Rank 8-9 Armor & Weapon Enchantments EXCHANGEABLE | Neverwinter

Rank 8-9 Armor & Weapon Enchantments EXCHANGEABLE | Neverwinter


2 года назад

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alistairetheblu - 16.02.2022 08:06

edit: I guess just frost rank 8 is bugged

Banana_Got_Banned - 15.01.2022 11:58

@Enyo, Once u equip to character the exchanged "illusion", does it become account-claimable Or do we have to buy and exchange multiple of the same illusions if you want said illusion for all Toons???

Drogonn - 01.01.2022 14:44

So its up from rank8 to get exchanged?

Konstantinos Tsesmelis
Konstantinos Tsesmelis - 23.12.2021 02:44

Hi Enyo, what about the rank 7s? Would they offer anything?

Elson - 22.12.2021 20:31

Enyo, do you still make exploration videos? wanted to know what's in the blocked passages of the face change tower. one passage going down and the other going up... moreover, I discovered that going up the roofs is actively gained. good christmas 👏🏽

Ansfrida Eyowulfsdottir
Ansfrida Eyowulfsdottir - 20.12.2021 20:24

Aye, we can exchange them for a pile of worthless cack.


Andersinho - 20.12.2021 19:58

Does the illusions u get from r8s are the same look from r14s? Or they the same as the old version where lower ranks has "weaker" looks?

Heide - 20.12.2021 18:31

Yeah basically if we don't care about skin or visuals at all, they are not exchangeable for anything useful .. great...

Dustin D
Dustin D - 20.12.2021 18:12

The way that things are looking for mod 22 i am not very happy with mod22 weapon and armour enchament changes. All thing that should be taken into considering if cryptic actually hired people who are lije playing dungons and dragons and if wizzards of the coast would actually stat guidelines for weapon and armour enchantment enhancements. Ps also at this point i would rather not have a 6 revisal of the combat system in 2 year 4 with in 1 year alone and just leave the weampon and armour enchatments enhancements just as they are in mod 21 even if being slighty underpowered

Dustin D
Dustin D - 20.12.2021 18:07

Why is wizzards of the coast not stepping to protect the intelectial property right to dungons and dragons in regruards to neverwinter being able to equip both weapon and armour at the same time also why is wizzards of the coast not telling cryptic studieos perfect world entertainment no to removing any of the weapon and armour enchantments powers. What are character who reley on the area of effect from lighting enchatment enhancement for aor damage. Is there going to be an aoe option with in the new weapon enhancemants enchantments?

R.LancerX - 20.12.2021 16:01

How about the rank 10?

OldheadVaughn - 20.12.2021 15:46

Thank you!

Sean Botha
Sean Botha - 20.12.2021 14:14

It gives you no CURENCY just a useless skin! SO the real answer is NO YOU CANNOT
