Vertical Slice Architecture: How Does it Compare to Clean Architecture | .NET Conf 2023

Vertical Slice Architecture: How Does it Compare to Clean Architecture | .NET Conf 2023


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Vinicius Mariano
Vinicius Mariano - 23.11.2023 18:09

N-tier requires physical separation between tiers, in the example case n-layer would be better suited.

ItzForshen - 23.11.2023 17:53

VLA is good, but you should still keep strategy inside the Slices.I do it a bit different. I have 3 project. UI, Application And Domain. Each Project use Vertical Slices. The Domain layer use VSA for entity features (CRUD) and other very flat technical features. The application layer uses VSA for Aggregate slices (feature where multiple entities are uses). Its great for ViewModels en WebRequestModels. I use the Application layer to make a translation between the UI and the Domain layer. At the UI layer, i just call a Slice in the Application Layer that returns a ViewModel. The UI handles the ViewModel for the UI parts. This way, i can reference the Application Later to Any UI layer, the logic is the same, but the UI can be different.

Mark Cooke
Mark Cooke - 22.11.2023 07:29

Software is messy because it's connected to a messy world. All of these (except spaghetti) look nice at first, until you realize that you can't just split things into nice even lines across the board. All I see here is a different folder structure. I've worked with VSA and it gets messy when the slices (esp. presentation) aren't uniform throughout your app.

Sam Wagner [SSW]
Sam Wagner [SSW] - 21.11.2023 07:52

Quite the talk! Audio could've been better but learned so much!

A Coder's Journey
A Coder's Journey - 20.11.2023 07:11

I've learned so much from your videos. Keep it up!

Man In The Fridge
Man In The Fridge - 19.11.2023 00:29

Reminds me of CQRS + Mediator Pattern, what's the difference?

Ahmed Fouad
Ahmed Fouad - 18.11.2023 19:54

Use DDD (Strategic + Tactical) to figure out Vertical Slices and then implement each slice using Clean Architecture, simple 🙂

Vivek Kaushik
Vivek Kaushik - 18.11.2023 18:56

Don't know which livestream service you guys were using but the screensharing was lagging quite a lot both in the beginning and in the end.

dlsmc devops
dlsmc devops - 18.11.2023 08:19

how does this clean architecture from Onion architecture?

Sune Frederiksen
Sune Frederiksen - 18.11.2023 01:29

Luke Parker, thanks for a nice overview of these four architectures. Would you mind sharing the blogs that you mentioned at your intro?

IIARROWS - 18.11.2023 01:07

Giving that "Clean" architecture is absolutely stained shit, I don't think it's hard to be better.

Eduardo Navarro
Eduardo Navarro - 18.11.2023 00:41

