Easy Pinterest Board Strategy for Product Sellers (Etsy & Shopify)

Easy Pinterest Board Strategy for Product Sellers (Etsy & Shopify)

Heather Farris

9 месяцев назад

5,452 Просмотров

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Wanjiru Thoithi
Wanjiru Thoithi - 07.10.2023 10:37

Thanks so much! I have a shopify starter shop with one listing, a digital planner. This is so helpful.

Liz - 24.09.2023 20:30

Pitch! Pitch! And don't apologize or explain next time. I'm sold.

Chetan Patil
Chetan Patil - 22.09.2023 13:41

Hello Heather; can you please give me ur insight? I just started a ONE PRODUCT store. Store looks branded. Product is in gardening niche and i will target USA on pinterest ads on my NEW PINTEREST ADS ACCOUNT. My question is how many days do u think will it take to see good conversions for my one product store considering my pinterest ad account is brand new? Also; should i start with conversion ads or consideration campaign?

TIFFANY BAKER - 21.09.2023 20:30

SO Helpful Heather! Thank you!!!

La Jourdanne
La Jourdanne - 20.09.2023 17:20

Holy moly this was the best hard pitch I’ve seen in a while. The last several of your videos were great so I decided to subscribe. This video was soooooo helpful that I looked in the description to see if you had a link. So when the pitch came at the end I was like “wow. How can I not??”
