The real reason American health care is so expensive

The real reason American health care is so expensive


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Summerflower - 25.09.2023 23:22

Expensive to torture people and get away with it

Jerry G
Jerry G - 24.09.2023 22:56

imagine that you broke your leg. It's not exactly feasible for you to shop around for a good price and service. You need to get to the hospital asap. At that point, you've lost your bargaining power and the hospital can charge whatever they want. It's ridiculous. Capitalism in healthcare is unethical. They are putting their profits before people's lives

Dan Kelly
Dan Kelly - 24.09.2023 05:53

It's expensive because the health care is expensive. Duh!

Javier Gonzalez
Javier Gonzalez - 17.09.2023 19:39

Went to the ER and waited 3 hours to be seen. Left home with no prescription or anything, but hey, I got a bill for $750 the next day.

Paolo Martinelli
Paolo Martinelli - 17.09.2023 14:03

Americans:Other countries aren't really about freedom.They are all oppressive.

Discover that they have free healthcare

Americans:Oh my god,this is so good,why don't we have it in our country.

Other countries: ....................

I mean,perhaps not that surprising considering that Americans worship capitalism so much that they see everything that doesn't align with that as "oppression" or their go-to phrase and the most popular one "communism".

Rohit Sharma
Rohit Sharma - 16.09.2023 23:31

Usa go to doctor less?
Bruh if their pinky get hurt they immediately run to nearest emergency room.

watchdealer11 - 15.09.2023 14:11

Interesting how you conveniently excluded Singapore...

JahJah - 15.09.2023 00:29

The American dream has become a nightmare

Joe Holden
Joe Holden - 05.09.2023 23:51

Charging different people different prices for the same care is just fundamentally wrong

Julia Fenocchio
Julia Fenocchio - 05.09.2023 22:23

I had a less than 30 minute VIDEO VISIT with my Dr. It cost me $210.00 out of pocket. MediCal only covered $75.00, making the total appointment cost $285.00 for less than 30 minutes…..

Thomas Herzog
Thomas Herzog - 31.08.2023 18:03

I dont understand why people dont look up stuff better if they care so much about it... Its not THE HEALTHCARE SYSTEM thats so bad in the USA. Im european and have compared almost every bit about it to my country and its not insurance thats more expensive - in fact its almost the same even though people in the US have higher salaries on average.

Usual health insurance in the USA per month is about 550$ which is just a bit higher than the average 450 per month here, and again; average salary in the USA is about 59k vs 58k ppp.

Its also not medication if you dont look for only brands but for generic alternatives (with a few exceptions). Paracetamol by example is 7 cent per pill vs. 11 cent in the US. More, but funfact; In the EU we pay tax on medication.

The only real ENORMOUS difference is the salary of doctors. In numbers, the median salary for physicians in the USA is about 150 to 200k $, in my country (austria, similar to germany) its about 50K $, which is barely 30%.

If you want to get angry about the healthcare, start there.

Mr. Wigglemunch
Mr. Wigglemunch - 31.08.2023 01:51

Choose your leaders wise America. I love your movies and music but i'm sorry the rest is not that flattering.

Beep Boop Beep
Beep Boop Beep - 30.08.2023 06:03

Not "private sector." Free market. A corrupt, captured market doesn't work, whether government or private.

Jane Air
Jane Air - 30.08.2023 00:30

Greed by the shareholders... plain and simple!

A A - 29.08.2023 00:56

Profit for the aggrandizement of the few and the detriment and control of the many - this is just a microcosm of the entire US capitalistic system. Remember this: your rights are always being actively eroded and attacked, either by circumvention or blatantly, by corporations and enterprise; this includes US government complicity.

tarkov6 - 25.08.2023 22:56

Problem is inflated prices due to medical providers knowing insurance will pay for it. I had $89,000 knee surgery and my insurance "discounted" it by $79,000... meaning thats about how much it actually costs...

Prani Gopu
Prani Gopu - 23.08.2023 13:31

"Private sector" doesn't mean "free-market" or "free from government intervention." Based on my (limited) research, at least part of the issue seems to be with inefficient legal and bureaucratic requirements imposed on healthcare and the toxic economic environment they create. Letting the government handle it is not by itself a solution to a problem created (at least in part) by the government.

PARAMAHANSA YOGA - 22.08.2023 10:05

It’s just a criminal mafia . 800$ from r a saline drip. Pretty much explains these people are criminals in thought and deed.

mimo - 22.08.2023 06:15

Not everything is clear cut or black and white. As much as i wish free healthcare can be possible… it seems to me that it’s complicated

Identify as Doomer
Identify as Doomer - 20.08.2023 03:02

American healthcare is like if you rich you have right to live if you poor May god have mercy on you.

Marco Garcia
Marco Garcia - 17.08.2023 06:39

I was charged 150k for an angioplasty then i went to Mexico and only paid. 8k

Chilbi Yito
Chilbi Yito - 04.08.2023 17:39

How well regulated is the healthcare market in the US?

David Gerstein
David Gerstein - 03.08.2023 23:04

Rember: the US sends $2b to Israel every year...who has single payer healthcare.

Hakim Johnson
Hakim Johnson - 31.07.2023 22:46

In America you'll be better off not working and on welfare. Or you have to be very wealthy. People in between finance the top and the bottom.

WANNABETREELAND :v - 30.07.2023 07:44

The lawmakers: we are going to negotiate these prices, to be lower and set to the negotiated prices, that will take no affect to the workers pay/salary because solely of our negotiated prices

That is how it should be done… I think…

C B - 22.07.2023 07:00

Health care is a prophit first business in America.
Canada has good health care but you can't just go there and sign up. You have to be earning so much money per family member. No people milking a welfare system for a free ride.

The Finance Edition
The Finance Edition - 17.07.2023 05:12

While it's true that the cost of healthcare is higher in the US, the percentage increase of taxes needs to also be shown side by side with the % price of healthcare, because it's very different in other countries. Also, it IS possible to get reduced costs for medical/dental/vision if you say you want to use cash and not insurance and then shop around... the problem is that we are conditioned not to shop around and often potentially fatal/life altering conditions require immediate treatment.

Faustus Krauss
Faustus Krauss - 15.07.2023 18:50

On another thing: Medicaid only pays a doctor $3

Dr Oseghale Sunday Herbal Home
Dr Oseghale Sunday Herbal Home - 15.07.2023 03:33

Try to cure it hpv problem now before it develops into bigger problems!

SSilent - 14.07.2023 15:58

Would rather pay more money for a potentially life saving appointment sooner than wait months for an appointment funded by my taxes

Jack Mclaughlin
Jack Mclaughlin - 12.07.2023 19:11

The people don’t realize is that the reason why america’s bills for healthcare is so high is because we have advanced healthcare. Countries with universal healthcare have higher taxes which is SURE gonna run well in the USA.

selocan469 - 12.07.2023 17:37

Well said, but you can not get the best of all worlds. Those countries you mentioned, an average citizen likely to spend much less on luxuries, less frequently change their car TVs than a U.S. citizen. Doctor's included of course. How do you plan to work this one or anything similar so to speak, while buying the biggest possible TV hanged on your wall. Your lifestyle and culture is opposite to a German or Dutch. Salary of a software developer with lowest and highest income differs 2-3 times at most where a your it goes to 20-30 times. Think of it and you will understand. You have to make a choice as a nation, where obviously the wealthy and poor citizens would make quite different decisions.

Radhika Patel
Radhika Patel - 11.07.2023 10:33

Especially, medicines are just...
Something that takes 10$ to make is sold at 1000$ and its not even luxury, its necessary...

VioletTracey - 02.07.2023 20:54

Thank you for talking about this! Another issue is that a company can patent a medication or medical device, and then sell it at absurd prices because not only do they have a monopoly on it from the patent, but the patients don’t have much choice about whether to buy it. The medication/device could be the only know thing to help their suffering, or even save their life. Think about epi pens for an example. There may be a cheaper auto injector form of them but still.

John Brown
John Brown - 28.06.2023 00:22

Heath care should a non-profit endeavor. CPAP machine ResMed S10 + AirMini Platinum Package is $2,195.00. For something that cost $150.00 to make.

John Swanson
John Swanson - 25.06.2023 19:33

I don't understand how USA still presents itself as a "free country".
You guys have one of the most corrupt, monopolized, giant government system in the world.
You're living in a tyranny advertized as a freedom.

buzz 8686
buzz 8686 - 24.06.2023 00:36

imagine blaming the private sector when the governmnet controls regulations and thinking giving government MORE power is better

Rejuve+ Hong Kong
Rejuve+ Hong Kong - 18.06.2023 11:31

American free market failed

Wes AY
Wes AY - 15.06.2023 13:30

He forgot to mention about the rampant lawyers sueing everyone

james mckendry
james mckendry - 07.06.2023 18:24

Government health care as much better, and if you don’t think it’s better than we should abolish the VA tomorrow because that’s socialized medicine it’s evil

Frauds R Not Friends
Frauds R Not Friends - 07.06.2023 01:26

Aside from a heart attack the healthcare industry can't do anything else to help people. Most people that go in to see a Doctor will get no real help for their problems. Only a bill in the mail. There are so many health problems without any sort of treatment available. There are Doctors that see patients all day long and simply repeat over and over again that there is nothing he can do for them. How do people that can't do anything make so much money?

Tyler1too2cold3 - 05.06.2023 18:27

If anyone is interested in saving some money on health insurance then message me. I’m licensed in 31 states and may be able to help you.

Arslan Malik
Arslan Malik - 03.06.2023 04:39

Blame are government for health care, Blame government for for high hosing blame and Blame them for over coast college .

Макс Отто
Макс Отто - 02.06.2023 08:16

The solution your government offered – distroy those all other countries..

Martin Biggs
Martin Biggs - 30.05.2023 04:32

We use more prescription drugs per capita, eat poorer diets, and are more sedentary. The answer is not more spending.

Thomas1701E - 28.05.2023 20:44

I may not agree with FDR's policies on how to fix the economy after the Great Depression. However, when my Mom was in intensive care for 3 weeks prior to her passing, I was prepared to have to pay a hospital bill on what Medicare didn't fully cover. When I closed out her stay at the hospital with the business office, they handed me a bill with a $0 balance. I walked away and said to myself, " Thank you FDR." I'm paying $800 a month for private health insurance since my retirement at 58. I'm counting the years to when I'm eligible for Medicare.

Skirby - 26.05.2023 08:52

Every American in the comments are trying to defend their atrocious and expensive Healthcare system. Just admit it, you guys can't afford Healthcare.

DerangedHousewife - 25.05.2023 05:02

Medicare refuses to pay for a lot of things. It is far from perfect and many times care providers have trouble getting reimbursed by them.
