Family of 5 Downsized to a Spacious Class A Motorhome w/ 2 Bathrooms

Family of 5 Downsized to a Spacious Class A Motorhome w/ 2 Bathrooms

Tiny Home Tours

2 года назад

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@gofgan - 03.11.2024 00:15

Very beautiful home...

@heru3337 - 13.11.2024 03:27

Awesome save money this way no mortgage no rent .

@samanthali7484 - 17.11.2024 00:10

Nice 👍

@ThePRINCSARA - 22.11.2024 16:07

Wow amazing ❤

@melissab7777 - 23.11.2024 05:09

❤ seeing your free roaming 🐰 just chilling there in the litter box and then with your son chilling on the sofa.

@marie6885 - 23.11.2024 05:13

Marietta, GA is beautiful and a nice place to live.

@cyninbend - 26.11.2024 16:23

Opposite thinking: Dangerous fossil fuels give us enough energy, so why bother with cleaner, renewable solar energy? I don't understand what the cardiologist was complaining about....I get plenty of calories from ice cream and macaroni and cheese, so I have not had to bother with with salads and olive oil and balsamic vinegar dressing, legumes, or fish and fish fruit. This is the 1st video I have seen where the travelers are not using all the solar energy they can afford! Does he work for Exxon or Shell?

@afoster344 - 27.11.2024 00:49

The best to use during heavy snow and cold weather

@hausanisessions7675 - 29.11.2024 17:16

Idc how comfortable my kids were with this.. I wouldn't put them thru this, seems kinda selfish on the parents.. just buy a house till all the kids are grown and then this would be great idea for just the parents.. I kinda cringed when she said the kids have friends over like where do they hand out??

@AnitaWilkins-u1w - 01.12.2024 06:45

Baby having some beautiful RVs and some of them you could put your car underneath of it and you can carry your bikes with you happy last thanksgiving 🍽️❤😊😊😊

@pilotpawanc - 03.12.2024 05:16

Nice vid guys!! How do you guys manage expenses?

@mantidey3240 - 04.12.2024 08:20

Beautiful house ma'am ❤❤❤❤❤❤

@renategriffiths - 05.12.2024 19:06


@onboardsvtsunami7662 - 05.12.2024 22:58

We are a sailing of 5 on a 38 ft sailboat. Thousands of miles, multiple countries visited and 3 years later we are still out here creating memories. Tiny living is not as terrible as many might believe. Our experiences of traveling, over coming challenges helped bond us together a lot more then what stick and bricks would have.

@sophieraymandi7833 - 12.12.2024 05:50

The most beautiful shot is the environment. Who agrees with me?

@danettewinkfield907 - 15.12.2024 03:45

It’s this guy married to someone else now

@ReginaMedlin - 19.12.2024 10:21

Very pretty rv! Downside in my opinion is the fact that there’s not a bed for one of the kids. I personally couldn’t have a king bed knowing my kid sleeps on a couch permanently. Very nice place just doesn’t seem like a good permanent space all the time to live in, my opinion.

@johnpaularcenas7069 - 28.12.2024 21:10

Mommy i love your luxury home!❤

@jayvion396 - 29.12.2024 04:35

OK I love everything but the fact you consider a family couch a teenager's bedroom

@sylvo560 - 30.12.2024 13:37

I feel bad for the kids they need there own rooms oh but im sure that kid loves his “room” which is the family couch

@AngkarYearZero - 31.12.2024 17:44

This is how you raise serial k1llers.

@urghhhhhhh - 02.01.2025 10:51

A proper dining and living room, a huge ahh master bedroom with king size bed for the parent but kids got bunk bed 😢

@WatchDoggyDog - 05.01.2025 02:37

I feel liie I already watched this, but I'm glad I just rewatched this. Simply amazing. I wonder what they're up to now. A good wholesome vibe all throughout, and then boom at the end, they eat meat and aren't vegan. Hopefully they are now or will be, and same for everyone else on my conundrum of an awesome planet.

@2501me - 11.01.2025 07:06

Camille is so cute:)
I was trying to say the word “ definitively” today

@Divoga1368 - 12.01.2025 04:06

Poor aiden, thats horrible

@Love2gmble - 12.01.2025 06:26

Do you work?

@valariep3443 - 12.01.2025 23:59

How or when do the parents work?

@caramileelliott1719 - 15.01.2025 11:07

I couldn’t possibly do this!! Maybe when my kids are grown and moved out, but to live in such a cramped and non-privacy RV is just too much!!

@JejeKim6469 - 15.01.2025 18:26

why do they give such small bedrooms meanwhile the parents sleep on the master bedroom, how selfish 😢

@glennroyster556 - 17.01.2025 03:41

Enjoyed watching this! Awesome journey!

@sethaldrich6902 - 17.01.2025 18:21

I think people that have boy kids don't realize that in America, they won't be able to have grandkids because women have gotten so terrible and such high standards. So for these folks, their only hope is that their daughter is not too picky and has kids.

@OurFamilyRoutes - 21.01.2025 06:10

Your rig is beautiful! Did you guys have to make any renovations?

@Lexibellington - 24.01.2025 06:31

Where is the privacy in this arrangement?

@maleyalove3447 - 26.01.2025 02:30

She wanted to say variety 😊

@Ginjajoos - 28.01.2025 07:02

Lil girl was so sweet lol, she was trying to say variety

@Cleavonmrballer - 09.02.2025 04:36

best RV I ever seen and the family is great !

@ikechukwuikonne8248 - 10.02.2025 03:14

I love your family so much I wish to meet you

@clarisefeliciano1743 - 10.02.2025 20:37

How about work?

@ElusiveClit - 12.02.2025 01:13

Blessed <3

@itsJayrivera - 17.02.2025 07:27

wait… WHAT? 🤨

@itsJayrivera - 17.02.2025 07:31

I have $100 they're gonna endup in the news for something crazy… probably by the mom 👀

@FusionMonkey-q2f - 22.02.2025 07:45

I'd love to see an update! You seem like such a nice family! I would love to do this!

@quant-trader-010 - 23.02.2025 04:36

How much does it cost?

@alphaghost1633 - 03.03.2025 09:22

Its only in the last several years that people have had the option of privacy in a home or anywhere It was not that long ago that familys lived in large one room dwellings everyone together Then before that we were all in an adobe room or cave - so quit whinning about it and let people be people and do it how they want to do it Tired of hearing these 30 year old cry babies that still live at home in mommas basement telling other people how to live -- So anyway thanks for the video I loved this family they are obviously happy

@midwestfreakshow726 - 04.03.2025 08:40

What's your guys ig I could not find it

@Sandy-u6c - 06.03.2025 20:40

Why did you not show us your bedroom and bathroom?

@Sandy-u6c - 06.03.2025 20:41

Oh you now are showing it.

@suziedebolt6619 - 08.03.2025 11:03

Sad thing is to me, parents have a luxurious bedroom, kids don’t. No privacy for kids

@Hinarukun - 10.03.2025 13:00

id be too scared to drive this thing. one crash and it's all gone

@chrissauer6138 - 12.03.2025 06:52

The kids appear to be very happy!!!
