Davinci Resolve 17 - 3D Object Tracking using the Camera Tracker in Fusion

Davinci Resolve 17 - 3D Object Tracking using the Camera Tracker in Fusion


3 года назад

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SCKNOWS - 15.05.2023 05:00

Why put tutorial if you had no intention of doing an actual tutorial....

Eddie P
Eddie P - 19.02.2023 07:11

Thanks for the tutorial. I have shot some footage on a green screen with a moving camera. I need to have a motion track for the background so it matches the movement in the actual footage I have filmed. I have tried to use the Camera Tracker in fusion for the main clip I filmed, so I could then take the data and pop it on the background which then would match the same movement. Is this possible, and if so how do I do it? I have tried to copy and paste the nodes from Fusion, this did not work, and I tried to copy the first clip and past attributes, that did not work either.

Kay Chan
Kay Chan - 20.12.2022 05:26

Hey there I love your tutorials, how can I get a hold of you for private tutorials and questions??

Waffelpaff - 19.06.2021 16:26

Do you need the studio version for this?

Clickumentary - 16.02.2021 20:27

It might be helpful to understand the 'why' re: the aligned vs. unaligned part. I'm still having new discoveries each time I set out to try something new.. getting down to the fundamental reasons for why things work the way they do is the piece I am always ISO.
