Deadly Blizzards & Broken Ice Sheets | New DayZ Frostline Info

Deadly Blizzards & Broken Ice Sheets | New DayZ Frostline Info


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@pepespliff8980 - 07.09.2024 01:01

Loving this 😂 it's gunna be an even crueler world 😅

@PachecoBrew - 07.09.2024 01:05

I wish they made you the social media person for DayZ!!

@frickincasual - 07.09.2024 01:16

Me, as an intellectual , having played over 2000 hours in Namalsk… fancy🎩

@AfreakingPear - 07.09.2024 01:21

im actually gonna play dayz again when the dlc release

@MainlyYeezy - 07.09.2024 01:21

Thx for the upload WoBo. Also thx to all the WoBo knockoffs in the comments making ish up like all of you actually play DayZ. Smh, so funny 😂

@kingclancy1270 - 07.09.2024 01:24

I got a group of friends 7 deep that just got hooked on dayz 😂😂 they just got use to the mechanics

@IainHowe-py5zt - 07.09.2024 01:24

Hi wen it out

@corsair1675 - 07.09.2024 01:34

Clothing needs more viability and variety not further pigeon holing meta clothing choices. there is too much downside for not always chosing hunter and military clothing

@nunuuu8938 - 07.09.2024 01:52

The flashing temperature icon is still a thing in the current build on Namalsk.

@FlavourFR - 07.09.2024 01:54

is there a BIG difference between said "HIGH" and said "BEST" insulation ?

@SpookySkeletons - 07.09.2024 01:56

You should be able to use a Pickaxe to hack open smaller bodies of water to get some water

@zejz31 - 07.09.2024 01:56

Stop all the bs and fake hype. There is nothing new, we all know it. BI wants to charge people for something we have been playing free of charge for the last 4 years.

@fajjimusmcwajjimus8827 - 07.09.2024 01:58

Why are people hating on marks, what did he do?

@MrHoodedtop - 07.09.2024 01:59

too much focus on cold weather in this game now... we need more hot weather focused maps, snow maps are boring, i can go outside a build a fire any time of day, not doing that in a game every ten minutes that gets old fast...

@DrkDeath5000 - 07.09.2024 02:02

Flashing blue icon is already in the game you just need to set temperatures lower

@BlustatiK- - 07.09.2024 02:22

blizzard and flashing temp is in namalsk already, plus the ice sheets are already there too so im assuming this is gonna just be a namalsk kind of map which im alright with

@rxzh2156 - 07.09.2024 02:31

I hope there is something to do on this map like namalsk a2 and stuff lantia

@deadmangarcia - 07.09.2024 02:50

Is 126 stable now?

@3arendel - 07.09.2024 02:54

Cheers mate. Love that they are adding new assets and somewhat new mechanics. I love this game deerly and can't wait to no life this map for months! Hope my favorite community adds at least two servers...

@kaidenrogers - 07.09.2024 03:30

Are you secretly Mumbo Jumbo?

@yomain7227 - 07.09.2024 03:32

Dayz devs have the easiest job ever, just implement stuff that was already a part of the Dayz MOD (2012) or stuff that great modders already added into the game many many years ago. (and yes ik that sumrak made namalsk, but still stands). they made hundreds of millions but still take ages to add in new content, and when they do its ALWAYS a buggy mess.

@Simple_Dave_Jr - 07.09.2024 03:49

I usually play HD servers so this map looks really cool to me.

@Piss1 - 07.09.2024 04:01

Is that the Mass Effect galaxy map music?

@matt0198922 - 07.09.2024 04:02

Flashing blue does exist in Namalsk. Eat some snow, you'll see.

@LiethenTV - 07.09.2024 04:07

I'm so excited ❤

@kiwi2292 - 07.09.2024 04:19

why cant they just keep 60 pop bro

@vahidki186 - 07.09.2024 04:57

flashing blue Icon is not new, it's just been impossible to reach that low of a temperature in vanilla maps and servers

@NorthSeaRaider - 07.09.2024 05:24

I don’t know how I feel about most of the map being nearly entirely useless. That seems really dumb. I’m not saying they need to make another Chernarus here but if there is no reason to go to the outer islands why even have them in the first place?

@unknown-qz6lp - 07.09.2024 05:58

I'm casual & new to PC games thinking about buying it right now how casual frdly this game is?

@mimzy4319 - 07.09.2024 06:51

I'm so excited to freeze to death

@zacokick - 07.09.2024 06:52

Still can’t believe the new map is just a snowy Tanoa reskin

@dylanwysocki4406 - 07.09.2024 06:53

I can’t believe these devs run around wringing clothes out and think this is good gameplay to stream. They’re so braindead

@snowsnow4231 - 07.09.2024 07:05

Hello BI guys, we love you ❤❤❤ you are doing great work, you always put in your soul into everything you do, we appreciate it, keep going! I am making my first mod at the moment, its a lot of hours and made me appreciate your hard work! You are the best, for real, the only game that doesn`t get boring after 10 years. Lets all just recognise there are real people working at BI that face a choice every day - make it quick and dirty or take time and do quality stuff and as a person working in creative field as a designer I know how difficult it is to choose second option, mad respect to BI fellas!

@TelmenBudsuren - 07.09.2024 07:11

Car tires leaving mark on the ground is not new tho

@Dayztrips - 07.09.2024 07:27

I really like how they’ve put it as 42 slots

@SirProfessore - 07.09.2024 07:57

No info about anti-cheats? Fixing troubles about hackers

@scooterking136 - 07.09.2024 08:19

this is so sick. im excited

@FR4NKM4N - 07.09.2024 08:22

I hope their livestreams become more fun instead of getting hand bugged and looking at a fireplace for an hour.

@rekamud6635 - 07.09.2024 08:24

dayz reskinning arma 3 map after 12 years of early access, get over this.

@Casperski1312 - 07.09.2024 08:45

Ive been sayin for years that we should have the ability to layer clothes to stay warm. Imagine thermal underwear and getting to wear a beanie under your helmets? Oh and socks would be nice, I cant help but think of all the blisters everyone is getting from running around with no socks.

@ExecutorQ3 - 07.09.2024 08:50

Snow storms with thunder? That's almost never possible yet they make it "normal"? What a bad joke...
Also flashing blue was not removed btw (just not possible to get it on official... or at least really really hard)

@cookz-bs10gaming - 07.09.2024 09:28

When are they going to make the game better for console??

@matt.dufault9966 - 07.09.2024 09:45

Flashing blue is not new. Just hard to get. Depends on the temperature and if ur wet for long periods. It’s easily attainable on Namalsk and Winter Chernarus.

@AtlasJay - 07.09.2024 09:49

On Cherno - sitting by a fire is quite charming. You make fires for a variety of reasons. Maybe your clothing is soaked, maybe you want to cook, or maybe it's night and you would just like some light.
On Namalsk, you sit beside a fire because you'll just die if you don't.
I personally do not find sitting by a fire to be particularly engaging gameplay. It can be engaging, when I - THE PLAYER - HAVE CHOSEN to make a fire and sit by it. It's not engaging when the game itself is forcing me to sit beside a fire for 30% of my playtime just to stay alive.

@ben________3156 - 07.09.2024 11:13


@BackDaws - 07.09.2024 11:14

Why have they made different gear and warmer stuff will spawn on colder maps ? Surely its all about you wear what you find? You might as well not bother goving any of the clothes a insulation property, will a bikini found on an ice sheet keep you warm, just keep stuff spawning randomly.
