Skyrim: HOW does it WORK? - Bonemold Armor & Weapons - Elder Scrolls Lore

Skyrim: HOW does it WORK? - Bonemold Armor & Weapons - Elder Scrolls Lore


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Nathaniel Turner
Nathaniel Turner - 07.09.2023 13:36

It’s the only armor in the Elder Scrolls V Skyrim that’s made of both an alchemical ingredient and netch leather.

Max Scrivener
Max Scrivener - 03.09.2023 19:16

bong armour

Prinsa Vossum
Prinsa Vossum - 07.06.2023 23:21

As much as I love the Dunmer, I never really cared for Bonemold armor, specifically the helmet. I don't like how it extends backwards.

Mary Beth Reimer
Mary Beth Reimer - 06.03.2023 19:36

Note to self: never use bonemold armor!!

ripperman25 - 31.12.2022 14:08

"look at the bonemold shield"

doesnt show the bonemold shield

Kevin Mencer
Kevin Mencer - 04.12.2022 07:20

My theory on the forging of Bonemold; the ground bone is mixed with the naturally occurring resin into a thick, smooth paste, like very wet clay. This is poured into two-part molds, with the smith using weight on the top part of the mold to ensure even distribution of the material and that the mixture fills every nook and cranny of the desired shape. The resin dries quickly, allowing the smith to remove it from the mold. After they have done so, they move to the forge and settle the pieces amongst the coals. The armor is then fired at the highest temperature the smith can force his forge to produce, not unlike firing pottery (in fact, bone ash is used to make bone china, a very fine porcelain).

After a few minutes to an hour of firing depending on the size of the piece, the resins in the mixture begin to re-liquify, turning the piece from pure white bone to its characteristic light yellow/off white. Once it reaches precisely the correct color, the smith must IMMEDIATELY remove it from the heat and quench it in clean water or low viscosity quenching oil. Hesitate even a moment, and the resins reach their ignition point and begin burning in an exceedingly violent manner, ruining both the piece and, quite possibly, the smith's entire workshop.

Once the pieces have been fired and quenched, the smith may move to the armor workbench and begin assembly of the plates, layered with the uniquely durable and flexible leather from the hide of a netch, into complete pieces of armor. If the smith wishes to improve the fit of the armor or reinforce a potential weak point, he may make a small batch of the same mixture of crushed bone and resin, as smooth as the initial batch but thicker, and use his hands and various tools work it well into the area needing reinforcement or repair. The piece then may be fired again by application of the Novice Flame spell, taking care to only heat the areas with fresh, unfired mixture.

Grievous Reborn
Grievous Reborn - 31.10.2022 06:14

I don't understand how you temper bone mold armor with bone meal

Ethereal rat
Ethereal rat - 08.10.2022 10:23

Bong armor

Clinton Clay
Clinton Clay - 07.09.2022 22:37

In skyrim when you forge bonemold it requires netch leather and I think netch jelly.

Troy Dodson
Troy Dodson - 08.08.2022 20:26

Take this with a bit of salt, but archeology shows that Japanese swords used to be a lot more straight, legend tells of a local swordsmith who was tired of having to repair or replace the swords he made. A thrusting sword used for not stabbing, so he introduced a curved blade. But also by tradition, shields played little role, despite it being useful. Style has it'd place in warfare. I am Not a historian, I recommend Antony Cummins for an in depth look on Japanese history.

daboss640 - 05.04.2022 19:49

In the mythos of Bonemold's creation, there are consequences for using the bones of slaves to make it, so whether true or not, they probably only use animals.

austin stevenson
austin stevenson - 02.11.2021 00:20

The Carthaginians used boar tooth helmets among many mycanean groups.

Muay Boran
Muay Boran - 08.10.2021 13:16

Damn how the developers underestimate hardened leather

Unfathomable - 05.10.2021 23:40

Okay but wtf was that bone mold story?

L33_Generic - 02.07.2021 10:27

I agree with the ancestors bones thing. At least maybe how bonemold started becoming popular. Weird way to honor ancestors.

Zeta H8 slaya
Zeta H8 slaya - 27.05.2021 02:03

Is there a lore reason dark elves have reflective anuses

Dak446 - 09.05.2021 15:04

I just wish i could paint it

Erebys - 07.05.2021 22:45

What if you were to get a metric fuckload of epoxy, ground bones and sawdust, mixed it all together and shaped it? I imagine it won't be really strong, but it'd probably still work.

Chief Smackaho LLC
Chief Smackaho LLC - 26.04.2021 21:51


Tobi2049 - 01.04.2021 03:35

When walking around in Bonemold I imagine it sounding like when the Eldar unsheathes its sword in the Dawn of War 3 announcement trailer

thadius redbird
thadius redbird - 30.01.2021 19:57

Bong amour

Ned Araid
Ned Araid - 07.01.2021 11:23

That origin story is some Junji Ito shit

BattleZone1999 - 06.01.2021 08:25

fun fact: skyrim weapons and i believe armor too are horrendously heavy and really unusable in real life

Gideon Horwitz
Gideon Horwitz - 28.12.2020 22:11

Of you combine the grounded and pulverized bones of dragons trolls elephants and giants you have created the most powerful armor in the world sturdy enough to provide excellent protection and light enough not to hamper mobility.

James Frank
James Frank - 16.11.2020 02:28

You should do a on Dreugh Armor that is something exists in the game Morrowind there are even Dreugh Clubs an Dreugh Staff in Morrowind.

Julie Barrette
Julie Barrette - 12.11.2020 06:57

Bethesda : i think i forgot something
Also Bethesda: than it wasn't important
Bonemold weapons...

averagejoe455 - 06.10.2020 04:25

I can put up with a lot of dumb legends in the Elder Scrolls, but that was a stupid story.

archabe - 02.10.2020 08:32

Love the helmet

james young
james young - 30.09.2020 18:58

What about the bosmer bow?

The One Truth
The One Truth - 25.09.2020 11:35

shame how lazy skyrim armor designs are even the bone mold looks like trash... must be hard to just use the same design from morrowind and just give it higher textures instead of changing the entire design.

Bring back dislikes Bring back dislikes
Bring back dislikes Bring back dislikes - 14.09.2020 20:10

Wow that got fucking dark real fast

Stevie B
Stevie B - 01.09.2020 15:22

Quite literally thought the title said "Bong Armour" and thought "damn, this must be in the 2020era

The MeanestKitten
The MeanestKitten - 26.08.2020 04:28

Cool Bong armor man🥴

Will Atwater
Will Atwater - 17.08.2020 22:09

bro u can’t just title it bong armor😂

Admiral Hackett
Admiral Hackett - 20.07.2020 10:49

bonemold is 100% the most unique and interesting armor type in fantasy to date.

Quantum Kinetic
Quantum Kinetic - 13.07.2020 05:04

Who else read Bong Armor at first glance?

Wɛndɪɡoʊ - 09.07.2020 12:47

I actually really really like the idea of Bonemold being made from ancestors. Maybe not all of them, but special requests. That'd bereally neat.

Greg Tavarez
Greg Tavarez - 07.07.2020 02:15

Thought this said bong armor lol

JikuAraiguma - 06.07.2020 13:59

“How do you make Bonemold Armor”
Easy. You take the bone. You grind it down. You mix it with a sort of plaster material. You set it on an iron frame. You put those frames together. Boom jam.

Note, I wrote this before watching.

catcherboy96 - 06.07.2020 09:27

Bong armor

Point-Five-Oh - 03.07.2020 07:26

When compared at equal weight, bone is about 5x stronger than steel. I would imagine an armor where you made a plate of solid bone being much harder than steel. For humans, our teeth are the hardest bones, although that is largely due to the enamel that surrounds each tooth. The problem with bone armor is that bone is SUPER brittle once it reaches it's pressure threshold. I imagine the Dark Elves use bonemold armor because it is lighter in weight and just as strong as steel by using a formula that mimics the enamel of teeth and acts as a resin to absorb the impact while the bone plates keep the blades and blunt weapons off of the wearer. In humans, whenever a bone is broken, the body repairs it by building over the broken appendage. This can actually result in stronger bones. There is a man capable of piercing a coconut with his index finger--something most other people would actually get really hurt trying to do. He is regarded as being able to pierce someone's rib cage or right through someone's skull when scientists used mathematical formulas calculating the pressure required to break the average human's skull and ribs using the surface area, momentum, and kinetic energy of the strike and comparing that to the coconut. He had a testimony and said he broke his finger more than a dozen times to achieve this goal. I wouldn't see why you wouldn't be able to make sophisticated armor out of bones. Especially with stout bones from some animals.

boboss top shelf
boboss top shelf - 03.07.2020 03:36

What other stoner thought title pic said " Bong Armor." 😆

EdricLysharae - 27.06.2020 08:55

"Master, might I suggest that instead of forging armor, I devote my efforts toward crafting some bows and arr..."
"No! Armor damn it!"

GlitchedMuse - 13.06.2020 01:49

Anyone else supper confused at first because they thought the thumbnail said "Bong Armor"? Just me?

Agawin - 10.06.2020 05:15

Looks like Bong Armor

Olaf falO
Olaf falO - 08.06.2020 19:34

I first red Bong armour

Orion Of Port Townsend
Orion Of Port Townsend - 11.03.2020 04:19

It's rather annoying that we don't see a bosmer variant of bonemold armor. Or armor made from the remains of enemies i.e. green pact
