The children seeking cosmetic surgery on their vaginas - BBC News

The children seeking cosmetic surgery on their vaginas - BBC News

BBC News

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Bill Martins
Bill Martins - 27.09.2023 03:59

Why are you not even mentioning male genital mutilation, circumcision? Why are you not talking about trans identifying minors taking drugs that irreversibly change their bodies for cultural reasons?!?

Bill Martins
Bill Martins - 27.09.2023 03:50

The fireskin is also a normal, healthy party of the male organ. We should ban male circumcision.

Bill Martins
Bill Martins - 27.09.2023 03:44

You mean vulva.

Randy Delaney
Randy Delaney - 18.08.2021 21:06

There is another name for this surgery FGM Female Genital Mutilation. Sad to see it happen in the west. It is Mutilation. Go see a Psychiatrist instead of Mutilations for Profit.

Abby Lex
Abby Lex - 07.02.2021 07:58

people need to realize that if it doesn’t make sense to you, it doesn’t concern you. yes, girls do it for cosmetic purposes. but for the majority of people i know, it is something that causes daily physical pain and discomfort. it’s not just cosmetic, i have had around FIFTEEN kidney infections that developed from uti’s caused by the issue presented in this video. i don’t care how i look physically, i feel empowered by my body no matter what it looks like. i cannot comfortably ride a bike or go swimming. this is not something i woke up the other day deciding i wanted to look like a porn star. even if you do decide to do so for cosmetic reasons, that is so valid (just not a minor). and for all the men in this comment thread who say they enjoy that, women are not built for your enjoyment. we’re built to be our own people.

Thong Pho
Thong Pho - 17.12.2020 20:01

Is my is my mother goose club out.

Gahbdgs Gdufhgs
Gahbdgs Gdufhgs - 12.09.2020 16:16

Yang milih allah like 40000 ya

Nazif Bratsich
Nazif Bratsich - 29.08.2020 21:15

The British practice FGM. Female genital mutilation. Disgusting!!!!

Day6atemywallet - 07.08.2020 12:01

This is such a sad thing. I don’t even think about my vagina how do they even develop these insecurities?

Y K D - 07.11.2019 08:41

Wow If there is aaanything negative or weird, BBC got it covered.

Lid Ofasoda
Lid Ofasoda - 19.07.2019 03:36

Hi I am a kid but the thing is I am in pain and discomfort constantly. When i walk around i feel them rubbing. I have to tuck them in constantly throughout the day. I have to escape to the bathroom multiple times a day. Over time they've gotten longer and longer and its always on my mind.

Moondog - 18.07.2019 20:26

"Dr." Naomi Crouch needs to read the peer-reviewed academic journal article by Gihan M. Bareh M.D., Ph.D. "Unilateral Labial Hypertrophy in Adolescents: When Should We Interfere? Two Case Reports. International Journal of Reproductive Fertile Sexual Health., 1(4), 25-27, year 2014.

"Case 1: 9 year-old pre-menarchal patient with a five-month history of unilateral labial hypertrophy causing discomfort that limited daily activities. External pelvic examination revealed grossly asymmetric labia minora. The left labia minora measured 5 cm in length. After counselling, the patent underwent unilateral labioplasty with resolution of her symptoms. Patient returned after two years complaining of contralateral labial hypertrophy. The patient again underwent surgical management due to discomfort and interference with daily activities.

Case 2: 12 year-old post-menarchal patient with a history of unilateral labial hypertrophy causing irritation and discomfrot starting prior to menarche. External pelvic exam revealed grossly asymmetric labia minora. The right labia minora measured 4.5cm in length. The patient underwent unilateral labioplasty with resolution of her symptoms. After 2 years of follow up,patient remained asymptomatic."

The 12-year-old threatened to, what I can infer from the article, to probably chop off her labia herself when the doctor suggested she wait until she was an adult to get the surgery.

I myself had one labia that was twice as long and twice as thick as the other one starting when I was 8 years old. I didn't get boobs until I was 10, and I didn't get my first period until I was 12. I had pubic hair at age 8. My remaining labia minora is about 4 cm away from my body, so I'm guessing that my missing labia was about 8 cm away from my body. It caused me annoying rubbing in my clothes and against my body pillow when trying to sleep ever since I was 8. If I had known this surgery existed, I would've gotten it when I was 8 years old.

simone parker
simone parker - 24.06.2019 04:03

my ex said more is better

grettagrids - 23.06.2019 11:15

I HATE this kind of surgery.. let me tell you why. I had a prolapse repair done and while I was under m gyne snipped off both labia, my clit hood and "fixed" a non existant rectocele. I had a cystocele and she fixed that too but should have stopped after. now I live in pain daily from the scars. KIDS should not get this done till adult.

Kismet - 22.06.2019 04:20

Very similar to male circumcision except these girls are choosing to have the operation

Russ G
Russ G - 05.05.2018 02:52

Seriously, WTF?

Melody Montana
Melody Montana - 16.04.2018 10:16

That's sick..what do those parents think that themselves

Ruby Ali
Ruby Ali - 08.04.2018 01:32

I don’t stare at my vagina so to be honest I don’t care how it looks

Bigboy Mayen
Bigboy Mayen - 02.02.2018 11:21

I dumped 2 girls before because they had nasty vaginas 🤢 don’t like excess skin! Just not attractive ! Looks better with no skin

la dolce vita
la dolce vita - 10.11.2017 16:01

In africa and asia its called female genital mutilation in europe and america labiaplasty lol

Rei - 06.11.2017 18:12

حمد لله على نعمة الإسلام. ما بنغير خلق الله 👌

Joshua SonofArthur
Joshua SonofArthur - 13.08.2017 13:11

WTF! The lips are my favorite part of the pussy!

ʀᴇᴛʀᴏᴀᴄᴛɪᴠᴇ - 04.08.2017 10:23

this is why i don't pay for a tv licence

Taz-on-the-loose Yusef
Taz-on-the-loose Yusef - 07.07.2017 10:45

wacky world

Chris aka Schulbus
Chris aka Schulbus - 06.07.2017 20:08

problems in 2017... man am i happy that i don't have those "problems"... one tab of lsd and most of those problems would solve... and i'm not joking... the way you rethink your life, it could possibly help... maybe not everyone but it can... but then again, its illegal and "oh my god, the children" so, i hope to see some great stuff in the young generation in 2020 *maybe ironic, lol :D

Kelly Anderson
Kelly Anderson - 06.07.2017 19:35

This is ignorant!

Jory Ferrell
Jory Ferrell - 06.07.2017 03:15

To many changes occur in our bodies, and brains for them to make a decision on this before legal adulthood, when they are more likely to be mature enough to recognize what they want for the long-term. For many, this is an ok option, but for a some it is something they may regret doing. Just like a tattoo.

Mukulaal Miciya-leh
Mukulaal Miciya-leh - 05.07.2017 20:14

How a this different from FGM? The double standards of the West is preposterous. als, they allow same sex marriages but yet it's illegal for consenting adults to marry in a polygamist union.

Chetan Biswas
Chetan Biswas - 05.07.2017 16:08

And then we blame muslims for integrating into western society.

Indecisive Username
Indecisive Username - 05.07.2017 14:16

Oh look, another reason that our society is screwed.

behywelzebub - 05.07.2017 13:45

Call me old fashioned but what happened to love. If the size of a penis or the exact shape of a vagina is so important then a relationship isn't going to last long.

Azrael - 05.07.2017 06:08

if you're worried about your fanny flaps not being symmetrical i'd say you're life's pretty alright

captain birdzeye
captain birdzeye - 05.07.2017 05:21

lets be honest...............who would want to fuck a freak with a vagina like a bag of giblets! No Thank You.

Nosiluminadimenso - 05.07.2017 04:02

Young women should be informed that their inner labia are erogenous tissue. Why would anyone want to decrease her means of sexual pleasure?

sjewitt22 - 04.07.2017 23:50

With the massive access to porn we really need to bring Sex education forward.

Mushroom Cloud
Mushroom Cloud - 04.07.2017 23:06

Fake world, fake beauty ( makeup , plastic surgery) fake news, everything is fake.

Oliver Dsouza
Oliver Dsouza - 04.07.2017 21:11

😢 omg 😲

rastin Kosha
rastin Kosha - 04.07.2017 19:32

Is it even a problem in the world we are living?!!!!
Maybe I live in another planet!

unique person
unique person - 04.07.2017 19:00

Why the video doesn't have captions??

Motorpsycho - 04.07.2017 10:56

"It is an amputation"

Yes, and still we refuse to acknowledge the same for boys. Without clear and strong medical need adults need to leave childrens genitals alone. Circumcision is mutilation.

Fraser Gurdon
Fraser Gurdon - 04.07.2017 09:09

Extra meat = extra grip

- Suie -
- Suie - - 04.07.2017 04:09

Any plastic surgeon doing surgery on genitalia should have a wall of dicks and fannys so its shown how different we look down there
and guys shouldn't have skin removed until adult age allowing them to decide for them selves
of course there are medical exceptions...

Info Wars
Info Wars - 03.07.2017 20:50

These Dr's are butchers.Hell no they have tax dollars to pay for butchering kids. Hell no. Absolutely disgusting.

Lion Heart
Lion Heart - 03.07.2017 19:42

10s Thousands English people cover London demanding Theresa May resign government resign Theresa May TRAITOR Government Traitors Politicians TRAITORS TO ENGLAND THE ENGLISH PEOPLE AND CHRISTIANITY MUSLIMS Getting ready to attack Christians in England.

Currybum Jenkins
Currybum Jenkins - 03.07.2017 17:52

Yea because men's genitals are NEVER judged... Sexual attraction isn't kind. It isn't charity. It's a judgmental process. And yes, innies are just more aesthetically pleasing than roasties. But then I've never heard men complain. However I hear women cackling about small dicks all the time.

美男 - 03.07.2017 17:26

Some South Korean man sue my self due to blue eyes.

MAGA 2024
MAGA 2024 - 03.07.2017 17:14

How does this make the news! Anyone thinking about a sex change needs a bullet between there eyes that they pay for

porky Pigglesworth
porky Pigglesworth - 03.07.2017 16:01

I am going to get penis surgery to make it so big it destroys every vagina it goes in.

kaska sera
kaska sera - 03.07.2017 15:41

Important note from this Don't watch porn, because you'll develop insecurities about yourself.
