Remember Tru Calling?

Remember Tru Calling?

Rachel Macdonald

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@davidandrews2972 - 01.10.2023 08:48

I remember this one well; in fact now that I'm reminded I'll dust off the box set. You missed several of my favourite moments though; the time where Harrison was the victim and his whisper was "Don't let him win..." and the other where he ambushed Jack in return, knocked him flat and said "That's for what you were going to do!" A fine show with great potential, gone too soon. And we never did find out Davis' first name...

@CaramelKittyKat - 02.10.2023 01:10

Never seen it, but damn that cast!

@DarylMCDeath - 02.10.2023 10:07

Most underrated Show of all Time!

@genti_b2093 - 02.10.2023 16:00

This show was great. So sad it didn't get a proper ending

@cristela4034 - 03.10.2023 15:55

Tru calling was such an interesting show. It's so sad it was cancelled, when nowadays way worse shows get several seasons. Another show I really liked that had an interesting premise and was cancelled without resolution was "Dark Angel".

@JuiceJ443 - 04.10.2023 02:13

Great show but it didn’t make it probably due to early edition. I loved both shows. It was cut way too short! If it aired now it would make it

@isabeaublea8008 - 04.10.2023 19:26

Yes I love this show!

@invadertifxiii - 04.10.2023 23:16

such an underrated show

@invadertifxiii - 04.10.2023 23:28

i love the christmas episode its so good. also i searched so hard to find what would of happened had it not been canceled. and jenson would of changed slowly and snapped from him not supposed to be alive. yes the one mentioned in the video is what i read

@invadertifxiii - 04.10.2023 23:32

if there ever was a show that needed a proper reboot its this one

@mylittlejellybaby - 04.10.2023 23:35

i liked this show and i was bummed out that they cancelled it but i found there is a lot of similarities to ghost whisper with her brother being opposite to keep the ghost to stay on earth not to help them pass on

@amyclements6872 - 06.10.2023 02:16

this would be great if netflix would get this an continue the series

@Nindira - 07.10.2023 16:28

I looooved this show... hated it when it got cancelled. I just found your channel i don't know if you already reviewed Dollhouse... if not would be awesome

@jenniferdruidhill7157 - 08.10.2023 00:39

that show was freaking awesome

@NickMichalak - 09.10.2023 19:56

I still own both seasons on DVD. I rather enjoyed the show back in the day. I know there were folks that tuned out because season one had been so formulaic. They didn't develop the concepts in the show quite fast enough, I think. As you stated, it had potential to deepen its arcs and make a more complex show. Of course, this aired on Fox where a lot of genre shows were hard pressed to find long lasting life. If this had been picked up by The WB / CW, it would've had four or five seasons with the same ratings.

@emperorsean1 - 14.10.2023 10:53

We never learned why truths dad killed her mom to?

@likeavirshin - 16.10.2023 15:07

I love Tru calling! I forgot about it until I saw this video. It has bring a lot of good memories 😊

@Almog3 - 16.10.2023 16:44

I loved that show!! Pls make a video about Joan of arcadia from around the same time 2003/2004

@seaturtlepoppy7679 - 16.10.2023 19:14

I miss this show so much. I wasn't fond of the second partial season because it seemed so rushed. But it made the second of season of "Dollhouse" make more sense. I don't understand how Josh Whedon would let a writer dumb down the lead female character after everything he said about Buffy. I don't know much about the allegations against him, but wasn't Eliza a favorite?? (It doesn't excuse anything - I'm just curious.)

@nicoledin7091 - 20.10.2023 21:29

I really liked this show😢

@jeffawags - 21.10.2023 08:43

Is this show streaming? Available on blu ray?

@rubykrussg - 30.10.2023 02:11

I lived this show, I loved dollhouse as well!!

@magick333 - 31.10.2023 02:07

both tru calling and dollhouse were great shows.

@Lara_Ameen - 31.10.2023 05:46

Tru Calling premiered 20 years ago today! I wouldn’t be the writer I am today without this show. I was really interested in the show’s mythology and how that was developing, especially with how Tru’s father was betraying his own daughter and the screwed up mentor/mentee relationship with Richard and Jack. Also was super intrigued by some of the proposed storylines. Jensen being a serial killer. Parallel universes? Rewinds following atypical patterns? Yes, please!

Tru and Jack had undeniable chemistry and it was the kind of enemies to lovers relationship I’d love to see play out on screen. But I feel like I wanted it to be earned, so it’d have to be a slow build with twists.

I love time travel shows and movies! And grateful for the friendships I made because of this show! It deserved better! 😭💜

@lindseyariegel7703 - 01.11.2023 09:33

it so sad that series like this that had actual potential end before it's time. another one that comes to mind is Jericho.

@kelsey1467 - 04.11.2023 11:45

i love this show but i want to mention one major con that wasn't brought up in the video and thats the character of michele shes a reporter in season 1 and becomes to suspect that tru has some ability thats causing less deaths in the morgue its a reacruing element but its dropped in the middle of season 1 and honestly im happy it was cause i don't like her type the bad person reporter who always tries for a good story even it ruins someones life but even if michelle did find out about trus power no one would believe her so i don't why the introduced that as a sub plot it seemed like a bad idea right from the start

@FastDuDeJiunn - 08.11.2023 08:24

i first seen her in this show. i really liked the show bought dvd set. the only part i hated....... was zac g. i never been able to stand that guy. not funny, inteligent etc. just a putz. the show still did well inspite of him holding it back.

Izombie or whatever tried to do same premise. but imo has bombed hard......... i couldnt stand any part of that show try as i might.

@JLvatron - 09.11.2023 17:31

This was a great show! Jason Priestly's addition really exploded the story!

@slanetroyard92 - 09.11.2023 18:05

I loved the show when it came out. My favorite was the second episode of season one where Tru meets that firefighter nick.

@msrainbowbrite - 11.11.2023 13:56

i hope so. i loved this show

@Tonyr2 - 13.11.2023 18:02

Love, love Eliza. Beautiful and talented, pity about the Faith spinoff though. Would have been brilliant, such a deep character with flaws but what a show it would have made.

@nicoledin7091 - 16.11.2023 08:46

Wish they would make a book series

@stardustvideo - 23.11.2023 01:28

I loved that show. The intro music was 🔥

@Vampire-666. - 26.11.2023 23:52

In my opinion this show to me was The Sixth Sense meets Final Destination

@shadowcookiedog2223 - 26.12.2023 04:36

My uncle is one of the characters (:

I'm being completely honest

@FruityHachi - 17.01.2024 20:46

that was my favorite show that how the creepy aspect of talking dead people, for some reason ghost shows like Ghost Whisperer didn't appeal to me, I liked that Tru Calling wasn't a typical ghost show

@ADzDaRRman - 23.01.2024 09:41

Great Video, so sad that it ended when it was really hitting its stride

@julieking4927 - 29.01.2024 02:08

Eliza has always been one of my favorite actresses to watch. Id love to hear you do a breakdown of her in dollhouse. She did such a great job, and that show was so cool, strange and thought provoking.

@AzguardMike - 02.02.2024 17:06

thing is, it looks like Madam Web is copying this show in its movie. A EMT who see's people die then tries to prevent it. An evil white guy that wants to ""preserve fate." Its literally this show.

@LionArmyReacts - 20.03.2024 20:52

I don't remember this show or maybe I forgot about this show?

@brandijo7632 - 06.04.2024 14:41

Scream Queen 👑 Would you guys out there like 2 Actually see The Faith The Vampire Slayer movie? Well it's Called FIGHTING R TRUE DESTINY and That's exactly what this is. Its me and Faith's story (I always write us as Sister's The Chosen 2) And it goes from when we were kids and could sense that we were Vampire Slayer's....😮To how we left Boston 4 Sunnydale (Basically its Faith's Version of The Buffy movie) Buffy's in this (but she's Bad Ass Buffy from The Wish.---Its not like on the show from Merrick in LA (we got another Merrick) 2 Sunnydale) Buffy's The Slayer who failed instead of Faith. Giles is killed by Vampires, Willow and Xander aren't important 2 the story (merely hinted at.) Buffy's apart of our gang...(no Scooby title) And when I say we I mean Kai cause after he saves me from a Vampire I ask. "Who R you? Im the hero." And a new character Kai's older brother Dylan (He's also Faith's Love interest) He's her rough and tumble guy. Now if you want a lil preview of this movie 🎥 I did base it around a Utube video 📸 called Faith/Dean let live (So Kai's brother is Dean I just changed his name 2 Dylan (no other ties 2 Supernatural though.) We get to see Faith's training scene taken straight outta the Buffy movie (her Watcher's Gwendolyn Post, just not Evil) See her 1st dusting (That's pretty bad ass because one thing I added from the movie that they never did in the show was Faith kicks the Stakes in the Vampire's hearts 💕 Buffy's dusting (Sarah Michelle Gellar) is like in the movie, and its My movie So Joyce ain't an integral part of the story either. This one's about all of us.....Now I'll be right back.... cause there's something I gotta do, I might have got the title of that Video wrong. I think Its Faith/Dean Let Live but lemme check

@brandijo7632 - 12.04.2024 18:23

Scream Queen 👑 In Fact I DID get the Faith /Dean Video title wrong. So okay lets try this one more time. You're confused Blondie The title of my movie is..... Fighting R True Destiny I know." Buffy said. "But the Faith/Dean Fanvid title is Our Way." Faith said. "Its like a mini movie." Faith said "Well I'm sure your fans can't wait 2 see it." Buffy said. "Got that right." Faith said

@jazminefitzgerald2593 - 30.04.2024 19:11

Cut short way too early. It was a brilliant show

@borednow5838 - 16.05.2024 13:44

Thanks! Look forward to doing this one with you.

@oldschoolwrestlingrambles595 - 17.05.2024 13:12

This show does deserve a bit more love. Bit of a slow burn but lots of fun once it got going. Good video as always.

@Alpha1200 - 02.06.2024 22:56

Underappreciated show, I think. And it was getting better and better as time went on. It dealt with some interesting concepts and it was slowly revealing itself to be much richer and deeper than it initially seemed like. I think it's a pity it got cancelled so early.

@johnnahodil - 06.06.2024 22:30

Got both seasons on dvd, no spoilers for anyone who hasn't seen it all, but the last couple episodes left a serious cliff hanger where it asked more questions than it answered

@user-np4kd5uz9s - 07.06.2024 01:41

great picture 250

@user-np4kd5uz9s - 07.06.2024 01:47

they should have had tru,s best friend fall in love with Harrisson instead of writing her out of the show
