Switching to Galaxy S22 Ultra From iPhone 13 Pro - The BEST & WORST Parts

Switching to Galaxy S22 Ultra From iPhone 13 Pro - The BEST & WORST Parts

Created by Ella

2 года назад

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Rudy F
Rudy F - 29.09.2023 00:32

Apple has control over your iPhone no matter what.

Samuel Lebed
Samuel Lebed - 17.09.2023 06:17

That ugreen 200 watt charger is a genuinely good product and the sponsorship for it wasn’t that long so that was nice.

Mutant - 04.09.2023 10:10

how do you export the samsung s22 ultra media onto your computer where you edit it ?? it looks sooo good

SinX - 10.08.2023 09:52

No one beats android 😁

Tran Trong Thang
Tran Trong Thang - 31.07.2023 23:37

iPhones actually have one-handed mode too

Jose D. Cruz
Jose D. Cruz - 27.07.2023 04:37

The one fact alone convinced me to leave apple. Price apple loves taking people’s money. They keeps on selling the same junk model phones time and time again. Pretty soon iPhones will start looking more like Samsung phones. The charging port is going away coming September new models. C-charging cables will come with it. So get ready to give your hard earned money to apple for that.

Filipe Carvalho
Filipe Carvalho - 23.07.2023 21:36

Use syncthyng to sync with any device 👍

Jon Smith
Jon Smith - 22.07.2023 17:33

The coping in the comments is embarrassing 😂

danishbhat - 22.07.2023 06:54

watching on 13 pro😁

Vegas Vickie905
Vegas Vickie905 - 24.06.2023 04:36

I made the same switch, mostly because I couldn't find any iPhone users with brain cells. Also all very creepy.
All the smart, classy people I know have Samsung. And I agree, best change ever!

escamillaconcepcion - 13.06.2023 21:34

been an apple user too for very long time. I still have my iPhone 14 Pro Max with me, and Huawei P40 Pro Plus as back up. But dang, i purchased 2nd hand S22 ultra and I was like, ughh this phone is damn good! I love so much the One UI 5.0 customization and the portrait shots in this s22 U is pretty damn good. I hate samsung before as i had bad exp with its screens with s6 and s7 edge before but samsung nowdays, their series are so much improved+ the S pen!

Kerry Kwok
Kerry Kwok - 12.06.2023 22:44

I love watching your videos

the truth RDX
the truth RDX - 09.05.2023 21:34

iphone is waste of money No water drop display!!! no spen!! zoom limit to 3x!!

Grilled Cheese
Grilled Cheese - 02.05.2023 18:54

I just switched from the S22 to the 14 pro max and I'm enjoying it so much more

munshif - 30.04.2023 23:59

android is better.

jinxi_YT - 25.04.2023 17:54

i just ditched iphone for s23+ because of ios still doesn't have swipe from right to left to go back.
Also, reason i get s23+ was to try out Dex, i want to streamline my pc, my wife laptop, and my son tablets/pc, if dex can replace pc and laptop, it will be very minimalist.

Mar Lougin Malana
Mar Lougin Malana - 23.04.2023 11:28

What screen protector do you advise for s22 ultra?

larry - 18.04.2023 03:58

That was very simple toss the i crap iPhone out the window and get a Samsung

Daan Linssen
Daan Linssen - 06.04.2023 15:44

With DEX you can leave your laptop at home if your office has USB dockingstations. And from there you can connect to virtual desktops. That's HUGE!

sonia Terrero
sonia Terrero - 28.03.2023 19:49

“Don’t talk to me”(a iPhone user)

Kimberly Yuma
Kimberly Yuma - 28.03.2023 00:07

I am from iphone 13 and switched to Samsung A53. Camera wise iphone wins but in overall experience being able to put personal touch on my Samsung really felt more like home than when I"m on the iphone.

beemerchef27 - 27.03.2023 23:36

These types of videos show just how attached to our phones we are. It's actually very sad.

RIKESH - 24.03.2023 18:13

beautiful attack titan

UsuallyClueless - 16.03.2023 22:38

KDEconnect is more of a Linux thing. Not really sure if it works as well in a Mac.

Molly Ann Zhi Hua Lunnebalk
Molly Ann Zhi Hua Lunnebalk - 05.03.2023 21:49

I have an iPhone 11 Pro and have had iPhone since I was like 11. I’m 19 now and I’ve been thinking about Samsung lately. The reviews are literally so good and this phone has everything I need. The biggest problem here is that my whole fam is Apple based and if I change I don’t only need to get used to android but to get used to being the only Samsung user. Despite all this, I think I would be really satisfied with Samsung. I’m in desperate need of a better camera since I love taking photos and want a better battery. Anyone who has advice for me? 😅

John Rosko
John Rosko - 05.03.2023 16:07

I just went from having all Galaxies from 2012 to an iPhone 14 pro. I get irritated with the iPhone a lot. But I’m going to try and make the best out of this, use it long enough so I consider it getting my money’s worth, and see if I need to go back. Change is good. So I am aware of what I was missing and what I had. I have 7 more days to return it and am going to brave through this os 😂

Harvey Creed
Harvey Creed - 26.02.2023 15:55

Fantastic review Ella😘👍

eternal sunshine 🌻🤎
eternal sunshine 🌻🤎 - 21.02.2023 07:20

Honestly samsung Dex do works better on Samsung's tabs, personally when my laptop is broken (which leaves me to using my tabs bcs tabs are not allowed on my school), using samsung dex is something that helps me so much more rather than using the default tabs.

Jonathan Montalvo
Jonathan Montalvo - 15.02.2023 07:14

Best part is you look epic holding S22 Ultra !!

L Ro
L Ro - 14.02.2023 16:39

I tried to switch but it was SO DIFFICULT to migrate my photos from my iPhone and my documents from iCloud. Absolutely insane that Samsung doesn’t have a documents cloud service anymore! Also, the Google play store is SOOOO CLUTTERED! I can’t even!

J. G.
J. G. - 14.02.2023 15:52

You sold me and I’m super thrilled to switch. I’m really excited to get this product. Thanks so much for the excellent and honest review. Back to Android I go

eugene loke
eugene loke - 14.02.2023 04:31

everything is perfet till i saw ur wire not manage

Jack J
Jack J - 13.02.2023 04:01

Samsung sucks. I got the s22 ultra. Isn't a phone suppose to answer a call without having to go through several steps to allow you to accept a call with one touch of the screen?, No you have go through all this shut to do anything in this crap. Back to iphone where life was easier .

Anastasija Huck
Anastasija Huck - 13.02.2023 02:31

Wahts the Name of your cases for s22 ultra ? 😍😍 the are very beautiful

Raz Bakar
Raz Bakar - 12.02.2023 10:15

great vid Ella, but to confirm, you couldn't find a transition and working solution to emulate the Apple ecosystem that will happily work with Macbooks and iPads? I have been trying to exit the Apple ecosystem for a few years now but being so dependant on iCal (now Calendar), Mail and the other Apple-specific functions, its been hardgoing trying to actually do it.

Chat N X
Chat N X - 11.02.2023 20:38

Can't not subscribe to your channel now!
New subscriber

Gaming in Still Life
Gaming in Still Life - 08.02.2023 02:47

I was thinking about switching from Android to an iphone. But after seeing this video I think I'm going to stick with Samsung

James H
James H - 07.02.2023 22:32

I don’t get why you’d want to customise your apps to look transparent? surely they’re then harder to find at a glance?

Moondevell - 07.02.2023 21:46

Linux has amazing replacement options for the most common apps windows/Mac OS has. KDE is clean and resourceful. I wish it were possible for people using other operating systems to enjoy Linux apps. That's why a lot of people will refuse to check them out, the lack of compatibility. Anyway. Great review Ella. I'm definitely considering getting a Samsung as my new phone.

semperer - 04.02.2023 21:19

Iphone have this trough shortcuts.. so not eve real customization

Fares Maouche
Fares Maouche - 03.02.2023 23:10

Apples users are forces to get all the Eco system just to get a better user expirence , but if you relay only on a Apple smart phone you'll be like alone in univers cuz you mostly can't interact with most of other devices out there , so Apples making you as an Addict on their devices , even though they're better on proccesing fast and convinant but if you switch to other device than apples it would be hard transformation

Alexander Dimitrov
Alexander Dimitrov - 03.02.2023 22:00

Absolute BULLSH*T - almost all of the features are the same ot both phones !!!

NASHPVKA - 03.02.2023 21:04

iv went back and forth from iphones and samsung phones since iphone 6 and galaxy s2 were in stores and now i have both iphone 13mini and galaxy s22. and in my experience i would stick to iphones from now on. Yes samsung phones have various customization but thats all there is to me. iphones are more optimized less issues with overheating which makes sense with apples solid software support
and i experienced less issues when using iphones. people say samsung phones have better cameras spec sheet wise maybe,but in 2023 you really cant tell with a naked eye even with my 13mini cameras. if u just what a phone that lasts then iphone is the better choice. if u want a phone that needs personalization or u change to a new phone ever two years then samsung.

SELASI - 03.02.2023 14:08

i've been an Android user since i got my first phone which is almost 10 years ago. i've only ever heard how iPhone is so much better than an Android.
but there is no costumization nor multitasking on iOS... i'm sorry what 😃?

TropicalGinger - 03.02.2023 13:38

Nu samsungul e prostie

Stealth - 03.02.2023 11:37

Yea, too bad when you are a busy man you don't have time nor you are interested in all these features

ulgn1964 - 02.02.2023 23:42

Used to be apple fan but after my Ipad Pro screen broke after 4 month and apple did not fix it i sold my iPhone, mac mini and deleted my account.
Now i have Windows and android phone and it's so much better.
The one thing i hate the most about apple is the limitations, you have no freedom to design your phone the way you want it, and the computers are overpriced, and you can't repair something if it's broken, you don't own it you just borrow it and after a couple of years you can't use it anymore because apple stops with the updates, my old Ipad 1st gen still works fine but i can't do anything with it, and that's the worst with apple.
