Was the Moon Landing faked? | Neil deGrasse Tyson | Big Questions

Was the Moon Landing faked? | Neil deGrasse Tyson | Big Questions

Penguin Books UK

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Dennis Rios
Dennis Rios - 30.10.2023 00:01

People don't let this guy fool you. Hearing him speak!!! He contradicts himself a lot!!! But for the most part, he's harmless!!!

Apollo Skyfacer
Apollo Skyfacer - 29.10.2023 20:15

CONCERNING THE ‘PRESTIGIOUS UNIVERSITY OF YOU-TUBE It is to be noted that there are many ‘learned intellectuals’ here who have done ‘in-depth research’ in ‘Special Alternative Reality at the U of UT. Having completed extensive ‘studies’ and ‘research’ at this place of ‘learning excellence’, they now consider themselves in the unique position of being able to enlighten the rest of us with their ‘profound’ in-depth knowledge of topics such as Space Exploration ect. I hear there are three con men Lecturers in residence there. (oops, I mean ‘learned gentlemen) They are ‘Professors’ Bart Sibrel, Emeritus ‘Bill’ Kaysing, and Massimo Mazzucco ( Department of Misinformation & Nincompoopery) One could imagine that they have gained diplomas resulting in such extensive studies and research. Sadly for them, if such diplomas actually existed, as in being printed out, they’d not be worth the paper they’ve been printed on. I suppose they could be utilized as arse wipe but a sewer blockage would then be a problem.😎

Barbora Kopálová
Barbora Kopálová - 28.10.2023 13:34

'm not afraid of I A alone, I' m afraid of bad people handeling AI to do bad things.

Mohammed Bisarara
Mohammed Bisarara - 28.10.2023 12:36


Robert Roth
Robert Roth - 28.10.2023 05:24

They could have landed on the moon since it's not all that far away by spaceship.

Apollo Skyfacer
Apollo Skyfacer - 26.10.2023 22:10

A FUNNY THING HAPPENED WHEN NASA SENT NINE APOLLO MISSIONS OUT TO THE MOON Six of those missions succeeded in getting a two man crew down to the Lunar surface. Those were Apollos 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, and 17 Now how about that ! 😎

Doug Williamson
Doug Williamson - 26.10.2023 21:27

This guys the best😊.

justine rogers
justine rogers - 26.10.2023 19:35

Dear Neil, God does not stop us having our free will. Otherwise, we could not freely choose Him and have Faith. What we do directly impacts our own Spiritual journey. We can not change another persons destiny. If they copy our bad habits, that is their free will. Free will only counts if our brain is fully matured and intact. A life time is the duration of our souls. Our Souls live many many lives until God says stop. Each decision we make changes our Soul to a new place in the multiverse. We see it as a time line but really it is a flickering of existences according to each action we take, each decision we make. People can copy our actions, but that is still their free will. However, knowing people can choose to copy us is the reason we should do our best in life and be kind to others. Only God knows who is more good hearted than bad, so only He can Judge. Nobody is actually innocent or guilty until Gods Judgement day. 🙏

SurlyCurmudgen - 26.10.2023 18:32

No entity can be only good. To be good requires an understanding of and capability of being evil.

SurlyCurmudgen - 26.10.2023 18:28

When GOD gave us free will, he did so as a contract that cannot be broken. The entity we know as GOD cannot will not protect us from evil. GOD can and will help us fight evil IF WE ASK for his help. We have to stand up against evil before GOD can, under the contract, act to help us. Doing nothing while expecting others to do for you gives evil permission to continue its ways.
Get on your feet and spit in evil's face, then ask GOD's help and take a large club to the evil around you!

Jetsam Peres
Jetsam Peres - 26.10.2023 15:20

God is perfect. Except for that time he flooded the earth and killed every living thing except one guy and his family and 'two of every animal' BUT the good news is that worked to rid the earth of evil and today the earth is back to the Garden of Eden. Perfect.

Apollo Skyfacer
Apollo Skyfacer - 26.10.2023 11:48

23 PROOFS THE APOLLO MOON LANDINGS HAPPENED 1. There is over 18,000 photos available to the public of the moon landing missions. 2. There is thousands of hours of video too. 3. Hundreds of kilograms of lunar material that has been studied and verified by astrologists and geologists all over the world and showed chemical signs of being on the moon. 4. The LRRR data laser retro reflector arrays left by Apollo 11, and other subsequent Apollo missions, that can still be interacted with today by using powerful enough lasers here on Earth. 5. The SELENE photos which show the damage to the lunar surface where we landed the Apollo missions. 6. The Chang'e 2 photos, which show the lander base and the flags. 7. Chandrayaan-2, which managed to photograph another apollo lander base. 8. A group at Kettering Grammar School, using simple radio equipment, monitored Soviet and U.S. spacecraft and calculated their orbits. 9. Pic du Midi Observatory, which watched apollo missions all the way to the moon. 10. The Lick Observatory observations during the return coast to Earth produced live television pictures broadcast to United States west coast viewers via KQED-TV in San Francisco 11. Larry Baysinger, a technician for WHAS radio in Louisville, Kentucky, independently detected and recorded transmissions between the Apollo 11 astronauts on the lunar surface and the Lunar Module. He could only detect messaged FROM the lunar vehicles and not to them, cause the earth was between him and Huston. 12. The Soviet Union, who monitored the missions at their Space Transmissions Corps, who's leader Vasily Mishin, in an interview for the article "The Moon Programme That Faltered", describes how the Soviet Moon programme dwindled after the Apollo landing. 13. The absurdity that thousands of people who worked on the Apollo missions would have to be kept silent for years and years without a single person coming forward to claim it was a fraud. 14. In October-November 1977, the Soviet radio telescope RATAN-600 observed all five transmitters of ALSEP scientific packages placed on the Moon surface by all Apollo landing missions excluding Apollo 11. Their selenographic coordinates and the transmitter power outputs (20 W were in agreement with the NASA reports. 15. Images taken by the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter mission beginning in July 2009 show the six Apollo Lunar Module descent stages, Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Package (ALSEP) science experiments, astronaut footpaths, and lunar rover tire tracks. These images are the most effective proof to date to rebut the "landing hoax" theories. Although this probe was indeed launched by NASA, the camera and the interpretation of the images are under the control of an academic group - the LROC Science Operations Center at Arizona State University, along with many other academic groups. At least some of these groups, such as German Aerospace Center, Berlin, are not located in the US, and are not funded by the US government. 16. After the images shown here were taken, the LRO mission moved into a lower orbit for higher resolution camera work. All of the sites have since been re-imaged at higher resolution. Comparison of the original 16 mm 17. Apollo 17 LM camera footage during ascent to the 2011 LRO photos of the landing site show an almost exact match of the rover tracks. 18. Further imaging in 2012 shows the shadows cast by the flags planted by the astronauts on all Apollo landing sites. The exception is that of Apollo 11, which matches Buzz Aldrin's account of the flag being blown over by the lander's rocket exhaust on leaving the Moon. 19. Spain and Australia were 2/3rds of the DSN that received all of the TV broadcasts from the moon. 20. Dozens of tracking stations around the world (including from enemies) used radar and radio telescopes to track all of the missions. You can find more info about this on MIT's site. The tracking was accurate to within 1 mile. 21. Spain had the largest telescope on Earth at the time, and used it to photograph the SIVB fuel dumps around the moon (which spanned out for miles, thus were visible to a large enough telescope), as well as the Apollo 13 debris and gas field (same dynamic). 22. There are more than 100,000 photos taken from lunar orbit. 23. The Jodrell Bank Observatory tracked the movements of the Eagle Lunar Module from the beginning of its descent clear down to the lunar surface by monitoring the doppler shift in its telemetry signal. Comment courtesy of DemonDrummer 1018

mwaniki - 26.10.2023 11:15

I will no longer listen to this astrophysist muffin. President Nixon was on a live call with a man on the moon using a fuggin landline. A landline!!! How stupid was that? A whole president chose to fool his own people and the whole world then this dog tells us in 2023 that it's true those camels went to the moon??!! It's not the 1960s anymore. Nugu!

Patrick McConnon
Patrick McConnon - 25.10.2023 23:15

No way we went to the moon.

Let it snow
Let it snow - 25.10.2023 23:14

Neil, u r wrong on this one! And ur argument is silly! NASA said they lost all documents, don’t u find that is strange????.

Abdelwahab M Sh Al Ghazali
Abdelwahab M Sh Al Ghazali - 25.10.2023 22:24

Its not only the moon landing that is fake..this guy informations are all fake ..he is full of $hit

Stewart Millen
Stewart Millen - 25.10.2023 06:46

Neil just exposed common sports biases making outcomes more deterministic than they actually are.

Chuck Marquart
Chuck Marquart - 25.10.2023 05:22

He is so full of shit.....

As humans we will never be able to leave this planet

Chuck Marquart
Chuck Marquart - 25.10.2023 05:20

I bet we'll never be able to land on the moon again.....

So if that's true we've never been there before
