WordPress CyberPanel Setup  (OpenLiteSpeed on Vultr High Frequency VPS)

WordPress CyberPanel Setup (OpenLiteSpeed on Vultr High Frequency VPS)


3 года назад

58,406 Просмотров

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Haifeng Zhu
Haifeng Zhu - 22.08.2023 20:20

Can LiteSpeed cache be used for OpenLiteSpeed site? Someone said LiteSpeed cache only works for sites with LiteSpeed Enterprise

Haifeng Zhu
Haifeng Zhu - 22.08.2023 15:57

Which is better, Debian or Ubuntu?

PRO VIP - 15.08.2023 15:23

thanks you !

Jamal Jamal
Jamal Jamal - 05.08.2023 18:22

Hi, our teacher, we have a problem sending emails on the cyberpanel, when I want to send a message, I get the error message "Can't send message", please make a video for us to solve this problem

Thenaijainfo - 13.07.2023 21:34

the best tutorial, but i wanna ask, if I have multiple domains I wanna install Wordpress on, I'm I gonna just create websites or domains, via Cyberpanel?

Rahman Ramesh
Rahman Ramesh - 13.07.2023 08:53

Thank you for the clear and simple explanation

Darin Johnson
Darin Johnson - 06.07.2023 02:59

Do you still think this is a good setup recommendation?

@W3we - 21.06.2023 16:40

Brother is it possible to do File Sharing Between two Server, i mean i have two VPS, in two diffrent countries, so i want to Control File Sharing from One Server,
if i do one side, then it can do both sides.... is there any way ??

Feirox-dot-Com WholeSame-dot-Com
Feirox-dot-Com WholeSame-dot-Com - 02.06.2023 13:43

After a year, how this panel cop up? Can it be used on medium traffic websites? How is the performance compare to other. Other cloud panels?

michel vandermeiren
michel vandermeiren - 09.05.2023 21:32

10$ a month for the DDOS ??? It is free everywhere else

Le - 09.05.2023 16:57

Fully set on OpenLitespeed. No more NGINX for me. LiteSpeed-WordPress-Caching plugin, .htaccess support, rewrites, security --- "the whole package" thing is the biggest selling point! I am @PEACE. Great tutorial as always. 😀

ay na
ay na - 27.04.2023 23:35

after 8 months, works charming, thank you :) 🙏 ☺

Nobel0 Jolarity
Nobel0 Jolarity - 14.04.2023 15:49

Hello sir,
Please can you help me with copying/cloning my 1st site with cyberpanel to the 2nd site with plesk ? I have done migrating just fine, BUT now when i enter the site it shows me a cyberpanel page ALWAYS. I tried to delete the index.html but it gives me 404 page..
Can you tell me the best practice to fix this please..

Shima Khanoomi
Shima Khanoomi - 23.02.2023 17:09

Thanks a lot, how can I move full backup from cpanel to cyber panel? And how to install ddos security, email, etc. For it? Please create new video to teach these. 🙏🙏🙏🙏

Isaac Thompson
Isaac Thompson - 22.02.2023 01:01

When restarting the server i must have terminated something by typing ^C. the y command would not work so i did sudo reboot to restart the server. was this the right thing to do?

solvelikepro - 30.01.2023 18:44

Sir how to intall redis in cyber panel with WordPress redis plugin ?????

kickerikiprankster - 17.01.2023 20:32

Have you tried setting up FTP access using the combination of Vultr/CP? I tried to set up an FTP account for my site in CP but my FTP client always says the password is incorrect. No matter how often I change it it never works.

eierund - 17.01.2023 13:19

Oh no! I followed each step of your tutorial but received the following error message when installing CyberPanel: [ERROR] We are not able to run DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -y install openlitespeed return code: 100. Fatal error, see /var/log/installLogs.txt for full details.

Do you have any idea what that means? I am following your exact steps. :/

Joe Fat
Joe Fat - 16.01.2023 02:11

Nice video. Thank You.

Bence Boruzs
Bence Boruzs - 05.01.2023 10:19

I used in production in last 2 years and I've to say this product is a piece of sh!t.

mohammad Naserian
mohammad Naserian - 25.12.2022 23:01

hello, I think the cyber panel is not free anymore!!

Rodney Moore
Rodney Moore - 24.12.2022 00:36

will this work on my raspberry pi4 locally host webserver

Locksmith Unit®
Locksmith Unit® - 26.11.2022 13:35

What about the OpenLiteSpeed panel? Today, people not use CyberPanel on clouds... it's easier to deploy only OpenLiteSpeed with WordPress on GCP or AWS. If you can upload a video about OpenLiteSpeed configuration, it will be much more helpful :)

Conor A J McGlone
Conor A J McGlone - 22.11.2022 11:25

Thanks, very helpful.

Serdar Cimen
Serdar Cimen - 15.11.2022 23:35

tnxs, you should be a teacher in IT

Athanasios Vlachos
Athanasios Vlachos - 11.11.2022 07:04

Amazing! Great value in this video!

panpic.vn - 31.10.2022 04:02

Litespeed cache working well. Thank you

Matt Manna
Matt Manna - 30.10.2022 01:42

Brilliant tutorial. Thank you. The only missing thing is backups. They are critical to have working and accessible.

Markus Patzer
Markus Patzer - 30.09.2022 16:28

I love your videos! You can learn so much from this server genius Alex, thank you. In cyberpanel on left menu there are server tuning settings, is it necessary doing some fine tuning there for getting more speed?
Have a happy weekend !

Mao Kue
Mao Kue - 26.09.2022 01:11

Can CyberPanel be installed on a remote server to install & manage apps on different server?

Markus Patzer
Markus Patzer - 24.09.2022 04:43

Hi ! I tried with Linode complicated enough, installed ubuntu 20.04 with one click cyberpanel from marketplace. SSH console shows me all installations complete. But cyberpanel ip:8090 access failed can not access, browser shows not secure valid ssl. But on this status I not have any ssl. So I can not access to cyberpanel.
I better use webhosting ,vps setups are to complicated for me.

Have a nice weekend !

ANDE WILLSTUFF AMBENO - 16.08.2022 18:39

You changed my way of Surfing the Web :) Keep the good work!!!

Vladimir Yashayev
Vladimir Yashayev - 14.08.2022 11:05

Thx a lot for the tutorial

justNormal - 13.08.2022 17:46

cyber panel awesome , but pricing is bit high

World of Nissanka
World of Nissanka - 13.08.2022 09:44

kindly reply to me. I have an e-commerce website and I have a problem with the cron job setting because all-in-one migration Incremental Backup not working without a cron job. Please do a video about cyber panel Incremental Backup.

Markus Patzer
Markus Patzer - 13.08.2022 04:24

Do you need a panel like cyberpanel (it's free?) or can you make all the settings, like add your domain, ssl, email host in DNS not in the vultr server panel?
That would be much simpler as using an extra panel. Does it work in vultr when I have my domain and email host different?
So I must make domain DNS records and add my email hosting MX and TXT records in vultr does this work?

I tried Linode via Cloudways and it was not possible to enable ssl (got unexpected error) the live chat had no glue why my registrar DNS records not get prolongated. So I gave up on Cloudways Linode. Here in your video it looks like that the setup handling in vultr is better and has paypal payment Cloudways not, in CW you must make a 2 month payment in advance with paypal, it is not pay as you go as they promised. Thumbs up for your super video!

Rufai Tech
Rufai Tech - 08.08.2022 15:40

Putty is not allowing me to paste/enter the password

World of Nissanka
World of Nissanka - 07.08.2022 20:32

I don't know how to write cron job in CyberPanel please do a video

Akshay P
Akshay P - 04.08.2022 12:37

Great Alex your is growing

Local Business Brew
Local Business Brew - 19.07.2022 06:53

Thank you so much! This is exactly what I needed.
I need to watch the videos on email

mukul choudhary
mukul choudhary - 17.06.2022 14:11

Can I install multiple cyber panel on server??

JS Cheok
JS Cheok - 08.06.2022 16:02

great tutorial. do we need to setup nameserver on that? because the website will keep down while I ping it it show - Request timeout for icmp_seq

Kamal Singh
Kamal Singh - 07.06.2022 13:02

Thank you for posting these awesome videos really appreciate bro.

Winfred David
Winfred David - 03.06.2022 08:35

hi how do I host my two different domains on this cyber panel we have installed

javascript cool
javascript cool - 01.06.2022 23:15

a quality channel big brother...

have a nice day.

Muhammad Tariq Khan
Muhammad Tariq Khan - 22.04.2022 10:03

I try to install WP+LS but it gives a 404 error. When I got to my file manager I have seen that WordPress files are installed but I am not sure about the LS cache. After WordPress installation when the progress bar shows the message "Configuring the installation" an error appears saying "Installation failed. Error message: [404]". Any hack?

John Wei
John Wei - 15.04.2022 19:32

Good video on this tutorial, thanks! One question here, I want to host 4 or 5 websites on one VPS server, as they are with the same IP address, can I still get Cloudflare SSL for each domain website?

İsa Tekin
İsa Tekin - 10.04.2022 17:34

kolay değil brocan
