Tiny Tina Wonderland How To Level Up Fast, Secret Unlocks & Way More! (Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Tips)

Tiny Tina Wonderland How To Level Up Fast, Secret Unlocks & Way More! (Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Tips)


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AlexTheInsignificant - 23.07.2023 18:26

SPOILER ALERT It's funny, I've started playing ttwl a couple of days back and I'm a completionist, so I'm trying to get all the locations as close to 100% as possible asap, and if you play the game that way, you'll reach level 20 before you blow up the ocean and reach the cap of level 40 before entering the abyss, I've just finished all the sidequests in the crackmast cove and then did the sidequest in overworld to obtain the spyglass that allows you to see the invisible bridges in overworld and that pushed me to level 40 and now I'm just doing the Myth rank.
It made me kinda laugh (not in a bad way I just find it funny how broken I am when it comes to borderlands games) when you said that you were level 12 before entering warg-tooth Shallows

Zoretsu - 13.07.2023 14:25

So dumb that shift codes expire

Martell Esselman
Martell Esselman - 01.02.2023 20:07

Something I noticed is that random encounters in grass areas also give pretty good scaled EXP. You can level up pretty quick just doing those over and over. They might be faster than time to kill for bosses and also since you don't have to quit out and reload it might be more efficient. Buuuut I dunno I'm asking about xp grinding in a video from almost a year ago Lol

Samurai_Senpai - 01.12.2022 00:46

Instead of going to the main menu, you can teleport to Brighthoof, turn around and go back into the portal and it will take you right back to before the boss and the boss will be respawned, works so far for every boss 😁

Andrew Galvan
Andrew Galvan - 20.09.2022 21:12

I hate these tips and tricks videos because 1 we need them but not in these formats
All the videos now a days involve no tips or tricks but just tell you things you get if you just PLAY THE GAME! Super annoying

GoobiePlayZ - 10.07.2022 20:00

Yea people complaining about it cause there's nothing to do maybe those people should stop speed running the game maybe they won't bitch about not having anything to do 🤣

Dark Knight
Dark Knight - 04.07.2022 02:48

lol so much focus on xp grinding
i started the game on Steam the day it came out
on the hardest setting i could
was almost a complete cakewalk...
did the Goblin area and felt overleveled for the entire game...
tip for any XP grinders
just switch the game to hardest mode
every monster you encounter in an area of your level will be optimum level for you...
your level or 1 level higher...
makes XP grinding become pointless...
also as long as your build focuses on passive damage... the entire game is a cake walk...
i decided to run straight to the end after blowing up the sea, doing just main story quests... i hit level 40 2 areas before the final boss

Gummisnodd86 - 26.06.2022 23:43

I assume the bosses has been patched?
Because I cant kill the Zomboss again, it doesnt respawn when I go there again D:

Novadragon777 - 25.06.2022 23:19

For anyone who doesn't know you also want to make sure that you keep destroying the boxes/barrels in the Overworld because they will keep dropping money for you and its a decent amount. Sometimes you don't get a lot but usually its always worth taking the second it takes to pop'em and then just loot the money.

Hibbou - 30.05.2022 18:58

using the skeleton keys is a bad advice imo, it's better to keep them for endgame

Hypno_BPM - 02.05.2022 14:40

looking at the comments , man people really hate 3 huh. I didn’t love it but i def had fun playing it. The twins were cringe but the areas and music were great imo

jack asad
jack asad - 28.04.2022 17:32

i can't repeat the first boss.. it didn't spawn again

Michael - 28.04.2022 10:18

This is my Elden Ring back up game and I'm now playing this more. Definitely Gearboxes best Borderlands game!

Jaffareh - 25.04.2022 16:08

I was wondering how to get skeleton keys

Mr Awesome
Mr Awesome - 24.04.2022 01:00

Also, clear the the areas you go through for lucky dice, as you go through them, for maximum loot luck.
Should help you gear up and get better drops faster.

Unknown963 - 21.04.2022 12:16

Picked up some bud and played this, burned thru the campaign super fast did my first chaos chamber at lvl 24/26 got abused for a while
Have no idea what was goin on in the campaign other than DND boardgame guess I didn't rly pay attention to that , have no idea what I'm looking for gear or upgrade wise I'm just shootin shit n walk-in around maybe I restart 😂

Mooncat13 - 18.04.2022 23:34

How tf do I sell stuff?

UndeadCircus TV
UndeadCircus TV - 14.04.2022 14:56

Youre really pushing it with your ads, bro.

David Lehman
David Lehman - 12.04.2022 07:51


JDP M - 10.04.2022 04:29

Thank you, I’m level 30 and still haven’t unlocked the last shrine piece of Grindana cause I’ve been doing all the side quests and looking for lucky dice/basilisks/lost marbles before even doing the main quest right after draining the ocean. This is a big help for me.

Daniel Williams
Daniel Williams - 09.04.2022 20:36

You can fast travel to bright hoof and then travel back as well. It resets bosses and I think puts you back at the entrance

Ellen Blom
Ellen Blom - 08.04.2022 16:05

ben je nederlands?

Tim Zelasko
Tim Zelasko - 06.04.2022 07:11

Literally just got my third gun slot and I’m already level 21 i’m going for 100% 💪

Madison Hurley
Madison Hurley - 06.04.2022 05:07

I love your voice

WaxestLowa732 R
WaxestLowa732 R - 06.04.2022 04:57


captain lag51
captain lag51 - 05.04.2022 10:48

what that calamity spell

ArkFellas Poozilla
ArkFellas Poozilla - 03.04.2022 16:57

Wrong title early game shrines and boss farming

Colton Watmough
Colton Watmough - 03.04.2022 03:06

You needed to farm xp? I was over level 20 by the time I hit chapter 5.

Equious - 02.04.2022 19:35

Jesus. "Things to find early" over half the video are easy as fuck shrines to complete.

Bad video is bad.

Charles Richmond
Charles Richmond - 02.04.2022 05:09

I definitely learned something super beneficial! I've been on the lookout for another one of those absolute powerhouse SMGs and haven't come across one yet, so I'll immediately be going back to Snoring Valley to get another one.

Larry - 01.04.2022 09:01

beat the dragon lord at level 25 solo

ドラゴンファイア - 30.03.2022 09:27

I think he forgets that you can just travel to brighthoof and back to respawn bosses

Bradley Hancock
Bradley Hancock - 30.03.2022 08:08

That code didn’t work.. March 30th

RolandGS - 30.03.2022 05:15

Zomboss appears to have been nerf'd to me. I was getting good drops every few runs. However, starting about a day ago all legendary drops just stopped. Before it was one or two legendries every few runs. Now, I'm up 50 in a row without a signal one. Just me with Bad RNG or nerf? The boss is still great for getting to 40 quite fast.

Skylar - 28.03.2022 19:59

I got a fantastic gun from the pirate place main mission, it has been carrying me for like 10 levels so far

Missed Murphy
Missed Murphy - 28.03.2022 16:59

If you're in such a desperate state that you gotta waste a skeleton key at such a low level then you dun fucked up

Wolf Nightt
Wolf Nightt - 28.03.2022 09:58

Honestly I didn't have an issues with my levels. I was at 40 like 3 main quest before the final mission

James - 28.03.2022 00:53

For the boss farm u don't even have to quit the game. after u kill a boss fast travel through brighthoof through ur map then when u arrive in brighthoof turn around and u see a portal that goes straight back to where u were right before the boss u just killed. No quitting needed also works with coöp

Unknown User
Unknown User - 27.03.2022 21:57

Great videos thank you ... how do I get the bottle cap that is higher up near the beginning cant get to that section. And I'm level 25.

Jayden Proctor
Jayden Proctor - 27.03.2022 17:27

Starters seeking more XP or starter tips have permanently spoiled gameplay and bosses to fill the background of your video. Thanks 🙏

MyGlockIsCute - 27.03.2022 14:18

if you kill yourself when you kill zomboss he should respawn at least he does for me

Kevin Let
Kevin Let - 27.03.2022 10:27

Can we talk about the calamity you’re using though?!

TJ Reed
TJ Reed - 27.03.2022 02:06

I'm stuck deciding between spell-grave or spell-warden

Mr Mosty
Mr Mosty - 26.03.2022 20:25

Zomboss isn’t getting off the altar for me, PS4/solo

ExiaWildfire - 26.03.2022 17:33

I’ve never played a borderlands game ever, decided to buy this game and so far I’m thoroughly enjoying it

Thank you chef
Thank you chef - 26.03.2022 17:01

This game is a glitchy mess. Is anyone else having issues with lag and latency on the new Xbox?

Matthew Mac
Matthew Mac - 26.03.2022 16:55

What spell was that big blue meteor/orb explosion?

Fred Heisler
Fred Heisler - 26.03.2022 16:09

The game seems awesome but th damn lag is ridiculous 😑
