How NASA Gave Us a Better Mattress

How NASA Gave Us a Better Mattress


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@triviszla1536 - 03.08.2024 10:06

shoutout to nasa

@muqarabawan8200 - 03.08.2024 11:20

Why my wall Yellow cotton candy has no sugar

@pugz3230 - 03.08.2024 14:08

90% sure the spin-off magazine's existence is purely to keep congress from cutting NASA's funding by showing them how the challenges and discoveries of space exploration are useful to the economy.

@CLipka2373 - 03.08.2024 17:32

For the records: CMOS is not actually an image sensor technology, but rather a generic microchip technology, which is also used in e.g. computer CPUs.
The proper acronym for the image sensor technology referred to in the video would be "APS", which stands for "Active-Pixel Sensor". While this happens to be usually implemented in CMOS technology ("CMOS APS"), the "CMOS" part is not the primary characteristic of this sensor type.

@EmyN - 03.08.2024 18:46

The famous saying, necessity is the mother of innovation

@carloschau9310 - 03.08.2024 19:24

So good to see Hank back in shape❤

@KSMvidcast - 03.08.2024 22:34

I'm not a big fan of taxation, but if we are to be taxed, this is the most valuable use of said money.

@killernat1234 - 04.08.2024 04:07

NASA should be more like the NASA from for all mankind, selling what they create to fund further research and missions

@AroundTheBlockAgain - 04.08.2024 06:53

Wish the US would take a couple billion out of its $700B+ military budget and put them back into NASA...

@earthknight60 - 04.08.2024 08:52

You left out Astroglide lubricant....

@jordanspencer2157 - 04.08.2024 14:09

Wouldn't be surprised if Tang was a military thing tho

@jordanspencer2157 - 04.08.2024 14:45

I wasn't holding it in my hand, but it was within reach. In my pocket to be precise

@ben45248 - 04.08.2024 17:30

Isn't radiant barrier insulation basically a scam when it's not, y'know reflecting the sun because it's inside a wall?

@Geethepancake - 05.08.2024 09:21

And the Olympics still use foam beds…

@mirjam3553 - 05.08.2024 19:07

Than you for mentioning not all people want the memory foam sensation from their furniture! I can sort of stand it when it's a chair since standing up to reset myself is ok, but, like, how TF are you supposed to turn around on a foam mattress (nevermind whether memory foam or some latex or)? Do people literally roll over and in that case how do you not just run out bed to roll on, or do you just not notice how sheets tend to get pulled weird if you don't life your body high enough to escape the fluffy foams or is everybody just so strong that's a trivial matter?

Oh, I'm ranting on a forgotten page of comments. Oh well, on I go then :D

@imark7777777 - 06.08.2024 06:14

We should defund NASA and go back to the Stone ages. Oh wait we are. Can this even be considered sarcasm?

@KissMyFrog42 - 06.08.2024 14:49

Ugh, the texture of memory foam makes my skin crawl.

@Rico-Suave_ - 06.08.2024 17:16


@derekboeshans8806 - 07.08.2024 01:34

The title is a little off. The video didn't really explain "how" NASA developed memory foam. Also, since it highlights 7 other technologies too, I think the title shouldn't only refer to one of them.

@dan8910100 - 07.08.2024 01:35

Defund NASA

@thumpyloudfoot864 - 07.08.2024 01:48

Super Soakers™️

@PNW-Twelve - 07.08.2024 07:30

Go back to your roots.

@PNW-Twelve - 07.08.2024 07:31


@Alexism.1999 - 07.08.2024 11:14

Nothing to do with mattresses

@gosolobox - 07.08.2024 15:11

Taxpayers strapped for billions and the best NASA can give us is a mattress?

@voltflake - 07.08.2024 15:23

saul was right calling it a space blanket

@oldtimefarmboy617 - 07.08.2024 15:25

CMOS was patented in 1969 and was being used in computers by the 1980s. If you have a computer or computerized device that you can simply turn on and it boots up and loads all the necessary software to run without any input from yourself, then you are using a device with a CMOS in it.

CMOS is by no means a new technology.

@greenman6141 - 07.08.2024 15:52

Japan, Korea, Germany, Sweden, Finland and various other countries have industrial policies. That is the government, in coordination with quite a lot of other people and groups, puts funding and other resources towards various technologies that are deemed to be likely to be important or helpful in the near and not so near future.
The US has always claimed it doesn't do that. That it leaves such things to "the free market". That is, of course, bollix. The US has spent hundreds of billions on its industrial policy. It is just that it is mostly all about military technology. That's why Boeing exists.
NASA also figures in there.
The trouble has always been however, that the US military has never much been bothered with being cost efficient. Or anything efficient. Which is why it has given us, the Hummer. The most stupid vehicle ever, purchased by the most stupid people ever.
At least in the case of NASA, there is always a push for things to be small and fuel efficient because....well that's obvious. Meaning NASA related innovation is more apt to be useful industrially and commercially, as well as not hideously resource demanding and polluting.

@JamaicaWhiteMan - 08.08.2024 05:52

Mattress? They also gave you Starliner, and a one woman decision to use Starship as a lunar lander, who soon after left to work for SpaceX. Pitiful.

@NickGorton - 08.08.2024 06:38

Infrared thermometers are OK in many situations, but when it's critical to know when there's a fever (infants less than 90 days old, chemo patients or other serious immune compromise, etc), use an oral or rectal thermometer. If a 15 day old baby has a temp of 100.4, they need a full work-up, admission and IV antibiotics. An infrared thermometer could easily say a baby with a 100.4 temp doesn't have a fever. If you love your newborn, check it in their butt.

@dregenius - 08.08.2024 09:22

Landlords also aren't fan of installing any insulation in the first place because there's no incentive for them to save on an energy bill they're going to stick to the poor tenant anyway, which is one of many, many reasons that the rent-seeking behavior of landlords should be criminalized and all landlords imprisoned on a prison colony. Let them rent from each other and provide no other meaningful value to their society and see how long their little economy lasts. 😂

@lucaciprian8923 - 08.08.2024 11:25

Are we really sure that for CMOS sensors we have to say thank you??

@seasidescott - 08.08.2024 17:25

2 things: NASA physicists also tend to do things as simply and cheaply as possible (at least those with Apollo heritage). And many published papers later get classified due to simple but revolutionary tech employed in experiments that corporations want to take, tweak slightly and patent for themselves.

@garyagentg - 09.08.2024 04:46

That NASA mattress is giving me the worst back pains possible on any person, it aggravated my lower back issues now neck pains. Its not what they make it yo be its far worse for your back than an ordinary mattress. Its main purpose is to absorb shock not to lay down on for extended periods as the foam leaves your body lower than other parts if heavier ie. Think of a bowl shape if your mid section is heavy.

@rsac43 - 09.08.2024 12:04

8 mil subs for AI generated script and stock footage? lol

@Fractal_32 - 10.08.2024 01:56

9.) Digital fly-by-wire avionics

@purpshell - 12.08.2024 03:57

straight up misinformation

@gnewman18 - 12.08.2024 05:51

With all the private companies suddenly doing what NASA used to do, the patents that were developed with taxpayer money and therefore royalty free, now are not.

@alexanderkenway - 12.08.2024 07:39

Many of these are "Nasa perfected or made better" rather than invent

@ingamelevi1929 - 13.08.2024 08:09

Can I use radiant barriers or aerogel to keep an ebike battery insulated against particularly cold or warm outdoor temperatures?

@austincodes - 14.08.2024 19:55

If NASA actually commercialized their inventions, they wouldn't need any government funding.

@freedomcat - 15.08.2024 19:35

I use the radiant barriers on my windows so I can get a blackout cuz I work 3rd.

@TDYT103 - 16.08.2024 05:03

2024 Aug 15

@LittleRadicalThinker - 16.08.2024 18:11

The memory foam mattress is pure d** s***.

@spark_matter - 17.08.2024 05:02

isnt velcro also a nasa spinoff?

@winsucker7755 - 18.08.2024 09:50

DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid), a key component of Omega-3 fatty acids, is incredibly beneficial for cognitive health.

@lesleyghostdragon3149 - 08.09.2024 15:41

"...and also that one!" 🤓
Hank in stereovision stereovision😻
