An Interesting Trick with XOR to Flip Bits in a Byte!

An Interesting Trick with XOR to Flip Bits in a Byte!

Gary Explains

1 год назад

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Kent Kvalnes
Kent Kvalnes - 18.01.2023 02:30

Nice bit flipping! Back to school again 🙂

consumer - 12.01.2023 11:56

Nice bitflip technique, the codebase at work actually uses if conditions for it lol

Maurizio Ferreira
Maurizio Ferreira - 11.01.2023 20:20

Using a single 'and' and a single 'xor', you can also do :

Set some bit
Reset other bits
Invert other bits,
Leave other bits unchanged.

Suppose you that you want to (counting from left to right) :

- invert bits 1 and 2
- leave bit 3 unchanged
- set bit 4 and 5
- invert bit 6
- leave bit 7 unchanged
- reset bit 8

How can you do that using just two operations ?
simply 'and' the byte with the following value
(this resets bits 4,5,8, leaving the others unchanged),
and xor the result with the following value:
This inverts bits 1,2
than it leaves unchanged bit 3
bit 4 and 5, that were cleared by the 'and', are now set
bit 6 is inverted by the xor
bit 7 is left unchanged
bit 8, that was cleared by the 'and', is left reset.

Sazid Hossain
Sazid Hossain - 01.01.2023 07:38

When is speedtestg returning

Muddy Export
Muddy Export - 29.12.2022 21:41

And another good 101 class on bit magic!

Based - 29.12.2022 20:09

Why use XOR to flip bits when the NOT operator does the same thing?

Sean Condon
Sean Condon - 29.12.2022 03:09

Oh good. You mentioned RAID. You know, it took me a while to understand how a RAID5 array could retain all the data if any one drive was missing. But once I understood how XOR worked, I had it figured out.

MrWaalkman - 29.12.2022 01:47

XOR is just an ADD without the carry.

So General Motors used a McAfee or a Norton program (I forget which) that would expand a .ZIP or a .7z file that was being copied to a jump drive and scan its contents to determine if the ZIP file contained any sensitive data. This effectively limited the throughput of a copy routine to roughly 1GB per day. Kinda slow...

After quite a bit of poking around, I found the the program looked at just the first two bytes of the file to determine what kind of file it was. If it started out with "PK", then it was a ZIP file. If it started out with "7z", then it was a 7Zip file.

So I created a program that XOR'ed the first two characters of a file with my favorite number, 69, and stored them back to the file and saved it. The protection routine would not detect the nature of the file because the signature was changed and thus allowed the file to be copied to the removable media directly. Running the program a second time returned it to its original contents.

The exploit has been fixed (I wasn't trying to hide what I was doing, and I went as far as to share it with IT), so consider either XOR'ing the entire file, or do the sensible thing and avoid working for GM altogether.

Paul Michael Freedman
Paul Michael Freedman - 28.12.2022 22:17

In Python, swapping values has been made very easy:

a,b = b,a

But the underlying function probably uses the method Gary describes.

Paul Michael Freedman
Paul Michael Freedman - 28.12.2022 22:04

I'd rather flip burgers on a BBQ but it's winter and I'll settle for this.

V J - 28.12.2022 20:00

very interesting, thanks Gary. Don't see code in repository.

John G7RWF
John G7RWF - 28.12.2022 18:08

Takes me back to my training at Arborfield Garrison 40 years ago. Subsequently, used for many years developing industrial robots for the pick & place industry.
Great video, many thanks. J

Ravi Mali
Ravi Mali - 28.12.2022 18:00

This is nice refresher for advanced programmer 😛
