Are We Living Through The End Of An Empire?

Are We Living Through The End Of An Empire?

Second Thought

7 месяцев назад

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@HellaSayHella - 03.02.2024 23:37

Ehhh people have been saying this shit forever.

@myriadshalaks - 03.02.2024 18:11

this guy is a communist propagandist. don't believe his smooth delivery.

@sparklingx4448 - 03.02.2024 12:29

The plundering behavior of the empire is drug, which is both satisfying and damaging to the body, and it is difficult to quit. However, the geographical location of the United States determines that as an ordinary country, it still has the ability to achieve national prosperity and strength. If you want to restore true "labor glory", the US government, capital, and even the public will have to endure a long period of drug rehabilitation syndrome.

@mdw546 - 03.02.2024 08:17

I can answer you're question, no. The US will destroy the world before it falls from it hands over it's hegemony to really any nation that is possibly in a position to take it, which is China and maybe one day India.

@midgetydeath - 03.02.2024 07:27

I mean, it's not an empire. An empire is constantly and willfully expanding, among other requirements.

@KatariaGujjar - 03.02.2024 07:15

Oxford University anthropologist, J.D. Unwin, wrote in his 1936 book Sex and Culture : after studying 89 major civilizations and hundreds of cultures going back thousands of years, a conclusion was made that any nation, once it has adopted sexual pervasiveness and immorality, has never survived for for more than three generations (max 75 years). In US, this started in the form of the Sexual Revolution c.1960's. That means we have about 11-19 years remaining until our demise. Again, I must reiterate that no nation in history (according to Unwin) has ever broken this rule.

The most renowned Islamic scholar of the past hundred years, philosopher, historian, and polymath, Abul Ala Maududi, active between 1930-1979, wrote about the swapping of world powers (from an Islamic perspective) which appears to be true even from a secular lense. He said: God prefers net development of the earth more than destruction, thus God favors and gives rule to those powers who make the world better overall, even if they are engaged in some destruction, regardless of their religion. As long as such groups are building more than destroying the world, God allows them to rule. If a better builder appears, he replaces the previous. The one who was a great builder but transitioned into a great destroyer eventually finds itself replaced by a greater builder.

@TheForrest73 - 03.02.2024 06:49

Rome also debased its currency, as the US prints it fiat, exports it inflation and backs the petro$ by violence. Record amounts of gold/silver go east in the last couple of years, international trade continue to increase in other currencies as the world tires of US hegemony, downhill slope for sure.

@RedPilledFit - 02.02.2024 22:07

Let’s not forget to mention the true downfall of this country, this destruction of the nuclear families post 1965 via the welfare act, along with sexual liberation of the same era, the birth of the pill, feminism, and the advent of social media, dating and hookup apps of 2012, now we got the mess that we have today, Covid just accelerated the degeneration further.

@johnslims4006 - 02.02.2024 21:46

Now show me a socialist empire that’s still standing I will wait. Oh you will just blame capitalism for thier demise. On one hand you say capitalism is terrible but it’s so effective it can it can keep the the socialist system at bay. If socialism was such a great system why can’t it persevere. China isn’t the socialist system you believe in workers don’t control the means of production it is a authoritarian country people don’t have rights there. Just go up to Biden and yell f Biden then fly to China and yell f xi jinping and you will find out how democratic they are

@dinoprimi3914 - 02.02.2024 14:55

For anyone wondering, Rome did nothing but steal everything it had form the Greeks, the romans were a bunch of fools but they had great numbers and managed to beat the Greeks with force, but they became the very people they took control over because it was obvious that their way of life was far superior to theirs.

@user-su1sq7qd6b - 02.02.2024 14:39

Yes, we are living through an end of empire, because of uncontrolled immigration, and ungrateful entitled resentful leftists.

@alternativeperspectiv - 02.02.2024 08:35

I'm not American. I am pleasantly surprised you, an (I assume) American, managed to see things for what they are... for how WE see them.
I, and many millions of others, hate America to the hilt. If you think Arabs are the only ones, or Muslims, you are sorely misinformed!
We remember all the things America has done. As an African, I remember the many murders of African leaders by the CIA and how Americans have interfered in our politics yet you whine about suspected and unproven meddling in yours. The hypocrisy!

I even remember Hiroshima. I remember the murder of Saddam, and of Gadhaffi, Lumumba and more. What hurts the most is the arrogance. American drones kill innocent non-Americans and you know what the compensation is? Maximum $5000 per person. Capped by an actual American law! $5000 for a life! And what are the consequences for Americans killing non-Americans? Nothing. Where is G Bush? Not in prison. Where is Obama? Not in prison... where are all the people that lied about weapons of mass destruction? Not in prison!
What were the consequences for all the crimes committed in South America, the creation of extremist terrorist groups across the globe or the murder of the Japanese? Nothing.

I can't wait for the day a massive nuke goes off in every major US city that completely brings the US to its knees and forces it to crawl back into a deep hole and look away from the world forever.

Every day it is "China bad China evil"... what has China done that is evil? genuine question. I will take ANYONE on on this issue... name 5 things China has done that are wrong... and I will pull up 20 that America IS doing right now.

@308_Negra_Arroyo_Lane - 02.02.2024 07:19

When the US cannot get the world to use its currency, that is the end of empire.

@ThomasMullaly-do9lz - 02.02.2024 02:13

All the United States has to do is take over Canada and Mexico and seal off it's economy and default on it's debt.. good bye civilization for the rest of the world.

@vanyabaray3621 - 02.02.2024 01:15

Second Thought, what country you think will be the next empire?

@Steve-mo9et - 01.02.2024 23:50

America will survive Joe Biden and the crazy woke. Americans will only put up with nonsense for only so long.

@KafshakTashtak - 01.02.2024 21:17

Just wondering, if we ask about fall of an empire, you guys always mention Rome. There were other empires throughout the history (Persians, Mongols, Islamic Caliphate, Mayas, Incas, etc.). Why do you always pick Rome?

@christonngoveni8438 - 01.02.2024 19:25

Not to mention the world today moves at a faster pace, a single event has a potential of changing everything. Empires come and go as power consume the leaders, and weight gets heavier.

@ezydoesit993 - 01.02.2024 14:34

Growing up in the 80/90s In Brazil, I used to think that US was a great country, as a grew up, studied and travelled around the world, USA became the one country I would never want to o live.

@janetwebb1507 - 01.02.2024 08:52

HELLO! Roman Rulers were Called 'SENATORS' ( Sound Familiar?)

@crosses101 - 01.02.2024 08:31

Man u Commies are quite the capitalists🙄

@alistersutherland3688 - 01.02.2024 03:18

Don't kid yourself about China. The CCP is beyond authoritarian. It's totalitarian. Moreover, like Putin's Russia, it's a kleptocracy of oligarchs. The Belts and Roads project is nothing less than a means of enslaving entire countries by means of debt most will never be able to pay, and this is the true objective - the ulterior motive - to remove any vestige of sovereign government in the indebted nations and replace it with one entirely under Beijing's control.

If you think there's anything benign about China and the CPP under Xi, you're dreaming.

BTW - please explain the "illegal dissolution of the Soviet Union." What, exactly, was illegal about it?

@kevinreed792 - 01.02.2024 01:46

TLDR: yes.

@user-qk1el8vu9d - 31.01.2024 22:52

No, if you do research, America stays a dominate power for many years to come. I think the entire west is going through changes though.

@17-MASY - 31.01.2024 12:03

Good points. Also something that I think it wasn't mentioned is the collapse in society, morals and family

@dawngeorge5032 - 31.01.2024 07:47

"Empyre" burning down before our eyes, beyond our control~
What Phoenix will rise from the ashes? If there's anything left...

@mr.blueitachi5258 - 31.01.2024 03:58

Isn't it weird that only independent writers speak the truth unlike sponsored ones?
We are heading towards decentralized content which is also a big hit to the American empire who used to trick us through its paid centralized media

@Momy2T - 31.01.2024 03:32

I live in the US & decided not to have anymore children after my son because I FEAR for our children’s futures. I work 2 jobs, 6-7 days a week just to pay the bills. I’m disgusted by our country & there’s no where to turn..

@pugowner1347 - 30.01.2024 18:31

Thanks to the democrats, yes we are.

@jimjames5300 - 30.01.2024 15:26

Mom is coming round soon. - LAErn To Swim.

@bernardchan8937 - 30.01.2024 07:19

True information!

@zzzaaannnn - 30.01.2024 06:27

you forgot to mention how the american people looks sick, how they seem to be on drugs all the time, the cities are dirty, filled with homeless and addicts everywhere, if theres a hole or a space, someones living there, that society failed, and they exported that failed model to many places that now suffer from the same problem/consequences.. and to me, when you add all the pieces he showed in this video, it's crystal clear, this empire is doomed

@NikephorosCaesar - 29.01.2024 19:47

The USA is not collapsing it’s simply transitioning into a new form we are not the same country we were in 1776 or 1876

@mrcodcommando3939 - 29.01.2024 18:42

Ah ! Anti white self debracating humor a progressive finest ideal! No other nations or races are of comparsin to rome or the west !

@user-Max1980 - 29.01.2024 18:33

Rome have been existed 1500 years. USA as empire about 50. Haha. USSR even 70

@lefthandedfilms - 29.01.2024 16:00

There is a flaw in what he's telling us. Capitalism is not the problem here, it is CORPORATISM. Corporatism leads to so-called "democratic socialism", which is the goal of the billionaires. It does not benefit the common people, as it cements you in your social strata. Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be anything we can do about it.

@user-jm2fc4ql1o - 29.01.2024 12:03

US is more probably the successor of Carthagen. The true historical Romean Empire was ellinistic, greek. And in fact The Carthagens killed and ruined the Romean Empire and epropriated the Romeans' name. So called Western Roman Empire has nothing to do with the real Rome. And yes Carthagens were proto muslims-jews. That is why, well, because that is why so:))

@tallonj1 - 29.01.2024 11:26

What does "illegal dissolution of the Soviet Union" mean?

@tylercruz8166 - 29.01.2024 10:54

The end of a empire that only 1% of the population owns the wealth

@WassaMatterU - 29.01.2024 07:53

Of all the empires which suffered collapse, the citizens of Radio Shack suffered the most.... :|

@KangaroozADA - 29.01.2024 05:01

shortest empire ever?

@paulevans4905 - 29.01.2024 02:02

The technological dark ages....its gonna be bloody.

@maxoobbxxx8032 - 29.01.2024 00:09

It's the public that sucks, not the politicians (c) George Carlin

@paul-ld9vh - 28.01.2024 22:47

Its not capitalism. It's the psychopaths in politics that believe they can run an country economically without having even the slightest concept of voluntary trade or freedom.

@e_estonian - 28.01.2024 21:32

While the US is doing some very questionable things, both at home and globally, I wouldn't think of China as better in any way. They've been developing, sure, but not into a kind of country I'd want to be born in.

@NightmareNate7 - 28.01.2024 20:29

I despise this country and will never go fight if their is a military draft.

@silasschneider8465 - 28.01.2024 13:46

Dude check your facts about china.... they even worse on all fronts...

@thatnorwegianguy1986 - 28.01.2024 11:25

I disagree on China and their infrastructure the chinese infrastructure is a bit of a mess and the wasteful ghost cities that the government has build is crumbling.

Ironically corruption and crony capitalism inside of China is what is making this happen so in a weird way they are making the same mistakes as the US in many ways.

China has a growing middle class and despite philosophy of the government in China being different than the US they are beholdened to the capitalistic system since they embraced the free market system.

China also has a massive demographic problem given their one child policy affected the gender balance in the country massivly with birthrates expected to plummit and a growing elderly population.
