A Spider's Thread by Ryunosuke Akutagawa - Short Story Summary, Analysis, Review

A Spider's Thread by Ryunosuke Akutagawa - Short Story Summary, Analysis, Review

The CodeX Cantina

2 года назад

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@ramblingraconteur1616 - 06.06.2022 20:20

Interesting discussion around this one. The questions around forgiveness and pessimism were provocative. It’s tough to figure out where Dostoevsky ends and where Akutagawa and his unique personal and cultural perspective begins with this one. I think Akutagawa was generally more pessimistic than Dostoevsky.

Nice Throne of Blood reference with the three witches and the spiders!

Cheers, Jack

@TheNerdyNarrative - 06.06.2022 21:19


@mariaaaa1128 - 07.06.2022 01:29

Nice review! Btw Akutagawa is pronounced with a silent u so its Ak-ta-ga-wa

@shiranui1926 - 07.06.2022 19:58

Really appreciate seeing you cover another one of Akutagawa's stories. After reading "Rashomon and Seventeen Other Stories" I'm honestly really taken with this author. His works have something so unique and appealing to them, I love the way he provokes thought in his reader.

@SpringboardThought - 08.06.2022 04:13

Interesting discussion. I think intent matters too.

@attention5638 - 11.07.2022 21:40

I haven't killed a spider in years. I should be good! Haha Now, does intent matter as much as how others interpret the intent?
