmen fan I would love to get full mono gods beastmen units (enough to make dedicated armies) but I don't believe that GW would accept that (it would be as hard as getting cathay in, wich people tough impossible but happened eventually).

My favorite legandary lords would be Ghoros, Moonclaw, Slugtong and Forhorn.
Ghoros centered around cav and speed and maybe new units for harrassing like centigors with bow or javelins that deal anti large damage.
Forehorn would be like Gromm the Paunch in the sense that he would buff ungors units like crazy in his army. Grom managed to allow a new way to play Orcs that way.

@HiddenEvilStudios - 30.11.2022 20:48

I want Moonclaw as a legendary hero similar to Lord Kroak in function. Conceptually, I find Moonclaw incredibly cool and I would like to see him added officially.

@olympusgolemoflight7198 - 30.11.2022 20:48

I really wish they had saved the Beastmen vs Lizardmen DLC for Moonclaw vs Tek'tek'o.
