Mautic and Amazon SES Setup Tutorial - Send emails using AWS SES

Mautic and Amazon SES Setup Tutorial - Send emails using AWS SES

Kevin Rundle

5 лет назад

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George Perez Sr
George Perez Sr - 11.11.2020 02:35

Would I need a smtp service like office 365 to connect it to mautic to send emails.

Glenn-L - 21.09.2020 16:02

Hello Kevin,glad to meet you here, I followed your video to connect aws ses to mautic, but when i choose "service to send mail through" as amazon ses - smtp, it doesn't show the option "amazon ses host" but show option "amazon ses region", why this happen, please help me, thank you very much

Varun Gupta
Varun Gupta - 12.08.2020 21:47

It's really amazing video.

Please make combined video for setting up VPS + Mautic + AWS SES for dedicated IP address

Ten Star Store
Ten Star Store - 20.07.2020 18:20

Thanks for the thorough explanation. All still up to date until I started configuring Mautic ... Amazon SES says my server is eu-west-2 but I can't find this in Mautic drop-down , can only find eu-west-1. And there is no option to add new servers.

Peripy - 17.07.2020 17:05

My test mail doesn't work any help?

Pranav Begade
Pranav Begade - 09.06.2020 20:57

Hi Kevin,
Thank you so much man! This was perfect demonstration for the setup.
Just a quick question, you mentioned about a cronjob in the end, have we configured that in the last video or this is something else that is needed to be configured?

Sanjay Singh
Sanjay Singh - 07.05.2020 02:07

I am not able to find a way to delete all the contacts from Mautic. could you please help me deleting the entire contact list.

Maciek Marchlewski
Maciek Marchlewski - 25.03.2020 04:42

Hey Guys, Thanks for the video. I am thinking of diving into using this service for my agency. I wanted to know if I have multiple customers. Should I host all of them through one instance of Mautic. Or do you think it would be worthwhile to create multiple instances of Mautic so I can configure an SES per client? Sending reputation is my number 1 concern and is the reason I am bringing this up. Ideally I would like to maintain one instance... thanks in advance.

GAGI FARGO - 03.03.2020 18:50

Amazon SES with open of 50,000/day.

Telegram - @account50kses

GAGI FARGO - 03.03.2020 18:50

Amazon SES with open of 50,000/day.

Telegram - @account50kses

Daniel Villarreal
Daniel Villarreal - 26.02.2020 03:00

this is a really good video, I think I dont need everything at first, but In couple weeks have everything set up right. thanks!

Michael Pomposello
Michael Pomposello - 07.01.2020 19:34

"OK let me send a test email to see if my cron job worked at 11:32 am .... oh I just got the 8 test emails I tried to send yesterday!" Thank you SO much for demystifying this, Kevin.

Greg White
Greg White - 22.11.2019 00:22

The MX record -- I use Office365 so my domain is setup with those MX records. Will the bounces and complaints still work if I don't put the SES mx record into my DNS settings? Also, I noticed you did not add an SPF record to your domain for SES, are you not recommending that?

S-Travel Albania
S-Travel Albania - 19.11.2019 12:50

Hej Kevin! Your videos are awesome! After installing, I came up to the point where I set up AmazonSES successfully, as well as cron jobs. I have build my campaigns, segmentation everything needed, and now I am ready to send it! What should be done for sending the very first email? If you have any video for that please share the link with us!

Thanks a lot!

Larry E
Larry E - 01.11.2019 06:10

My goodness, you are the man. I set it up successfully thanks to this video! Thanks!

armando silva
armando silva - 29.10.2019 08:38

thanks so much

Devyn Brugge
Devyn Brugge - 17.09.2019 06:29

Thanks. Very useful video! Just learning about Mautic. Loving this open source/Cost effective solution.

Mirza baba
Mirza baba - 04.09.2019 11:20

Can you please share the video of Setting a MAIL FROM Domain with Amazon SES .

ACTIMOMES - 26.05.2019 12:12

A question : should we leave this empty ? " Custom return path (bounce) address " ? Thanks a lot !

ACTIMOMES - 26.05.2019 12:10

Thanks a lot for this excellent tutorial !

Thomas J. Fellows
Thomas J. Fellows - 04.04.2019 15:21

I couldn't get the subscription confirmed in SNS. I wanted to use the mailer/amazon/callback webhook to create a bounced segment so I could delete bounces in Mautic. Any ideas?

Dave Dunn
Dave Dunn - 23.03.2019 08:12

is there a way to monitor the complaints in mautic.

Chandigarh Cabs
Chandigarh Cabs - 21.03.2019 22:17

Excellent bro. Thanks

John Wellington
John Wellington - 27.02.2019 17:57

hi kevin, thank you very much for your kind sharing and tutorial.
just one question pls, in my web hosting account, the MX record have 3 options,
- local mail exchanger
- backup mail exchanger
- remote mail exchanger

may i know which i should i pick?

Shannon Hamrick
Shannon Hamrick - 18.02.2019 18:04

Kevin (great videos by the way!), wondering about the DNS records when using a subdomain for Mautic. If the domain is already being used for the main website as well as for primary email, should the DKIM configuration be set up for the subdomain instead of the root domain? Would those additional MX records would create conflict for sending/receiving of regular email?

PatrickTT - 05.02.2019 15:56

Hey @Kevin Rundle
Thank you very much for this informative video! =)
About the MX records: Now you have two MX set up:
One with Prio 0 on the local domain and
one with Prio 10 to Amazon.
Isn't that a problem? Aren't all incoming mails then sent to the local domain? (Sorry if that is a dumb question, I'm not very deep into mail server config).

nhel - 09.01.2019 16:10

Got a problem regarding on the test email

James Foster
James Foster - 07.12.2018 18:43

Very helpful. Thanks.
