Hoi4 Guide: The Ultimate Japan - No Step Back

Hoi4 Guide: The Ultimate Japan - No Step Back


1 год назад

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@greenkoopa - 29.12.2023 02:39

I think playing as the USA is boring because the oceans are natural cheese

Just like real life

@arno_grnfld455 - 08.12.2023 14:50

Play hagakure japan and go trigger the soviet civil war and puppeting the russians then go south into china so you can go both paths

@fragoesh5872 - 05.12.2023 18:29

Germans had no time to complete around the maginot focus. That's why Benelux was not in the war.

@sollumi3014 - 02.12.2023 03:24

i still dont understand this... i probably did something wrong again...
(yes i am frustrated with the game, i watched so many tutoruals and im still confused even tutorials this specofic are really confusing to me, like what am i doing wrong??)

@jimmcneal5292 - 08.10.2023 15:55

I hate the naval meta in HOI4. Irl heavy cruisers were crap

@Janissarythinner1826 - 07.09.2023 03:56

İ made an 600 submarine fleet and it worked

@gabrieltorres7794 - 05.09.2023 00:29

What are the dlc’s and mods that you’re using?

@NSA8888 - 04.09.2023 00:09

There are no achievements for conquering China as Japan.

@iainharper3926 - 03.09.2023 01:54

Hello! Is this guide still usable? I'm following all of yours for all countries its seems lol

@forrestsory1893 - 30.08.2023 20:29

Failed to mention the need for a destroyer to have a depth charge. The United States has a lot of submarines. I'm surprised the United States didn't declare war after the fall of France. Your supply issues are going to be a problem by 1943. A very angry india chewing up equipment as well. Where did the British navy go?

@Miffek31 - 28.08.2023 00:23

I hate the fact that I need a dlc to follow this guide :/

@benstewart7970 - 08.08.2023 15:58

I always take the commandeer civilian trains for 5% stab loss since the first focus gives 10% stab Taking u back to 100 stab from 90 but i havent took into account the output loss from doing this so this maybe a mistake to do. It's a bit of a habit i keep doing when a see the decision i tend to click it. Would love to know if anyone else does this or am i screwing myself over. A great guide none the less thanks for the help Bitter

@snekksuperior - 13.07.2023 22:05

Bittersteel the naval templates in this video don't work. It says Heavy batteries are not allowed to work with the light cruiser batteries.
Should i switch the light cruiser battery, or should i let the ship be a screening ship?

@superslayerguy - 27.06.2023 23:13

Damn I've been studying this video top to bottom for several months now and last night I was FINALLY able to capitulate China before 39. Feels really good 😎

@memoriesflow6227 - 26.06.2023 02:14

What dlcs does he have??

@mauriciodanielmartinezreye5130 - 25.06.2023 22:38

Damn my navy got wrecked when they encountered enemy navies on the English Channel

@mertoruc9358 - 23.06.2023 13:10

Did they change the ship designs? I cant put light gun batteries on heavy cruiser battery

@Brosky01 - 11.06.2023 11:21

when i play japan i love to build a tone of dockyards and have by 1944 80 dockyards or so and build a huge navy that even the usa cant beat , with china i usually cap them by 1939

@TK-ye1uq - 10.06.2023 17:37

I guess it's too hard for me

@Big_chungus_i_dont_think_so - 01.06.2023 16:02

Imagine the Japanese fighting in Spain

@lordshady535 - 29.05.2023 23:26

me when I send the marines to Spain only to hear a few seconds later that I was supposed to send the infantry AAAAAAA-

@generalprincecodyhedgewolf2944 - 11.05.2023 08:41

When fighting on land against a country I recommend using tanks and Armored vehicles and artillery

@dirtbikeryzz - 08.05.2023 14:08

Me here in 1942 still working on it lol.

@snowmexican5479 - 03.04.2023 01:14

I don't know if they patched this in the game but I tried copying what you did to your heavy cruiser and it set it as a screen ship, also it took away the rapid fire guns that you have, the ones that are available are the single shot level ones. can't do what you said in the mogomi class ships due to this, and the only way to retain capital ship status is with one heavy battery, which dis allows for any other modifications you try putting on it.

@joshtheman1083 - 18.03.2023 22:48

Good video.
Now do the same thing WITHOUT DLC

@electricatom2 - 17.03.2023 20:22

how to take usa in 37? i wanna ce the vid

@ShackleYT - 12.03.2023 03:33

sadly the cruiser won't work anymore since someone at paradox decided you can't mix and match

@therealporchshitter34 - 05.03.2023 23:21

yo under the heavy cruiser catagory of ships there's no megami class, and when trying to modify the tone class, it wont let me put rapid fire guns and heavy battery 1 on the same ship, wtf am i supposed to do??

@blackfox2885 - 27.02.2023 16:59

I'm assuming the this cruiser you build in the beginning is now dead? I tried repeating it and it either won't let you save the template or it isn't a capital ship.

@jonah5728 - 18.02.2023 23:20

did they update the ship designer? i cant design the cruiser you showed

@stonkey882 - 07.02.2023 23:00

Usa start would be funny since thay patched the old one

@Snarkadeedoo - 02.02.2023 03:51

Come on, Chinaman is so derogatory. Where are you from? 1950. Try "Chinese".

@MustangWWII - 29.01.2023 10:23

Thanks for this, I just capitulated China in six months. :)

@kamilanonymous1359 - 28.01.2023 12:26

6 months and naval guide is only to the trashbin, cant create heavy cruisers to have light attack with being capital ships

@__geoul1s__618 - 26.01.2023 16:42

Bro why cant i join axis 💀

@bombidil3 - 20.01.2023 02:58

You get 10% stability from your first focus so just grab the trains just before then. You'll still be at 100%.

@bombidil3 - 20.01.2023 02:56

My entire reason for wanting to play Japan and America basically exclusively in HOI4 is the Navy. Naval warfare in WW2, particularly in the Pacific, was absolutely wild.

I will comment on a few things from the video: 1. Research radio before declaring war on China. You will be way less likely to be reinforce memed. 2. Build your carriers before getting the Coastal Ship Designer. You want that deck space.

For those curious, the basics for a Navy strike fleet is 4 carriers with max deck space (no more, no less due to penalties), Heavy Cruisers with maximum light attack, tons of the fastest Destroyers you can make (add basically nothing to them except your best engine and a light gun). Since you get the Yamato battleships from your focusses, convert them to super AA fortresses because they struggle to target anything but battleships, but they make superb soaks for enemy air power and will all but mitigate enemy carriers. Don't use heavy cruiser armour, it simply isn't worth it. Torpedoes ignore it, Heavy guns pierce it, and it costs a ton of IC.

Also, you will need a couple spotter ships. Not many, I usually make 2-3 Heavy cruisers filled with recon plane launchers to help spot.

Once you get lots of Destroyer 2s and 3s, it can be beneficial to convert all your remaining DD1s to submarine hunters since they're not nearly as effective in the battle line as faster ships and they add to your fleet size penalty. Converted Cruiser Hull Carriers with naval bombers are also very good at killing subs in your patrol fleets and I think they're cool, so I use them sometimes thought they're probably less effective than pure DDs.

Lastly, in single player, you can take your time and automate a lot of your navy. You can create fleet templates and set what design fills what role using the production tags to create essentially separate patrol and combat craft. Ships in reserve will autofill your fleet to try and fill out the template.

@stonkey882 - 19.01.2023 22:34

I have some problems with the shanghai naval invasion and pushinf from the north. Anyone got any tips?

@yangheleoliu8917 - 14.01.2023 20:55

I like how you keep saying chinamen when they're called chinese

@stonkey882 - 14.01.2023 11:57

what dlcs did u use in this run?

@nefarioushaze - 05.01.2023 01:48

14 attempts later still can't take shandong xD

@amirtp_ - 04.01.2023 01:36

New japan guide

@alexbrooks7387 - 29.12.2022 08:28

I've never Escalated the War as Japan 😂. I've never lost to Ai but that is hilarious to see

@Darth-Hideous - 26.12.2022 10:57

,,I don’t care about manpower,there will always be more china men „

@Milkman69ner - 24.12.2022 15:27

I want to see meme strats
