How to Install macOS Catalina on PC Step by Step Guide | Install macOS Catalina with Virtual box

How to Install macOS Catalina on PC Step by Step Guide | Install macOS Catalina with Virtual box

Wasay Tech Tips

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Plamedi Minambo
Plamedi Minambo - 24.04.2022 20:49

where can i find the MacOS code because i cant seem to find it

Olalere Isreal
Olalere Isreal - 23.04.2022 11:49

This is helpful ,please i want to ask if macOs high Sierra also can be downloaded and run on the virtual machine instead of Catalina

Arjit Singh
Arjit Singh - 01.02.2022 15:26

I m unable to understand from where you got that code which you replaced, please help me with the Mac OS Code so that I can run it. Thank you in advance

Self-Law - 16.12.2021 14:26

What about graphics 3d acceleration?.

Muhammad Haneef
Muhammad Haneef - 13.12.2021 15:33

how to install one time code to RUN MACOS FOR THE FIRST TIME

Syed Shayan Ali
Syed Shayan Ali - 17.08.2021 09:36

Please give me iso file because file doesn't not exist here

Rajat Gaur
Rajat Gaur - 30.07.2021 19:04

getting this error

Failed to open a session for the virtual machine mac.

Failed to get device handle and/or partition ID for 0000000001d3a780 (hPartitionDevice=0000000000000c75, Last=0xc0000002/1) (VERR_NEM_VM_CREATE_FAILED).

Result Code: E_FAIL (0x80004005)
Component: ConsoleWrap
Interface: IConsole {872da645-4a9b-1727-bee2-5585105b9eed}

Tokka Khalaf
Tokka Khalaf - 30.06.2021 11:11

It is like part 6 is not downloading, i have tried more than 10 times

JC JC - 20.06.2021 20:40

Bro it's was stucked at last sign up for Apple part what to do

valeria - editora
valeria - editora - 14.06.2021 02:29

everything worked well for me, the only thing is that when i click start on virtualbox, it starts and writes all the codes, but then it restarts again. is there anyway to fix this so i can actualy get into the ios screen

Krupen Patel
Krupen Patel - 23.05.2021 15:48

Can you please help me out? It is not working
it is coming up with "bdsdxe failed to load boot 001" this error

KrisZna - 14.05.2021 05:39

hi bro plz help bdsdxe failed to boot0001 "UEFI VBOX CD ROM VBI 1A2B3C4D

Awd - 14.05.2021 04:08

Im sound not working, why ?

Atley Anderson
Atley Anderson - 02.05.2021 05:08

I fully set it up to the instructions, but then when i hit start, only 3 commands popped up and waited for like 10 minutes and no new commands popped up in the setup. Is this normal?

Pushpak Abnave
Pushpak Abnave - 20.04.2021 19:01

Hey Wasay i'm not able to unzip the macOS. It shows the file is damaged.
Also im not able to download any other stuff from the link you mentioned.

Atif Ahmad
Atif Ahmad - 20.04.2021 16:27

UEFI interface Shell v2.2
Edk ll
Uefi v2.70 (Edk ll, 0...........

this kind of some text appears on black screen and not move further any suggestion?

Seidu A Fataw
Seidu A Fataw - 11.04.2021 02:55

I always stuck at the last installation why

Muhammad Shayan
Muhammad Shayan - 07.04.2021 14:13

does it work on windows 8?

Shubham Jain
Shubham Jain - 01.04.2021 05:34

Can we connect our ios device with this virtual MacOS via USB? If yes, can you please tell me the steps, I couldn't find anything which is working on the internet. It will be of much help to me . Thanks
