How to register Wacom product and redeem software

How to register Wacom product and redeem software


3 года назад

18,245 Просмотров

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@draupnirspear8920 - 14.09.2023 11:46

how in 2023?

@examsubmission7468 - 24.04.2023 05:39

Your instructions doesn’t cover chrome

@Reefir_ - 20.09.2022 06:07

Wacom seriously needs to revise the way they register devices. I have gone and uninstalled 3 times in order to redeem my software that came with the bundle and so it says to be registered with the Desktop Center but never on my own Wacom ID in the website which is irritating to say the least. How the hell can I even reap the benefits set for purchasers like I am if they don’t make this any easier? I have done this process once and for the life of me, I do not know how it was successful at all.

@DevKrZyTBH - 20.06.2022 13:27

this didnt help me at all ;-;

@NhaNhLil - 21.04.2022 12:29

Sorry, but my Wacom desktop center doesn't register/ login automatically. Idk why, but I re-installed the driver once, but It still doesn't work... I can't see the notice for login/ register the device when installing :(( so I couldn't download the software.
The last time I did, it was successful....
Who can help me pleaseeeee, thank you!

@dayinhistory7422 - 08.11.2021 20:02

How can you fly a plane, just set and fly WTF!!!

@KhoiruunisaRF - 17.07.2021 13:03

Can you please give the tutorial more thoroughly & slowly step by step? With narration will be better. It looks like a speedrun now...

@massouleh854 - 12.06.2021 20:22

There is no blue register button on my apps, and i cant register on website, my devices is ctl 4100

@AnimeAttics - 07.04.2021 15:48

@Wacom When will the Wacom Cintiq PRO 16 will be back?
