Wings of Fire Aging Makes NO SENSE } Analysis

Wings of Fire Aging Makes NO SENSE } Analysis


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Dark_WarHammer - 05.09.2023 09:20

Higher IQ children have a higher mental age. Lower IQ children have a lower mental age. It might be that.

Mischievous vessel
Mischievous vessel - 18.08.2023 03:59

Why is everyone who saves the world a child, like moon was FOUR years old at arc 2

The River Acis
The River Acis - 28.07.2023 05:00

I always figured Darkstalker's bracer was something akin to wrapped wire.
Essentially rather than being a solid piece, it 'unraveled' in part but didn't slip off because of this.

I would say I think Clearsight is a special case. She is a dragon who, quite literally, has experienced entire lifetimes. Her maturity is rather broken as a consequence, as she can quite literally see the effects her actions have on the future. Makes a bit of a more cautious and careful in a very long-term view fare.
This said, Anemone still causes issues, as you say. Especially as she's likely even more insulated and babied than Mink was.

˚angle destiny˚
˚angle destiny˚ - 06.07.2023 02:04

the fact that all of your dragons look like hachlings really makes me happy

Wings of Wolfe
Wings of Wolfe - 31.05.2023 03:21

I think you forgot one thing- They’re from different tribes. Maybe certain tribes have certain ways that dragonets are expected to act like at a certain age.

Ivorii - 18.05.2023 02:05

Honestly, what's the worst for the plot has been animus magic. It's a cool concept, of course I can't deny it, but animus magic made Tui write herself into a corner. I can't seriously believe how stupid other characters were about it. Like they did mistakes that felt like common sense? Like for example: Turtle in talons of power could have stopped Darkstalker if he made a ring that couldn't be taken off and was made to stop all of Darkstalkers magic. Put that enchanted item on Darkstalker, he dies, arc done. Or why did turtle at the end of book 9 get himself captured by Darkstalker. Couldn't he have split his stick and given pieces to Anemone and Kinkajou? I'm glad Tui made animus magic not work for arc 3.

grimmcorvid - 09.05.2023 21:06

I would say that Jade mountain academy is open for any age of dragons. Since all ages were at war they likely didnt recieve good education. So that does make sense.

Aster - 04.05.2023 16:18

If I were a dragon in Wings of Fire I would be 9 in dragon years (15 in human years)

PYRO THE ICEWING - 19.04.2023 18:56

well flame is about 11 or 14 4 to 7 dragon years and he fights in a war i think age is just a nomber and its muchoridy that lables what they can and cant do

•☆Amira☆• - 11.04.2023 05:07

When it comes to Darkstalker, the bracelet could have been enchanted to grow with him.

StarListener - 23.03.2023 00:48

I love your art style! Do you have a tutorial? It looks so cool!

Rin Rena
Rin Rena - 22.03.2023 18:30

I just assumed hivewings evolved into their own species

bjboss 111
bjboss 111 - 22.02.2023 06:38

My headcannon is blame the nannites, so nothing is a stretch anymore.
Plus the adult dragons keep dying in wars.

Arxtxc - 19.02.2023 12:06

Have you ever noticed Albatross, Orca, and Anemone are all Animus(so their all technically part Icewing), Have tried to kill or have killed some dragons? Like a repeating pattern?

Have you ever noticed how hybrid dragons are more common in the darkstalker legends rather than the books in the Arc’s and how they are lesson common?

stuff - 16.02.2023 07:00

For clearsight, she was three in dragon years, so roughly 7 and a half years old because a dragon year = 2.5 human years.

Saphira Peril
Saphira Peril - 12.02.2023 07:19

personally i always thought clearsight was older mentaly then she was phsyicaly due to seeing so many futures and learning so much from basicly day 1. If you factor in all that she would of learned from the futures alone, i just imagin mentally shes older then she is physically.

Also all we know is that the three are 2 what if minx hit two only a few weeks before snowfalls book, and anemeny was midway through or geting close to three years?

Epic_Sock_Lady - 08.02.2023 01:31

Perhaps all the tribes age a little bit differently mentally and physically all kind of come from the same base species? Another theory: maybe it’s because of what they eat different nutrition affect bone growth and muscle growth so maybe bc lce wings eat more meat they have less I was certain vitamin or nutrition while because rain wings plants they grow differently because they don’t eat much meat if any

Jack Irish
Jack Irish - 05.02.2023 03:57

This is why you don't make your aging super complex in book

LunaTheGoat - 05.02.2023 00:55

Here's how I calculate dragon age (left is dragon age, right is human equivalent)
0: 1-2
1: 3-5
2: 5-8
3: 8-12
4: 13-14
5: 15
6: 16-17
7: 18
8: 19
9: 20
10: 21
11: 22
12: 23
13: 24
14: 25
15: 26
16: 27
17: 28
18: 29
19: 30
20: 31
and so on :)
But ye, that means Mink could be around 5, Anemone 7-8 possibly? Also, a dragon's paretning style and stuff affect a dragon's growth significantly, so since Glacier was loose with Mink and let her play around alot, whereas Anemone was around an adult 24/7 and went to political meetings from a very young age. Moon hearing thoughts from many dragons, even those significantly older than her, would have affected her growth. Clearsight seeing every path of the future and stuff would have affected her alot too. Anyway. Just my opinion, great video as always :D

placeholder - 03.02.2023 08:33

ik this is offtopic but holy moly i LOOVE your art in this video

Lahly Bird
Lahly Bird - 01.02.2023 00:01

1: darkstalker and clear sight were 3 and 4, not 2 and 3.

2: anemone was basically hatched to be educated so her reading makes sense. While mink may be on the lower side of 2, after just turned 2 and closer to 3 are both 2 but with around a year of difference. Mink could also have developmental differences like Whiteout.

3: while dragons mature at 7, nightwings legally don't consider you adult until 10. In our world it would be like if one country had a different legal age than 18, so even if we considered a 19 year old an adult a country with a higher legal age would not, leaving them legally a child despite maturity and knowledge, sort of how we treat 17yearolds here. So that's not an age descrempancy, just a cultural difference.

4: peril is immature because of her circumstances, like sky.

5: the DoD saved the world at 6, they have the respect of the queens. No one is challenging their capabilities. Also clay specifically wanted his siblings. And 7 or not, education is lacking in the war, especially for mudwings who have no mention of schools like the the other tribes. And it's clearly shown that umber is... Less mature than his sibs, likely due to trauma or developmental difference.

6: onyx is there to spy, not get an education. Even if she was there for school it would make sense because palm kept her isolated so who knows what her education quality was like. And JMA was about social exposure first and education second. It was a peace experiment way more than it was a school. The school part was an excuse, an afterthought the barely had it worked out before they started. Webs was the only teacher with any kind of actual lesson plan.

OOM-26 - 31.01.2023 02:33

I've always explained the aging thing in WoF as a messy combination of slight differences between tribes and the view of each dragon in regards to dragons 7-9. and as for the behavioral thing, I'm just going to bat an eye and say the environment a dragon grows up in drastically affecting their behavior, making them seem more mature than the standard.

Ecivedsusagep - 30.01.2023 00:22

But there’s one thing you’re leaving out: the possibility that different tribes age at different rates. It’s entirely possible that tribes age as differently as they look, and tribes like ice wings mentally age slower, and rain wings mentally age faster, but their lifestyle left them stunted in some regards, but glory was not raised like that, so she mentally ages faster than everyone else. It’s entirely possible.

Edit: I just realized that this would make sense with how rain wings and ice wings would have lived when they evolved long ago. Rain wings would have to mentally be more prepared because their environment likely has many dangers, and other rain wings seem to not have as many parental instincts, making it so that rain wings would have to be more alert at a young age because they would have many predators and would not have parents watching their every move and keeping them safe.
Ice wings on the other hand live in an ordered society and have harsh environmental conditions, so it is likely that the dragonets would stay inside under the watch of their parents for many years. They would end up staying inside caves or other buildings for a majority of their time, so they would not have opportunities to learn to hunt and survive outside, so they would likely spend most of their young years sleeping and resting, with no need to develop mentally until much later. ( there are probably other tribes that have good reasons to mentally age differently, but ice wings and rain wings are just good examples and need to most explaining)

Frank Hickman
Frank Hickman - 29.01.2023 11:54

So the sun flight ship is okay 👍

Skygazer - 29.01.2023 08:37

This still doesn't explain how Sky and Wren age at the same rate, if humans and dragons are supposed to be different.

Nythieria’s Legends
Nythieria’s Legends - 28.01.2023 17:51

Yeah though it is a good series, some things aren’t entirely thought through and feel like Tui just wrote it in with no other consideration

Acdcaerosmith - 27.01.2023 18:45

I remember Sunny saying that Thorn looked rather young in the brightest night. Am I wrong.?

ruby_ red660
ruby_ red660 - 27.01.2023 14:41

Glory and Deathbringer do not have an age gap. It was confirmed by Tui to be a mistake.

Aaron Knight
Aaron Knight - 27.01.2023 14:02

I can see deathbringer honnourably wish protection of glory ok but your be better have nearer to her age to love anyone be better. with that a mix tribes good thing

Vilmu Blues
Vilmu Blues - 25.01.2023 22:19

I think Anemone is like "acts more mature than her age" type, because she was raised by her mother in such a strict manner.

Another thing I remember about the dragon ages is the way Thorn is described in the book she first appears in: she is stated to be around 20, which is stated to be youthful-looking.

Lomito diurno
Lomito diurno - 25.01.2023 19:16

The dragons looks to different between them so would be weird if all of them mature at the same speed.
Maybe the Nightwing age slower than other dragons for example the rainwings and mudwings should be reach adulthood earlier because they don't be raise for their parents

maddie.b - 25.01.2023 18:33

I've always lost a bit of immersion to this problem. Even my first time reading through arc 2 when I was younger I noticed this, and was just like: why the hell are the dragonets of destiny running a school for dragons the same age as them? I know there's reasons for the not to be a bigger time skip in the story, but seriously, what? Also starting a school in six months is just as bizarre.

🖤Ren🖤 - 25.01.2023 05:27

Some animals grow very quickly before reaching sexual maturity (the same as adulthood), and then growing slows down after they reach that age. Therefore, I think it would be somewhat reasonable to believe that dragons grow/mature quicker up to age 7, then the growth rate slows. A dragon's maturity also depends on the environment they grew up in, as sometimes they are forced to mature quicker than they should (ex: royalty). It could also vary between species/tribes. I think 150 is a reasonable life expectancy.
With this information, here is how I interpret the ages (1-7)
1 - 3 h. years
2 - 6 h. years
3 - 9 h. years
4 - 12 h. years
5 - 15 h. years
6 - 18 h. years
7 - 21 h. years
They don't reach the human conversion right away, it's more throughout the year until their next hatching day. Once they reach adulthood, I think they would age only about 1 human year per dragon year. (ex: 8 = 22, 9 = 23, etc)

SilverTail - 23.01.2023 19:57

My brain hurts

Tao - 23.01.2023 05:34

this is a really good collection of all the age issues and is really interesting.
My plausible headcanon is that while dragons are intellectually based on age and environment similar to humans, the environment affects them to a much greater degree in their progression than ours. Since having a slower development is advantageous to the social intelligence of species, but having a faster development is advantageous to the reproduction rate of a species, dragons could do both, so would often forgo the slower human-like development in poor conditions to survive better (as species, not as individuals). Pyrrhia seems like it has often been in near-constant conflict, much more so than human history, (the bloodiness of human history is overexaggerated as we always focus on the wars and not the peacetimes) so it would make sense for dragons to have the ability to "grow up" incredibly fast in certain conditions.
If this was all true, it would make sense that the dragons don't see age the same as us, and situations like much older students alongside much younger might be normal.
This does not excuse all the massive age differences tho, as there are still often extreme social power dynamics in some relationships.

HorriblePuppets - 23.01.2023 03:25

Ok one thing you didn't consider here is the fact that they are all different breeds of dragons, which means they may age differently like with dog breeds! that probably doesn't fix all inconsistencies, but it would clear up a few of them!

clawcakes - 23.01.2023 02:33

was honestly expecting the weirdness with hatchlings to be brought up. bumblebee and moon started talking basically as soon as they came out of their eggs, so is their ageing so rapid that they literally come out the womb as toddlers capable of basic speech?

DiamynTheDino - 22.01.2023 21:21

In my wof au we remade a new aging system kind of inspired by of arachnid star system and the human life cycle. But I left the dragon age system out and just went with human years for example although I might change it this is the current one
Hatchling = 0-2 yrs old
Dragonling = 3-5 yrs old
Dragonlet = 6-10 yrs old
Dragonet = 11-19 yrs old
Young Adult = 20-29 yrs old
Adult = 30+ yrs old
Elder: 100-150+ yrs old

DragonwildchildKingQueen - 22.01.2023 20:17

For me personally dragons age phsically fast between those ages as stated by Tui BUT mentally can age slower or faster then other dragons, also if 3 is teenage hood and 8 adulthood then, dragons spend more time in adulthood and teenhood then childhood this can possibly effect (some of) them mentally as they try and find themselves in the world, like what most human teens do. Also, Anemone was being trained to be Queen since she hatched effecting her greatly making her act more like an adult which she has always been surrounded by and being able to see the outside world but always being watched by her mother with some freedom every now and then, while the dragonets of destiny acted like teens until after the war because of the little freedom they've always had living under a rock all the time not really knowign how the world worked expect for what they were told by the adults.

Astronic - 22.01.2023 17:36

honestly stuff like this is the reason i stopped enjoying wof, it just feels like things thrown at the wall and occasionally mixed together accidently in a horrible soup you can somewhat enjoy for only a couple sips
rant aside, in short, tui what are you doing

Ag Silver Radio
Ag Silver Radio - 22.01.2023 16:12

In the case of Glory, I think she was intentionally written to be mature for her age.

Eclipse Moon
Eclipse Moon - 22.01.2023 15:08

Imo I think it's like people. People mature at differant ages and I think that's what tui was going for here. Some people are forced to mature early, like Anemone and Clearsight, while some mature at the normal level, like Minx and Cliff. But one thing I'm not so sure about is Glory x Deathbringer. I like their dynamic but If you think about their ages it gets weird. Glory is supposed to be around 6,7 the human age for a 16 year old. Deathbringer is 11,12 (cant remember which) which is the same as a person in their mid thirties. I dont think Tui meant to do that as the winglet Deathbringer was in was written before Book 3. My final point is I think the DoD are mature enough to run a school. The entirety of Arc 1 shows what they have been through. They had to escape abusive guardians, be held captive, forced to murder others for entertainment, escape, get caught again, escape once more and succeed, face the dragon that wants them dead and flee from an attack on the summer palace. And that's only two books. Consider the fact that Glory is only 7 and ruling TWO tribes and doing a pretty well job. So yeah I think they are mature enough given what they've been through.

6ft_turkey _tea
6ft_turkey _tea - 21.01.2023 23:33

To be fair most examples you used were dragons from different tribes from one another. While it’s never stated that dragon tribes grow at different rates it is a possibility, not that that fixes everything though.

midnightwolf352 - 21.01.2023 19:08

Well for darkstalker i think the bracelet might have been a bit elastic and his growth rate probably slowed down when he was asleep due to not consuming any food or water. Then after all those years the bracelet got strained from eroding and him slowly growing till it finally met its limit and snapped, alowing darkstalker to wake up

Thorrin Zellmer
Thorrin Zellmer - 21.01.2023 13:19

In terms of Dragons being included in the school I always assumed that it was due to the school being dragon in origin combined with the chaos of the world after the war of the queens. The school being dragon in origin specifically mattering due to differing social norms and rules, which would make age far less important in education as compared to education received - as in if you don't have the education any dragon can apply and mostly younger dragons were chosen to attend due to the older dragons wanting the younger ones to learn to be better than they were due to the war. In terms of dragons being more or less mature I assumed that had more directly to do with genetics combined with experience.

ItssChicken - 21.01.2023 13:09

I also thought that the wings of fire dragon aging made zero sense but I kind of found a way for me to make it make sense:

1 human year=6 dragon years
2 human years=8 dragon years 3 human years=10 dragon years
4 human years=12 dragon years
5 human years=14 dragon years
6 human years=16 dragon years
7 human years=18 dragon years
Every year after that= +1 year
I think that it makes sense that an 8 year old can act like Mink and if born with pressure and magic like Clearsight and Anemone an 8 year old can also act like that and with the dod and Umber an 18 year old is still a teen but it’s also considered an adult so I does make sense that Umber can act like a teenager and that the dod can act like and adult, and a 19 year old is also still a teenager and I it doesn’t make zero sense that Sky acts like that.
English is my second language so I apologize if some of the words or sentence look wierd or is written wrong.
Great video as always 4rcrane!

cosmohause - 21.01.2023 09:34

i think its probably one of the most rushed aspects of the WoF universe, like with another user Anemone was practically made to mature faster due to her effectively being helicoptered by her mother attending every meeting, and expected to behave. forced to grow up mentally way too fast which unfortunately happens irl which psychology stuff happens and its usually the worse ends of the stick.
i guess it can all come up with how the dragon was raised- letting them be a kid may lead them still being considered "immature", forced to grow up would lead them to act more adult, etc. of course it doesnt excuse anything, esp when it comes to shipping. a dragonet who is young but acts mature is still a child, and vice verse.

with the DoD making the school? its a good idea and they are the main front on that but i like to believe over time they hired more adult faculty members to teach, and eventually split dragons in age. anyone within reason can attend a university afterall in Moon Rising the academy was in its early days so if a fourth arc ever comes and IF a timeskip is present we may see something about any pressing issues.

still. an overlooked aspect that should have been kept in the oven a little longer. at the moment i rely on the more headcanon age theory.

Prince Aderite
Prince Aderite - 21.01.2023 09:15

High school would be crazy if teens were teachers. I mean some of the other teens in my classes are “crazy” enough, so basically it would be pure anarchy. 2022-2023 freshman discipline is one of the worst.
