Make Money On Twitch With Amazon Blacksmith Extension

Make Money On Twitch With Amazon Blacksmith Extension


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@Wild4 - 27.12.2018 20:48

What is your favorite extension to use? Let us all know in the comments below. Need more help? Check out the show notes for more helpful links and videos!

@Ricolirium02 - 02.03.2023 08:58

Blacksmith is no longer in twitch extension

@Tandrew - 31.08.2021 07:11

this no longer exist rip :(

@aussieitv - 04.08.2021 15:02

Unfortunately, as of July 30th 2021 this extension is now disabled

@cuahuizo13 - 04.07.2021 02:01


@TheModFatherUK - 26.04.2021 18:57

Is there any chance u can make videos about twitch streaming on mobile

@gettodachopper - 23.01.2021 17:32

Hi i have an amazon afilliate contract but i cannot change it to my real partner-id. He now has made another account with a second id. He has made an american ID but i have a german one. This extension does not see that i live in germany and make only us accounts although i am typing GERMANY!!!!!! What a crap!

@freexp9755 - 03.01.2021 04:27

I love your videos great work! Question I’m from Canada and I’ve recently signed up for this program. My store ID on Twitch is different then the ID on Amazon. Is this going to stop me from getting commission on a sale? I’ve tried multiple things to try and fix it to get them to match but nothing seems to work. Thank you for your time!

@ggzii - 28.10.2020 03:50

I'm an affiliate and I'm on twitch and I'm also an amazon associate but I can't seem to connect the two? Is it because the emails are different? I'm from the UK and struggling

@monaco9169 - 26.09.2020 19:40

Legend, thanks 🙏

@noctodad - 10.09.2020 17:01

Can you do a video on making a new exstention I'm having issues

@amarkbehera - 01.08.2020 21:54

what software do you use to make your videos

@camilodiazmedina7372 - 27.06.2020 01:17

Hi form Colombia.
If I like to choose more than one configuration. Panle and overlay, can I do it? For example Panel and overlay extension at the same time.

@MRHEIST826 - 10.01.2020 18:50

I don’t see link amazon affiliate

@KenpahchiTV - 28.12.2019 11:49

Is there a way to set it up to have "Streaming setup" as panel 1, "Budget Gaming Gear" as panel 2, and "Favorite Snacks" as panel 3? The only option I'm seeing is to have them all in one panel, and the order is from the most recently made list and not in chronological order. Thanks!

@vikinglad4791 - 11.12.2019 08:07

My question is, what do you do if your products don't actually show up in the extension? Because it never gave me the option to "Publish", it's not even viewed if I scroll all the way down.

@lilypadie7125 - 01.12.2019 13:57

For me the "publish" button isn't showing up, its cropped out of the window. I've tried resizing the browser, using different browsers, etc, but the button is cropped out!! HELP!!!

@Jakestar - 24.11.2019 11:13

If someone purchases something does the income add to what you have a on Twitch? Or it is separate?

@Exiphr - 14.11.2019 06:28

Will the money go to a PayPal that I add in the process or will it go to the amazon accounts credit card?

@yoclamc - 07.10.2019 02:11

so im an amazon associate but when i go to twitch to try blacksmith it just tells me sorry blacksmith it only available to twitch partners or affiliates and according to your video i am an affiliate and also my twitch and amazon are link what can i do to fix the problem to use blacksmith

@paul9018 - 06.09.2019 23:25

What is the component setting and how do i use it?

@Vampireangel1011 - 20.08.2019 10:16

Thank you so much for existing on this platform. I'm starting to try and work towards being an affiliate and i'm doing everything I possibly can to get there and make a name for myself. You and my friends are what is helping me towards my goals here.

@owenwillis1170 - 15.07.2019 07:26

Do they have to buy that product for you to get the revenue or can they press on that product but search another product and you still get the revenue

@stephenhamilton3499 - 31.05.2019 19:10

I like this guy he very too the point. thank you for your help :)

@Gamereaper150 - 30.05.2019 07:48

I'm already an affiliate and I also have Amazon associate, but when I click in configure it's just a white box. It doesn't ask to link my twitch. Is it really only for US!?

@ath3ris_ - 21.05.2019 05:03

It says that I don't have an existing Amazon Associates account even though I do have one. What's going on? :/

@kellyg80 - 22.04.2019 20:35

when i press configure after i download amazon blacksmith it doesn't show up with the 'get started' button. any help?

@koolaidman100x - 14.04.2019 19:13

When do an press it doesn’t take me too the “Link Twitch Account” Page can someone help me how to link it cause I’m amazon affiliate jus not a partner to twitch

@DeeDoesPlays - 18.03.2019 06:48

Just now getting to this 28 days in Wild4games lol.
I appreciate you and emulate everything you do to people that can digest it from me, and if they need someone who can actually teach things, I just post your videos as responses now. :) Have a great evening!

@Izzy-jp8jj - 15.03.2019 08:18

i am already have amazon but this didnt work help??

@thedookster4143 - 09.03.2019 07:04

If someone purchases an item through that panel how do you receive payment for that item? I have paypal linked to twitch as of today and wondering if it will use that since it’s already linked.

@manross1971 - 05.03.2019 10:13

Hey man when I click configure it says "Sorry, Amazon Blacksmith is only available for Twitch Partners or Affiliates" I don't get a "Get Started" button. Please help.

@robk4998 - 24.02.2019 01:12

Just started streaming, and so far your videos have helped me tremendously! Hoping to catch affiliate soon, but with these videos, I know I will get there!

@devinaphoenix6664 - 12.02.2019 00:38

Can you do a video of your lighting setup? One with your Neewer Complete Lighting Studio Kit or one with your Fancierstudio Lights & Green Screen or a combination there of the ones you use?

@prophet698 - 03.02.2019 06:20

I cant sign up on Amazon Blacksmith, because it says me, its only avaiable for Partners and Affiliates :/

@jubraid4905 - 02.02.2019 02:48

I need a quick answer please, is there a requirement of age for this program because I am interested in this and am only 14 and when setting up my account it asks me for TIN I’m not sure what that is so If there is no age requirement what should I put under that section

@BishopJAC - 22.01.2019 02:43

My friend is awesome to discover with your videos new ways to make it easier to viewers to get what they want. Thanks again!

@ozziegirl142 - 17.01.2019 00:45

Your videos are super helpful! I just started streaming a few days ago but I'm already 3/4 of the way to Affiliate! Thanks for all the help man!

@tataliana - 15.01.2019 01:03

Just tried this trick, but it turns out you can ONLY get blacksmith if you are a partner on Twitch, that was not what I expected, hopefully I can get the hyperlinks to work :D but thanks for the tips though.

@luzoFinds - 08.01.2019 17:26

Hi. I'm not a twitch affiliate yet. So I'm using my Amazon associates link in other extension called "my setup".
There you can place every piece or part with the link

@xyenga - 08.01.2019 08:49

so what if my viewers click on a product that i use but they decide to buy something else that wasn’t on my list do i get a percentage?

@ericjmasters - 04.01.2019 01:02

This channel has the best advice on how to make money online. ❤️ this channel.

@geezohd1559 - 03.01.2019 17:30

Hey @wild4games i got a problem i have 2 accounts one in ths us and the uk, with the same email adress, and i cant change it on blacksmith. I want my uk account to blacksmith. Hope you can help me. But some great videos you are making <3

@RogueNinja_YT - 01.01.2019 17:33

I just figured out how to have live chat while in game. Is there any possible way to get alerts to show up while you are playing on your screen as well?

@bowenwheatley3528 - 01.01.2019 02:22

Is it ok if I shout out my twitch if not I’m so sorry my Twitch is BW_bowen I’m with all you guys streaming is the struggle luckily we have this awesome dude right here to help on are path way to becoming biggg!! Thanks for all the tips

@sanityy6587 - 01.01.2019 01:56

Can you watch my streams on twitch FaZeBushWookiee

@ZombiePro-mc5ps - 31.12.2018 19:54

If you would like to check me out on twitch it’s HyperExcel

@Diamondkid19 - 31.12.2018 13:54

Anyone want to collab 80 or more subs
